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Everything posted by nancysan

  1. Haven't been back there. I will be interested to hear if it happens to anyone else. At least I'm venturing to other spots
  2. Wow. Some people are amazing! Go Jon.
  3. Thanks, Deb. I used to go there a lot and pretty much followed what you say, but didn't know to avoid the boat ramp. ERBA uses it, but I've always just thrown the boat off the vehicle at the little sandy beach area and then moved vehicle down the street beyond the resident parking.
  4. This group is the best! So many people happy to share great information. Thank-you, all. (Also enjoying the surfing thread going on.) I would LOVE to go for a paddle from Pavilion this weekend. I think Sat. is the only option for me and I recommend getting there early to avoid the tons of cars. Hey, I'm thinking of perhaps just putting signs in each of my windows saying PLEASE LEAVE MY VEHICLE ALONE, but I don't want to become more of a target, so I don't know... I would be going for a short paddle off there right now, but not sure I'm going to be able to motivate myself... Thanks again. You guys rule. Nancy
  5. Residents in Ipswich can buy a Crane's Beach sticker each year with vehicle registration as proof of residency. I think it is $20 now (was $8 when I first moved here), and will also get you in to the transfer station (for yard waste). This was a trust of sort Crane left to the residents of Ipswich. No launching of kayaks from the drive-in area of Crane's though.
  6. No beach stickers for Pavilion, Ipswich, though I have heard talk of trying to make it a resident beach. Yes, I think this is the mean spirited-ness of a few, and yes, I think Deb is on to something with all the great beach and kayaking weather we have had. I probably paddle off Pavilion three to four times a week on average all summer for the past few summers and this is the first problem I've had since the scolding last year (believe it was Labor Day weekend). I will not forget who scolded me and I will be watching him, though obviously I can not go anywhere and keep an eye on my truck at the same time. The police said they understood my concern but were quick to say they couldn't really do anything unless they caught someone red-handed. A tough thing to do if the culprit is working a fairly empty beach when it's only an unfortunate victim and a few other people, perhaps also out in boats. I have to admit that I'm a little nervous about going out next time from there, as my truck is very easy to spot. Nancy
  7. Yuck. Well they aren't driving me out that fast! Been there a lot and plan to continue to be there. Though it did rattle me. Yeah, I notified the police once the repair shop told me it was definitely deliberate damage. I've had dirty looks at Conomo and also know at Lane's Cove some fishermen to be possessive. Good luck out there everyone.
  8. With reluctance I start this topic. Apparently the popularity of paddling is making some locals of put-in spots less than thrilled. I guess I would stress that we as paddlers should know the rules and regulations of put-in areas we use and try to be respectful of swim beaches, etc. That said, I had an unwelcome experience yesterday. I was once told last year, at Pavilion Beach in Ipswich, that I should not put in there, even though others were putting in before and after. I had been putting in there for six years, but since it was a holiday weekend, I decided to not talk back to the local telling me this. I also have lived in Ipswich for almost a decade, but not my whole life. I was told to go down to the left end by the clammer launch, AND to not paddle across the swim beach where the buoys designate swim area (the buoys are moved way out by the boat moorings this year). I have tried to follow these instructions since then, though it is not posted specifically. I believe it says no launching of boats on the beach... I'll read it again. I see people backing trailers over by the clam boat area during low tide. Anyway, to get to the point: I had the valve of my tire tampered with and my tire went flat as I was loading my boat. This was on an uncrowded weekday morning, and coincidently (or not) the same person (who scolded me last year) was at the beach that day. (He's almost always there.) I try to avoid the crowded times, I am non-confrontational and respectful. I was told by my auto repair shop that I was not the first local kayaker to have had this happen at Pavilion this week. I am not happy that people resort to these tactics. I guess I see this is a problem that could potentially increase as the sport gains popularity. Just letting people know my experience. Nancy
  9. FYI, decided to go later with my daughter. Have a fun time.
  10. Ohhh I so want to do this, but I don't think I should be gone all day today :-( Thanx for the good directions though.
  11. I would like to try to come too if it's Lane's Cove. I have only paddled there during the cold water workshop several years ago. Would consider Sun or Mon, but would prefer a couple hours before high tide and not staying out too long. Don't want to desert my family. So I guess that makes me a "maybe"
  12. Interesting how different the weather looks than it was over by Ipswich last evening. Hope to make it next time.
  13. Very nice pics. Looks like you all had a nice day.
  14. Was a beautiful evening with no bugs. Managed a couple of rolls with the stick, while people spotted from the beach. Fun current on the way back. Big tide tonight.
  15. Hi Rob, Sorry to miss it this year. Will be going up to Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson's lake session. Didn't know it would conflict when I signed up. Hope to see Rob at the lake session on Thursday. I missed last week because I was at kayak camp. Have fun with the chop suey. Nancy
  16. Sounds like a great event. I might just go to the beach to partake as the URL suggests, sans kayak. Would adding the kayak element confuse the response or show support within the kayak community? Good question. Sounds like beaches will be crowded that day for this response, so my tendency would be to partake in a simple way.
  17. Sorry I didn't make it. I was locked out of this site this morning (first time ever), so I couldn't see the latest posts that it was still on. It was very very nasty driving out of Ipswich, though I knew it would probably clear later. I decided to abort due to various circumstances at home.
  18. Hoping to make as many of these as possible this year.
  19. This time I really do plan to make it. Sounds great and I do tidal....
  20. Work event this Thursday evening. Hope to be there in June!
  21. I was diagnosed with this after a few pool sessions several winters ago. It took a few weeks to clear. I took bonine at night as treatment. Nancy
  22. I also meant to say, sorry and hope you have a speedy recovery. guess this just struck a nerve. My mother didn't do anything special to bring on the rupture and it was not pleasant from there... but she was on meds that aggravated the issues. Get better quick.
  23. My mother died of diverticulitis and aformentioned rupture. I hope you stayed home.
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