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Everything posted by spuglisi

  1. Great photos Doug (as always). Wish I could have been there.
  2. spuglisi

    Tall ships

    There are 2 tall ships docked at Salisbury beach state reservation right now..."The peacemaker and the "Kalmar Nyckel" They'll be there at least through the weekend. On Aug 7th there will be 4 tall ships, including the CG's Eagle, Sailing into Portsmouth. The 7th is a Fri. Several of us will be paddling out from Fort Stark, on Newcastle island, that morning to see them come in (hopefully) under sail. I can post more details if anyone cares to join us.
  3. I think that on the speed question, there in nothing in the physics but there is something in the history, culture and market forces. Your point is well taken but my guess (pure speculation on my part) is that to some extent the shape of a sea kayaks hull is dictated by the need to accommodate the paddlers feet and knees below deck. I don't really have a clue if this is enough to effect hull speed...but maybe it is
  4. Your kayak should fall under the personal property provision of your homeowners insurance. A deductible will likely apply.
  5. A couple of years ago a group of us were out on a night paddle (Nancy, same as is scheduled for tonight) The Hampton marine patrol came motoring towards us at a good rate of speed ( as if to make a point) and informed us that a 360 degree light needed to be used by each paddler for us to be in compliance with NH regs. Nearly all of us had some combination of shoulder, deck, or headlamps along with flashlights but they insisted that a 360 white light was required. No fines but an unfriendly warning.
  6. Spider, I think that no matter who's land it is...It was the State of NH that conducted the search and they're the ones billing the hiker.
  7. I use 303, often, on my 4 year old drysuit and the gaskets are still in good shape. It seems to help keep them very supple. I usually spray it on a cloth and then rub it on the gaskets...inside and out.
  8. Plum Island kayaks, is right up the river from there but possibly they've already checked with them.
  9. The route will, no doubt, be worked out before the 18th but I second $3 Dewey's as a spot to reflect on the days paddle. :drinkinBuddies:
  10. Rob, I'm a maybe but only if you'll give me some pointers on that, death defying, reverse sculling maneuver.
  11. If you order before 3pm McMaster ships same day and you'll receive your order the following day. They have a tremendous selection of hard to find items
  12. spuglisi


    Jeff, there's a group of people doing a trip up there right now. They'll be heading back after the weekend. I'm sure someone will be able to give you some good up to the minute info
  13. Hal, Not sure where you can get a cable other than from WS. Bicycle shops sell cable cutters but you might try wrapping the cable with electrical tape before cutting.
  14. I would caution against using bungee ( due to a scary, but uneventful, personal experience) for a knife tether. Imagine having the bungee stretched...and the knife slipping out of your hand...
  15. Rob, I'm planning on joining you. See you tomorrow.
  16. Watch for those crosswinds
  17. It was a blast! Thanks for posting the photos.
  18. I can make it for the day paddle on Saturday.
  19. Scott, What I think he's talking about is a plastic clip attached to a short bungie, on valley boats, that's used to keep the toggle secured during transport. It clips to a metal ring incorporated in the deck lines.
  20. Graham, I don't know anything about the aquaseal product but my drysuit is going on 5 years and I use 303 regularly. I agree with Bob, the seals are not likely to react badly to 303. Mine are still in good shape. If the suit is only a year old you might want to check with kokotat before you go any further. If they've been having gasket problems ( a bad batch possibly) they may repair them for you. My understanding is that they have good customer service.
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