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  1. Marshall,, Have you weighed this boat yourself? If so, what's the weight?
  2. We loaded the boats at around 3 pm and back at Kittery at 4.
  3. My fourth! The first via Rye crossing and three subsequent by Captain Jack (or stand in).. As to the former, I can only say…and I did then…Never Again!! Thank heavens Jim came along to organize these trips, allowing the opportunity to spend time actually paddling among the islands rather than fretting about how many minutes one can enjoy there before having the long boring crossing back to the mainland.
  4. Great group, fun trip! Thanks for organizing, Jim!
  5. Hope someone/someones will want to post WLP's over next couple of weeks because I won't be able to! Prudence
  6. You,re in regardless. Link is on new thread with title sign- up link included!
  7. Here is signup for WLP this week that I previously posted. Launch will be at 9:30 am. So arrive in time to get ready to be on the water at that time. Weather forecast at this point shows manageable winds but possibility of thunderstorms. It is the latter that I'll be keeping an eye on, and will post in this thread a go/no go decision Tuesday late afternoon or evening. Seven of us have indicated interest thus far, so there is one spot open. As with all WLP's, this is not a guided trip. Everyone is responsible for him/herself and to the group. Required: kayak of at least 14 feet with bulkheads and decklines, and paddlers with pfd's and spray skirts. Helmets also required if you're going to do rock play, which may well be available on this trip. If you haven't paddled with me before, please reach out by PM. Signup link is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOyj8iL7qe3lGPA2dH6S7dHQPSV6-ZqRjnigcyse0soB1xew/viewform?usp=sf_link Fingers crossed that the weather gods won't stand in our way. Gloucester Low tide 9:00 High tide 3:2- pm. SW winds 8-11 becoming S in afternoon. Possible thunderstorms. Prudence
  8. Room for one more! folks…please keep an eye on this space for a) sign later today and b) go/no go decision likely posted late afternoon/early eveninv Tuesday . Some tstorms forecast for Wed but I want to wait until tomorrow to see forecast and make final decision. I WON'T be reaching out to you individually, so please check in here for forecast-based decision. Prudence
  9. Considering a WLP (Wednesday, July 10) out of Pavilion Beach Gloucester and heading north (bang a left at the end of the Dog Bar). Conditions are looking ok as of today. I'm not anywhere today that I can post with signup, so please indicate interest in this thread. Plan would be 9:30 launch, which means arriving whenever you need to for organizing yourself for launch at that time. If folks indicate interest here (and no one else steps up who'd like to organize), I'll post more formally, with signup link, tomorrow. Prudence
  10. Thanks for a fun day…and the green wall at Folly was greener than I've ever seen it!
  11. Sorry, can't make it after all. Have fun!
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