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CAM On-the-Water Dates May 15th and June 5 NOTE DATE CHANGE!

Rob Hazard

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We have tentatively picked May 15th and 29th, both Sundays, for the club's annual CAM on-the-water sessions. We haven't yet chosen the launch sites and times, but we'll get to that fairly soon. Please let us know if you can attend!



NOTE: Due to popular requests, we have changed the date fo the second on-the-water session to JUNE 5th. This is to avoid the Memorial Day weekend.

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I plan to attend both sessions.


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I plan on attending the one on the 15th.

I'm wondering if the one on the 29th is the same as the 15th only at a different location ?

Are there 2 events so people have a better chance of attending one or are there other differences?

I'm a wondering kind of person I guess...

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I plan on attending the one on the 15th.

I'm wondering if the one on the 29th is the same as the 15th only at a different location ?

Are there 2 events so people have a better chance of attending one or are there other differences?

I'm a wondering kind of person I guess...

2 bites of the apple opens it to more people and while the presented content is going to be the same you learn something new everyday you're on the water. if you have the opportunity to attend both, why not? another day on the water with coaches and peers, paddling, learning and playing....sounds about like a perfect day to me.

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We have tentatively picked May 15th and 29th, both Sundays, for the club's annual CAM on-the-water sessions. We haven't yet chosen the launch sites and times, but we'll get to that fairly soon. Please let us know if you can attend!



I plan to attend both sessions. Thanks.


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There was discussion at the CAM session on 4/30 about changing date of the CAM on-water session so as not to conflict with Jewell Island. Any progress on this?


Although minor, May 15 conflicts with the Mystic Herring Run Race (for which I'm the safety spotter).

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Just to be clear, the two dates posted are to make the workshop available to more people. We'll be covering the same material, more or less, conditions permitting. It is NOT a case of one session for beginners and another for advanced paddlers. Of course anyone who wishes to attend both is welcome to. "Two bites of the apple", as Rick put it.

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Hi Rob!

I would like to attend this on May 29 and learn more about CAM. I have not done a land based session...is that ok?? I will be looking on the net for more info about CAM and talking with folks on Jewell about the same.

looking forward to the experience


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Hi Rob!

I would like to attend this on May 29 and learn more about CAM. I have not done a land based session...is that ok?? I will be looking on the net for more info about CAM and talking with folks on Jewell about the same.

looking forward to the experience


mary -

anything you wanna do is fine with everyone mary so long as you tell us all about your adventures over the last couple years!

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oops, I can't make it this Sunday but I will be there on the 29th, after I carefully consult the weather, tides, current, wind and forecast. :-)

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