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Everything posted by spuglisi

  1. Great photos Doug. The natural light was as good as the surf.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. I was also thinking...."I hope that thing doesn't turn on while I'm looking at it."
  3. It does sound like fun. Looks like they make it easy to give it a try too.
  4. Or......to sober up before deciding that something is a really great idea.
  5. , seems like every year someone in this club saves a life! Or, creates one....congrats on your new addition.
  6. To the anonymous first kayaker....Outstanding job Konstanin! To Scott Kimball, Bill Fontaine, Bill Harter, Doug Mogill and any others who jumped in to help....Outstanding job! Also.....A big thanks to the continuing string of NSPN paddlers who continue to pass skills forward, encourage people to hone their own skills and encourage people to swim, practice and become comfortable in their boats as well as in the water. I'm sure that the rescuees have no idea of the chain of events that led to a group of capable paddlers being in the right spot at the right time to, literally, save their lives.
  7. Glenn's a cool customer out on the water.
  8. I guess that would be right about the time that Glenn calmly utters "uutoh." Good point Ed.
  9. Outstanding lung power Glenn!
  10. I found the Keel strip how to article online. http://www.seakayakermag.com/2004/Oct04/KeelStrip01.htm
  11. There was an excellent keel strip "how-to" article in sea kayaker a year or two ago. I may still have it. If I can find the issue I'll make some copies if anyone would like one.
  12. WhooHoo!! Congrats indeed! Way to go John!
  13. Tyson, I agree with you that extra weight (water) in the stern wouldn't tend to contribute to weatercocking. But, from Al's scenario it wasn't clear to me that, after the lunch break, weatercocking was the problem. He only mentioned weathercocking before they stopped.
  14. Well, the weather cocking was mentioned before the lunch break...and was thought to be within normal parameters. Since the problem got worse after a break and with following seas. I'd have to go with water getting in a loose day, or stern hatch.
  15. oops!! guess I should have included the link http://ocsdata.ncd.noaa.gov/bookletchart/
  16. Maybe others are already aware of this site but I found it in an article in Sea kayaker. You can download, free of charge, any US NOAA chart in booklet form and then print the pages you need for a particular trip. The charts are at 75% scale. You can still use the latitude lines to accurately gage distance but the scale of the chart and scale of miles will be off 25% of what is noted on the chart. The only software you need is adobe reader...and it's point and click simple to get to the charts you want.
  17. Browsing through the latest issue of Sea Kayaker mag I noticed a familiar face in the ad on page 11. Maybe some of you know her as well. The photographer's name rang a bell too.
  18. I'm in Doug. Either day should work for me.
  19. Hmmm....Well, there'll be a group of us paddling outside the mouth of the Hampton river tomorrow evening....I'll keep my eyes open.
  20. Hmmm...I see moonrise at 2046. I don't have a clue about the rest of it though. What table do you use Ed?
  21. Happy to take your word for it Peter.
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