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Everything posted by glad

  1. Thanks for the response. What I really need to do is do temporarily remove the seat (just a few screws) and assess the knee clearance for my body type. Ultimately, I'd likely need to put in a new seat in my (potential) boat I'm not sure the kittery trading post would be happy about me doing that in the show room.
  2. Thank you Bethany - the bioluminescent bay is definitely on my list. And thanks for all the great info. Could you write to my email address drkglad@yahoo.com with your phone number? I'll have my chart and map in hand. Thanks! Karen
  3. I am joining a family trip (but bringing my paddles) to the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico to celebrate my parents' 60th wedding anniversay. I went to the link of : NOAA's Coastal Pilots: Instant Local Navigational Knowledge of any Region, Coast or Harbor on sea kayaking dot net. This was incredibly helpful cause I was concerned about how to navigate around all the purported unexploded munitions left by the Navy. (I didn't chose this location, by the way). If anybody has any other suggestions about paddling ideas, cautions and outfitters from whom to rent touring boats on Vieques, I would appreciate hearing from you. Karen
  4. I hang mine in the garage from 1.5 " webbing which is connected to a pulley system. If I am desperate with no help to get the boats on my car, I can drive in, lower the boats andwith some effort get them centered on my car rack.
  5. Thanks to the chef, this morning's brunch; saute of onion, potatoe, MY blue fish and MY striper's tasty bits were...well, very tasty. It was indeed thrilling to see the tidal stream of water riping from Race Point. Like a river running in a sea. Even from far off you could appreciate the change in the water's texture. Between the birds and the dropped off location, fishing there made sense. I was ever vigilant watching to see if I was drifting too much towards the Race while laughing and balancing in my boat while my huge bluefish practically pulled me in as he dove deeper with no drag on the line to spare. It was a really great day and lots of team work.
  6. I found guidelines for NZ via goggle. Too bad you are coming up empty for those countries. As a suggestion, I should have brought my VHF manual with me, cause there was a special, unfigure-outable way to switch over to international useage. In NZ there were mushy regulations but all the outfitters just said use judiciously. If I could have, I would have. Karen
  7. I understand it's made for a small to medium size paddler. Does anyone know just what size they are talking about? K
  8. One suggestion is to put a paddle float on your paddle. That way you can slow down the entire motion and examine each phase. Nose clips and warm water help to keep yourself composed. Also, since you'll get up each time, it wastes less energy giving you more energy to roll over and over. Bob Foote told me to cock my power hand wrist forward before performing the sweep to prevent diving. Good luck. It took me about 6 years to get it. k
  9. Something is funky with my email. Thanks, Karen
  10. Hey Walter - I'd like to find out more about borrowing your friend's aquanaut for a trial. Thanks for getting back to me. Karen drkglad@yahoo.com
  11. Thank you for your detailed story. I have been checking the NSPN site more than once a day anxiously awaiting your account. At first blush this is a very exciting read, an immersion in a true adventure. But then, I realize, these are people that I know, doing things that we do and our human frailty overwhelms me. Congradulations for keeping your cool and thank goodness you are safe. Karen
  12. Bravo Bethany. Thank you for that well-written, enlightened and sensitive piece. Karen
  13. I don't think think there is much value to focusing on the negative and right or wrong. If that is the case, you may not get the whole story. More important, let's use this as an opportunity to learn and appreciate that our friends are safe and sound. Karen
  14. Though I am not scientifically certain, I think Walden is more cold because it is deeper, more spring fed and has less particulate to absorb the sun's heat.
  15. Water temperatures are still pretty chilly at Walden; in the low 60's. I swam (not with a boat) with a full wet suit this evening and it was still a bit of a challenge. Sad but true the water still requires one to continue to dress accordingly.
  16. It gives one hope. I need a kayaking mate too! Karen
  17. Thank you to Dee, Scott, Rick, Linda, Bill, Bryan, Keith, Alex ( I hope I didn't leave anyone out) I really appreciate your committment to our leaders training program. The quality of our program is superior and...friendly. We had a very productive day on the water yesterday. Karen PS- Corrections from the grammer hotline welcome
  18. Hey - I was going to post the idea of the golf bag. It makes so much sense. I figured it out after my New Zealand trip where they restrict the number of bag but not the weight. There are some semi-hard ones out there which seem sufficient and they have so much volume that you could put lots of your clothes (maybe not the pfd). Suz - let's hear the stories. Karen
  19. I have a product called Hydrowear made by LL Bean and now discontinued. You can get the same material at NESC and I saw it at Kittery trading post. I forget the current manufacturer. I love the stuff. It is dense fleece with wind block and lycra. If I don't think I'll be doing a lot of swimming, I use it above 54/55. As was said before, I won't be super comfortable in the water but I won't die in the time it would take me to self rescue...or possibly roll. Karen
  20. Hey Suz - why are you trading in the Romany. What is it about the new boat's performance that you prefer? Karen
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