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David M

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Everything posted by David M

  1. Andy, I missed your earlier question of what we were wearing. Naturally, all were in drysuits. I'm fairly certain, all, if not the majority, were clad in balaclavas with helmets as an extra layer. At the outset rockplay down the coast to Rye was an option, but as the route shows we opted for circumnav of New Castle and Pierce. But, now that I think of it, the helmet is definitely an effective windstop. Some wore pogies, some simply gloves. A conversation throughout the paddle was the pros and cons of pogies. I once again opted for my Kokatat one piece polartec layer over a Columbia reflective primary wicking layer and a midweight Kokatat midlayer. I tried out my new NRS Maxim gloves. They use 3mm in key places and 2mm in others and are fleece-lined. They are now my go to gloves. For shoes I went with my winter approach to footwear. I purchased the NRS ATB boot in a full size larger than I normally wear. It allows me to wear a silk liner and a thicker smartwool sock. By going with the size larger and the ATB sole compression/restricting circulation and conduction are greatly minimized. The ATB has a very thick sole. Anyway, I was comfortable from head to toe. I wet-burped my drysuit at launch and lunch and then completed three very quick rolls near the takeout. Both the burping and rolls were surreal. I had no sense of cold-other than the small exposed circle of my face.
  2. Great trip. Wonderful group. Fun day. Perfect weather to get out on the water when temps are tanking. Chosen course did a nice job of mitigating the negatives and optimizing the persistent west winds. Thanks for organizing John!
  3. Thanks John. If the conditions, especially sea state, are accommodating, which they are currently projected to be, I'm in favor of launching no matter what the wind chill. My thought is that with sea conditions essentially a non-issue we can respond to the forecasted wind and wc with gear. I've found these kinds of conditions (controlling for sea state) to be a good test of gear and gauging personal comfort levels with manageable risk. It can be a cold water workshop of sorts without planned immersion.
  4. Jim, Thanks so much for posting your progress. As a non-woodworker it's intriguing to watch it take shape.
  5. Karen, after two attempts with other well reviewed helmets I purchased https://www.outdoorplay.com/Sweet-Protection-Strutter-Kayak-Helmet-16?utm_source=google&utm_medium=criteo-shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiAoqXQBRA8EiwAIIOWsiCVwq7ko0ZZPSgqTzM2BSa8OsFfyWRXYWBnk5xK9QKQAFZsBXVH3RoC5l0QAvD_BwE I had fit issues combined with the fact that I wanted a substantial brim and no ear covering. I've been very happy with the helmet after nearly 3 years. I love the fit system. On a winter paddle yesterday I started with a neo-cap under the helmet and it only took less than 10 seconds to adjust the fit. I suggest doing your best at measuring and using a retailer with an easy return/exchange policy. Good luck.
  6. Bob, PM still appears broken. I do have interest for Saturday if one day works. David
  7. Thanks for sharing this Joe. It looks both foreboding and tempting.
  8. Congratulations Cathy and Prudence. Your hard and determined work paid off. Well done and well deserved! David
  9. Rob, While there are clearly other options I can heartily recommend Kokatat for the initial quality and subsequent customer service if needed. I own two Expedition suits and am very satisfied. I too ordered mine without the hood so in my case the removable option sounds perfect. Good luck!
  10. I've had great experience with Osprey Sea Kayak out of Westport. http://ospreyseakayak.com/
  11. Well Prudence, you've done it again. A superb report with just the right mix of reflection in and on action. You've also challenged me to engage the dreaming and planning mechanisms. Thanks for taking the time to share the journey.
  12. Prudence take a look at this Outdoor Gear Lab review, particularly the best buy at less than $200. http://www.outdoorgearlab.com/topics/camping-and-hiking/best-camping-tent
  13. I've found these folks reliable and prompt on multiple occasions. http://kayakoutfitting.com/
  14. Cathy, Still working out details but very interested. Is there still space?
  15. Hi Elizabeth, Yes I am bringing a portable grill and would be delighted to share the real estate. David
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