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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Trip Report ~ Katherine and Janice's Most Excellent Adventure (aka The Ladies Camping Trip) Eight ladies were eagerly awaiting our camping trip to Warren Island, Maine. One bowed out a week before due to a family emergency. The Monday before the trip concerns arose with the weather predictions and it began to feel like a repeat of the Memorial Day Jewell Trip. All ladies were encouraged to make their decision to participate or not based on their comfort level and skill ability. The forecast changed frequently bouncing between seas of < 1 and 20 knot winds and 20 knot winds with 6 seas. By Friday 2 had bowed out, 2 others decided to make separate plans, one was on the fence and Janice and Katherine had agreed to continue to watch the weather carefully, pack a civilian bag in case of a motel stay and attempt the trip if the forecast made it possible. Extra safety gear was borrowed including tow belt,radio and a massive fog horn. Late Friday night the seas were predicted to be 1or less with the wind @ 10 knots. Saturday morning the forecast remained the same. Janice was at Katherines @ 5:00 and after a protein smoothie and loading Katherines boat, the two white Avocets LV and their owners began the adventure. Along the way the forecast was watched and remained consistent while we munched on homemade maple scones. As we approached the ferry we made the decision to board the ferry and forgo a weekend in a Belfast motel. Although there was rain during the ferry ride it magically stopped as we drove off the ferry. We unloaded, packed (with all of our gear and enough food for 7 people for two days or two people for N days),and made the 1/4 mile trip to our site on Warren Island on calm seas with great visibility. Camp was set up including a beautifully rigged tarp over the picnic table and we had lunch while a light drizzle bounced off of our tarp. After lunch, the drizzle moved away and we meandered around the island, flirted with sailors and collected water. The fog had lightly rolled in and we decided to stay put and watch a pair of loons fish right off our campsite. We transitioned to appetizers, brie and crackers followed by homemade soup followed by dessert. The sky brightened and we took an evening paddle around Warren Island and the nearby neighborhood. We returned to camp, had some wine and decided to not go have Tequila with the sailors and went to bed. Sunday we were awakened very early (4:30ish) by a very loud fog horn as a very large boat made its way somewhere. We rolled out of our tents around 5:30 and had a breakfast of homemade wild blueberry scones made with almond flour and honey and gourmet coffee mixed with hot chocolate. We watched the fog lift, the sun arrive and left camp at 8:00 with snacks and a thermos of more coffee and hot chocolate. We had carefully selected our route based on tides, wind and general weather predictions. We paddled around the northern tip of Warren Island, crossed over to Seven Hundred Acre Island and meandered down its far shore, assessing the weather and seas at each change in direction. We stopped for a break and had some custom designed snack-packs along with the thermos of coffee. After our break we were in awe when we sighted a mature Bald Eagle perched high atop a pine tree. We made our way up the east coast of 700 Hundred Acre Island and stopped to play in Cradle Cove. We crossed over to eastern side of Spruce Island and crossed over to Islesboro to have lunch (heirloom tomatoes with goat cheese, fresh basil, olive oil and balsamic vinegar). While we were having lunch we consulted the weather and our charts and planned an afternoon adventure of paddling up the western coast of Iselsboro to Seal Harbor. We took a break on the beach there, saw another bald eagle and returned home while watching a bank of fog cover the mainland. We planned our arrival at camp to coincide with high tide to make our landing and securing of the boats extremely easy. While we sat on the rocks enjoying wine, crackers, brie, sliced apples and grapes (and more loons) we reviewed our charts and estimated that we paddled 19 miles although Byron, our friendly ranger, assured us that we had paddled at least that many. Appetizers on the rocks was followed by dinner on the rocks (open-faced tuna salad sandwiches, the tuna salad was made with currants, apples, celery and cilantro and was excellent) and was followed by dessert. We strolled around the island (Hey, who doesnt want to go walking for an hour after paddling all day?) We discovered the sailors had departed and it had rained while we were away. While strolling we made our only seal-sighting but it was worthwhile as we watched her float on her back looking as though she was thoroughly enjoying herself. After deciding that the stars were not going to make a visible appearance we retired. Monday morning we rose at our customary time and leisurely took down camp and ate breakfast, more scones and peanut butter on bagel slims. The fog had lifted and we decided to paddle a short ways up into Broad Cove to work out the kinks from Sundays paddle. Our ferry ride back to Lincolnville was uneventful and our Maine adventure concluded with lobster rolls. Interestingly on our way home both of our phones were advising us of the tornado warnings. As we made our way south we encountered rain, heavy a times. Magically the rain stopped 5 minutes from Katherines home. Her boat was unloaded and Janice continued on her way home. Not a single raindrop fell on our fair heads from 5:30 AM Saturday to 6:30 Monday evening. We were blessed. This trip report was written with the same spirit as the trip ~ collaboratively! PS: I will attempt to post pictures tomorrow.
