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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Help us kick off the holiday season in style! This is one of our premiere events to meet, mingle and look back on the paddling season and the adventures we shared. Annual Holiday Party Where: Gould Barn, Topsfield, MA When: Saturday, December 8th, 2012 Time: 6:00 pm to 10pm B.Y.O.B. & Potluck Party.... we do it so well! NSPN members have legendary high culinary standards! Soda and metal bins with ice will be provided. * Slide show of past events ** Raffles *** Presentation of Year-End-Awards **** Celebrating another year of friends and fun! Please come... it won't be the same without you...
  2. Get ready! The last Ladies Paddle of the season. Looking forward to seeing you.
  3. The last of the 2012 Season! Details to be posted on the "Trips" message board.
  4. I just figured the military time... I may be late... Hope to get there by 8:00; I won't leave work until 6,
  5. UGH, I may need to start working Monday nights after Labor Day... I'll see how things pan out. Leslie, thanks for the offer of help. I paddle with a Werner.
  6. Tuesday or Monday evenings would work for me and I would love to learn how to roll.
  7. A bevy of beautiful babes in boats, along with one honorary "lady", yes, honorary not ornery, launched from Lanes Cove late morning and made ventured up the Annisquam to visit the frogs. From there we wandered up to the High School were we had lunch. We contemplated circumnavigating Cape Ann but reason took hold and we meandered back. We all enjoyed ourselves and welcomed two new babes to the paddles. The only disappointment was that Florrie left her chart case on the beach at Lanes Cove when we returned ~ did anybody pick it up? Looking forward to another paddle in September!
  8. Thank you, Christopher, we will be aware !
  9. Hi, PLEASE send me your float plan info (see above) by Saturday @ noon if you have not already done so (thanks Joyce). Thanks!
  10. I will be there ~ it was already in my calendar!
  11. Thanks, Rob, for your carefully carved topic delineation, and for Lorrie's fine response. To answer most succinctly: *Why? Myriad reasons, as we know. The old herding cats, etc. *Problem? Depends upon conditions, distance, visibility, radios, paddling abilities, interpersonal knowledge, etc. *Fix? Just a couple of 6AM thoughts: Never let the slowest, or weakest, or least experienced paddler lag; aside from inherent risks a laggard's mounting fears of increasing distance can easily overtake any inherent paddling pleasure (lest one think a subsequent adrenaline push stimulates a newbie, please remember that CAM-paddling isn't an S&M activity) AMEN, brother! As somebody who spent her first two seasons consistently being in the back of the pack I couldn't agree more. And, I must acknowledge, that I have improved my abilities I sometimes am at the front & like it so much I stay there without dropping back to check on others. I do frequently turn around however,,,
  12. Hi Rob, I meant that she should ask her question about where to stay on the General Message Board.
  13. Brits don't read; they just look at the pics! Just joshing you all...
  14. You may want to cross post this on the General Board - lots of people seem yo be reading that. :-)
  15. Hi Leon, Yes, you Liz and Glenn kept me.company on the Solstice Paddle, which was very gentlemanly and ladylike of you all. I think that group cohesion may be another topic that Robert may post..
  16. Well, if I was going to have a medical emergency on the water, away from home, I would be in great hands if I were with you!
  17. And I am concerned that threads such as this one may be off-putting to newer members or potential new members. Thank you Leon, for posting about your trip and thank you Robert for beginning a discussion that had the potential to be a learning opportunity without offending. I agree with the the above suggestions to bring back good manners to our posting and would also add that we could ask more clarifying questions prior to making assumptions. Let's continue to learn from one another while being kind to one another.
  18. Hi, For those of you who don't know, Paddling.net has a great launch site app that you can download for either Droids or iPhones. It's way cool,
  19. Hello all, It looks as though the tides are inviting us to ride up down and the Annisquam with stops for lunch and swimming. Let's launch from Lanes Cove, beach briefing @ 11, launch @ 11:30 and plan to be off the water no later than 4:00. Please PM or email me (celticwoman3@verizon.net) with your float plan info by noon on Saturday, (Name, level, cell, emergency contact, their # & any safety equip you can bring ~ two belt, vhf radio...). Thanks!
  20. Good suggestions! Thank you, Any others? I'm all about options...
  21. While 4 intrepid paddlers were breaking down camp it was remarked that we stuffed our sleeping bags in 4 different ways. We couldn't help but wonder, "Which way is best, most efficient?". We couldn't decide and now we are asking you. Here are the different ways. 1. foot end first, zipped closed 2. foot end first, un-zipped 3. head end first, zipped closed 4. head end first, un-zipped. What do you think?
  22. Hi all, Our next Ladies Paddle is approaching. You may have seen my post on the General message board requesting suggestions for a paddle that includes an ice cream stop... What are some of your ideas? I was also thinking about meandering down the Ipswich or Essex River, playing and exploring and meandering back. High tide is @ 1:15. Let me know if you would be interested an any ideas you have. Thanks!
  23. Hello, Can anyone suggest a paddle that would incorporate ice cream as part of the paddle instead of before or after :-) ?? I am looking for suggestions for our next Ladies Paddle (8/19), High tide is at 1:15 and launch location would be North Shore or S NH or ME. Thanks for suggestions!
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