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Everything posted by spuglisi

  1. Cathy, Seattle outdoor fabrics http://www.seattlefabrics.com/?gclid=CMbX8...CFQ2HHgodLTh5xA has a great assortment of fabrics (including goretex and neoprene), rope, webbing, bungie cord, nylon clips, buckles, D-rings....etc..plus they have some good information as well.
  2. Jason, I've seen it in NAPA auto parts stores.
  3. Drysuits are pricey Darrell...and I remember questioning the investment before I bought mine but once I took the plunge (so to speak) I don't have any regrets. I use it more often than I thought I would and it's pretty comfortable to paddle in.
  4. Just an observation on the "78" subaru. My guess is that the carburetor wasn't able to deal with the cange in air density in the mountains. EFI has solved that problem nicely.
  5. Ah! the plastic tub problem....I know it well. They seem to multiply til they have filled whatever space is available.
  6. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 31 2008, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sal, Tom H, Les, can you send me your emails? Thanks... Kevin, You can reach me at spuglisi155@yahoo.com
  7. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 31 2008, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sal, I'll be sending an email out either today or tomorrow about this. If someone does not get the email, then I don't have them on the list. I'll confirm here once I have sent it out. Thanks Kevin
  8. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 24 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Joe, Yup, North Shore, May 3/4, presumably Todd. So, we've got a dozen! I'll send an email to everyone I have on the list and we can coordinate off line. Kevin, Have you sent out the e-mail for the WFA course yet?
  9. I'm just not getting tired of watching that video...And I think we've all learned a valuable lesson about what NOT to do when we're out in our helicoptors
  10. It looks like the hyphen is causing the problem. Because "sign-up" shows only as "sign" also
  11. Isle au Haut it was buried back in the thread.
  12. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 20 2008, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sal, I did get the email and I have you on the list. Looks like I forgot to respond to the email. Sorry about that... Thanks Kevin
  13. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 20 2008, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ok, I have added you guys to the list...two more needed! Kevin ...I didn't post here earlier but I sent an e-mail (or attempted to anyway) I just wanted to make sure you had me on the list. Sal Puglisi
  14. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 11 2008, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm thinking about setting up a SOLO WFA/CPR course. Would anyone be interested? I believe the cost would amount to a minimum of $150 per person. Please post here or send email to gauge interest. We would need about 12 people to make it happen and I know we have three already. Count me in.
  15. And...here's a little ditty that I read recently... Here lies the body of Micheal O'day he died defending his right of way He knew he was right, dead right, as he sailed (paddled) along But, he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong author unknown
  16. I'd say it's going to be open seating. If you go to RT's website there's a link for tickets online...and Dyno records in Newburyport often times has tickets for local shows like that
  17. And...I would have to add..that he's quite unique. It was the song "Vincent Black Lightning 1952" that drew me in and made me a fan. Such rich imagery from simple lyrics. "Red hair and black leather...my favorite color scheme" Now if that doesn't paint a picture I don't know what does. And I'm sure that those who have checked his website noticed the distinctly nautical theme...so I think we're on solid ground here....or maybe more correctly...calm seas.
  18. QUOTE(Kevin B @ Mar 5 2008, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Does he have a website link for those who have no idea who he is can check it out? http://www.richardthompson-music.com/
  19. Since the pool session takes place after sundown..let's remember to speak in hushed tones lest we're all hauled away for paddling at night without proper lighting
  20. I'm sure that there are plenty of fine points that can be debated...and it's frustrating to be hassled when you feel like you're in compliance. But...I've got to agree with Ed. There's no profit in debating with law enforcement (on land or sea) once they've decided we've broken the rules.
  21. Thanks Ed. And good advice on NOT debating the law with the Marine Patrol.
  22. Ed, On that last point. I believe you're talking about the reference in the ColRegs about vessels under paddle or oar being required to carry a white light for signaling. A couple of summers ago a group of us were paddling off hampton Beach and were told by the harbor patrol (after they sped towards us and nearly swamped us...presumably to make some sort of point) that we were required to have 360 degree visable white lights displayed. Most of the group had, at minimum, white lights clipped to our PFD's along with flashlights to signal with. Does anyone know if this is a regulation specific to NH waters? or possibly their interpertation of the regs?
  23. Is there a sign up for this? Or is it just an open workshop? Sal
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