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    Woods Hole, MA

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  1. What gear do people carry in their PFD's? I'm overhauling my PFD contents and wonder what people carry when: leading, participating and surf skiing. Thanks in advance.
  2. There've been numerous recent (July '23) reports of Man O'war jellyfish in S NE waters, and current southerly winds are likely to push them closer to shore. Ones' likelihood of encountering them when paddling in S New England for the next few weeks is higher than usual.
  3. I just follow somebody who looks like they know what they're doing.
  4. I had one; filled up with water; got rid of it and went back to Werner.
  5. https://fb.watch/avPsQ7lNLs/ ...and I was wondering why you sometimes see a rock leaving a wake behind it...
  6. Kokatat.com <kokatat@kokatat.com> Mon 11/15/2021 2:15 PM To:You Your suit is being warranty replaced due to fabric delamination. Please let us know if you want Mantis, Red or Ocean. Happy Paddling Not bad for a 12-year old suit thats seen more use than most. I did not expect this.
  7. Would anybody know of a reputable car shutttle service that could take a car from Bar Harbor to Lubec next week?
  8. I'd love to show you what a canoe can do in a place like Woods Hole passage.
  9. There's a continuing decrease of interest in touring sea kayaks. I used to see groups almost every weekend around the Elizaeths; saw one last year, nd none so far this year. Theere's a thread somewhere here on the decrease in sea kayaker numbers.
  10. Sorry, I referenced an older (Admiralty) chart 5011. It's on p.28, #12 of the current edition: http://saillavie.co.il/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2020/05/Chart-5011.pdf
  11. Olympic 1 km kayak sprint is close to 10mph, marathon closer to 8 mph:
  12. Am I the only one who finds ticks at Jewell are outrageously thick this year?
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