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David M

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Everything posted by David M

  1. Joe, My schedule is clear thus far. I'm determined to make this one.
  2. Jim, I'm out. Until the next time. David
  3. After a number of tries, I settled on the Sweet Protection Strutter helmet. Fit system is superb. It provides solid protection for sea kayaking activities and the brim is an added benefit for sun protection. Agree with Peter that fit is ultimately personal.
  4. Al, If we ever end up in the same hemisphere, I have two hullavators on my van. You're more than welcome to try loading your boat to see if they come close to fitting the bill. Cheers! David
  5. This was a wonderful early season paddle with a variety of conditions and opportunities. The group was fantastic. Surf launch and landing, navigation in fog, gear tests, downwind paddling, self and assisted rescues were all on the menu. Thanks Rob for organizing.
  6. Reservation made for 2pm at: A&B Burgers 206 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915 (978) 993-7394
  7. Ken said... I'm afraid of stuff like my drysuit not fitting right and having to turn around and make adjustments and issues like that. I'm looking forward to trying my new gear (dry-suit, booties, gloves, cap, etc.) but not sure if this is the right fit or not. Ken, You may have done this but I suggest gearing up in the house. If the truth be known many of our closets are full of attempts. That said, trying the gear, especially the fit of drysuit gaskets can be helpful. Cheers!
  8. Following up on Rob's comments related to the currently proposed launch and sheltered options. In case some folks are considering paddling but may be unfamiliar with the area, I've attached a pic of the chart area. The launch is generally marked by the orange dot. With the forecast of winds from the south (red arrow) the destination Island of Great Misery (S of the launch) and Baker Island (SSE of Great Misery) should offer some mitigation of the swell. The sheltered option Rob referenced is Manchester Harbor (marked by the Inset less than a mile ENE from the launch). I've found this to be one of the most cohesive group paddles of the season. As mentioned it's a great opportunity to test gear and self with a lot of support.
  9. I'll be happy to make the A&B burger reservation once we agree on a timeframe closer to the launch date.
  10. I won't be attending the 3/9 pool session. Free to the first taker.
  11. Jim, A few of us did a group purchase on these for an extended chilly weather trip and were pretty pleased. https://www.outdoorplay.com/Snap-Dragon-Hot-Hands-Kayaking-Pogie?gclid=CjwKCAiA2fjjBRAjEiwAuewS_ZnahXsK1XP9FbSOGcCpqFWWPheUVhiD8MAw5ay_OBX5a4rMgjn8wBoCIdUQAvD_BwE I've tried the Gore Tex soft style but found them tough to get the last hand into.
  12. Will there be a scheduled break for lunch and time slots for both presentations?
  13. I'm good with this plan. I'm seeing the reverse of the tides and slightly different times. H 6:23 and Low 12:35, right? Principle for launching and landing should be the same.
  14. So... if Tuesday turns out not to be a paddle, I'm interested in both a Monday paddle and a facsimile of a pppo on Tuesday.
  15. Please answer the following questions? 1) Based on the forecast, are you still interested in making some attempt to put a trip together on Tuesday (as opposed to just bailing altogether)? Yes, if there were no options, but clearly the forecast is not encouraging for attempting to accommodate a relatively large group paddle with varied perspectives. 2) Are you available to paddle on Monday? Yes, with enough notice e.g. noon Sunday. 3) Are you available to paddle on Wednesday? Nope ☹️
  16. My desktop. Just noticed this in the small print and am now researching. Map has been revised to be more compatible with smartphones and other mobile platforms
  17. Subject to conditions I'd be up for 10+ mile excursion. Agree that at this point conditions aren't playfully favorable. By the way, is anyone else having trouble with the NOAA Point forecast? I'm getting an error message that the site can't load Google maps.
  18. Name some paddling locations you expect to visit in 2019 or 2020 for which you don't already own a chart: N/A If you DO own some charts, how do prefer to get them? (buy online, marine supply store, print them myself...) Buy online If you were to BUY a chart, would you choose a $25 waterproof chart or an identical $10 paper chart? Waterproof How much would you be willing to pay to BORROW a waterproof chart that you didn't have for the duration of an NSPN trip? ($0 is a valid answer) I would not borrow but would purchase  Which of the following do you NOT currently own? waterproof chart case, deck compass, handheld compass, marine radio, tow belt, helmet Own them all
  19. How cool is that! Lots of work and well deserved. Congrats Robert!
  20. Love these... https://www.nrs.com/product/2335/nrs-atb-wetshoe
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