  2. Thanks, Neil (I am a member). Such a simple answer... Are there islands that may be public & also non-MITA islands?
  3. Hello, How is one able to know which islands are public and which are private? I would like to be able to "x" the private ones on my chart/s. I think I knew how to figure that out at one time but it seems I have forgotten. Much thanks,
  4. So very sad. Sympathies to her family and friends Yes, Brian, your comments seem out of place... Perhaps you may consider another thread regarding the political topic an let this topic be one of condolences and memories.
  5. Sorry, Christopher ~ I needed to go home to take care of my pups.
  6. I think I need to pass on this adventure. Sorry.
  7. I will be joining you all. My boat wants to play with all of the other Avocets.
  8. Sorry to ditch you all ~ I have decided to join the L2+, see you at the post-prom, um, party.
  9. Beautiful report, wonderful trip. So glad everything went well.
  10. A bevy of beautiful babes, and some very pretty boats, departed from Pavilion Beach and meandered our way Sawyer's Island and stopped for lunch. And then we came back. Oh, and of course we picked up a guy... but that part of the story is just too long... Oh, and the highlight of the trip for one of our ladies was the opportunity to heed nature's call... Oh, and we ably led by our trio of navigators, Sue, Natalie and Shari. Oh, and Janice brought goodies. All in all a very low-key, relaxing paddle and a great day on the water. Hey ~ who ended up with the guy's phone number?? :-) Oh, and half of us went for ice-cream post-paddle. And we thought about our sisters on the CAM paddle and the Cape Porpoise paddle. Thanks for another great Ladies Paddle!
  11. Thanks Joyce! Sorry you can't be there.
  12. Count me in! AND, I do not have to work on Monday/s. :-)
  13. Hi, Please email me your float plan info prior to Saturday ( celticwoman3@verizon.net ) include your name, cell or land line #, emergency contact name & #, boat info (make, model, color) safety gear you have and will bring and approximate level of skill. I will email trip info to the group, I am leaning toward a 10: beach briefing with launch, in the Ipswich area, immediately following. We will stop for a picnic lunch and will paddle for 8-9 miles. I am looking forward to the trip, Katherine
  14. Please respond to the other thread and I will del ete this one once I figure out how.
  15. Gary, What a wonderful trip report. I am jealous! Beautiful photos. Katherine
  16. Hello, It is time for our annual Ladies Paddle which will take place on 06/09. I understand this conflicts with a CAM session and some may decide to go play with the CAMers. I would like to gauge interest ~ if you are planning to attend the Ladies Paddle please post here or email or PM me and tell me your skill level. Trip ideas are welcome. Tides are: 06/09 Sun 12:10 AM 9.53 H 06/09 Sun 06:32 AM 0.08 L 06/09 Sun 12:47 PM 8.43 H 06/09 Sun 06:33 PM 1.08 L
  17. Hello, It is time for our annual Ladies Paddle which will take place on 06/09. I understand this conflicts with a CAM session and some may decide to go play with the CAMers. I would like to gauge interest ~ if you are planning to attend the Ladies Paddle please post here or email or PM me and tell me your skill level. Trip ideas are welcome. Tides are: 06/09 Sun 12:10 AM 9.53 H 06/09 Sun 06:32 AM 0.08 L 06/09 Sun 12:47 PM 8.43 H 06/09 Sun 06:33 PM 1.08 L
  18. Hi Todd, I don't think it's NSPN that does the Horseshoe Crab trip - I think it may be Neil Sheehan's group on MeetUp, NE Seacoast Paddlers.
  19. JOY! JOY! and MORE JOY!
  20. Christopher, Would you consider letting me take her out for a spin??
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