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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Thanks Scott for a great first day! I'm looking forward to next week.
  2. Looks like it was well attended and there was a wide selection of boats. Great job everyone!
  3. Oh, it is embarrassing... The boat kept sliding off of my car in the process of loading. I stopped counting at 6x. I got it up there eventually and gave thanks for my stubbornness, a quality that does not receive much appreciation. A good friend cam over this evening and we tried to work through it... I am off to Family Dollar tomorrow to buy a different bath mat and will cut a V shape into my foam blocks.
  4. Fiberglass boats are so gosh-darn slippery, almost as slippery as glass.
  5. Welcome! I agree with Liz, NSPN folks are very helpful and generous with their time and patience. Looking forward to seeing you on the water,
  6. I like the Saturday night idea as well. And for those members that work on Saturdays "they" can perhaps join in the evening!
  7. coastalmainekayak.com rent, sell boats, paddles, gear and tours and instruction campmor.com good prices on some gear Amazon is also a good resource.
  8. She's booty-licous (in keeping with the stripper theme...) Congrats!
  9. Rick, Happy to see that you are in love.
  10. I posted at the gym, the coffee shop and work...
  11. She is home and resting comfortably, swaddled in tarps... Thanks for all of the suggestions, her name is Nuala. Nancy, for having the winning suggestion I will treat you to coffee or tea at the next board meeting!
  12. Hi, I am trying to change my profile picture. I get an error message that my file is too large even though that "thing" that is supposed to fix that problem is "on". Anybody have any suggestions??
  13. Ha Ha, Peter, that was funny!! I am leaning toward "Nuala", fair shouldered = soft chined??
  14. And... bring your wife to Boothbay ~ there is lots to see and do outside of kayaking!
  15. Have fun all of you. I am envious!
  16. Funny Gene! See, I like pink and my former boat was orange...
  17. Thanks Blaine! "Lambchop"?? I am afraid to ask why...
  18. Hi all, I will be the new owner of an Avocet LV white over white (like Blonde on Blonde but different) with dark grey trim. Suggestions for names would be appreciated... My orange Avocet was named Belle. I am leaning toward something Irish...
  19. Bloody heck, the change of dates makes it impossible for me to attend. Have fun!
  20. Location, Time and Level to be determined by tides and level of paddlers. Everyone is welcome! Location will be Kittery Point. Please car pool as parking can be limited. The group will be limited depending on the number and experience level of paddlers. Suz and Lorrie have committed; as it stands now the group will be capped off at 10. We would increase that number with more experienced paddlers joining us. The location will afford us the opportunity of protected waters and easy access to the ocean. I will continue to update the posting.
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