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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Hi all, Time for the silly question of the day... So, I purchased some really cool kayka decals and set about applying them this AM. The ones for the paddle went on without issue. The two I selected for my boat won't stick. I have a plastic Valley Avocet. I methodically followed the prep instructions to a the letter. Any ideas, suggestions, thoughts?
  2. oops, sorry, I need to bow out. I have the opportunity to go paddling in the daytime and know from a time or two ago that I won't have the energy for two paddles in one day. Enjoy!
  3. ME! Please.... Christopher, do you remember my complaining about how my rib hurt while we were paddling last time? Well, it turned out I had gall stones!! Gall stones and a melted kayak is too much all together...
  4. Great job, all of you! Many kudos,
  5. Yes, it was! It was lovely to be accompanied by three gallant, gentle-men.
  6. Great, see you then (Monday, 10:00, Lanes Cove)
  7. I' m up for Monday, really Chrisopher, for sure!
  8. It was great fun. I enjoyed recognizing landmarks previously not seen from the water. Thanks, Leslie for initiating this fun outing. Katherine
  9. How about stuff in the hatch? How was the boat loaded? Would re-distributing the "stuff" have helped? Katherine
  10. Hi, Just wanted to give folks a head's up that I plan on attending the lakes session this Thursday night. Hope to see you there! Katherine
  11. Hi, I'm on vacation this week and would like to paddle as much as possible, I'm a L2 paddler. Katherine
  12. Is there an anticipated, approxiamte return time? Katherine
  13. Hi, I can't make it either, sorry :-( and I bought a headlamp and everything! Katherine
  14. Hi, I won't be able to make a Friday night paddle and understand completely if you switch to Friday night because of the weather forecasted for Saturday night. Katherine
  15. PS: Nice photos! Thanks for taking special requests :-)
  16. I had a grand time! Looking forward to the full moon and the ladies only paddles. Katherine
  17. Sounds great to me! Katherine
  18. Hi, Sorry, I didn't make it either, for the same reasons as the above post :-( ANd the weather hasn't been as bad as NOAA predicted... Katherine
  19. Hi folks, I think I need to pass on this one.. I just got in from a weddingand am feeling wiped. Let me know if you plan on going out on Monday. Have a great time! Katherine
  20. ount me in as well! Katherine
  21. Me, me, me, I want to go! I am free Saturday and Monday, any time, any place, L2. Katherine
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