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Everything posted by BethS

  1. This is truly an amazing opportunity! Rob with your permission I would like to pass along this information to the outing club Women Outdoors https://www.womenoutdoors.org/greaterbostonarea which I am also a member of. Some of their membership are beginning/intermediate kayakers and may be interested. How many students are you looking for?
  2. Beautiful photos, of a beautiful day; the light and changing scenery, you really captured it!
  3. Hi, I just found out that I am free tomorrow after all... and i'm feeling fine now, (actually i've been fine all day, I think it was just something i ate) so I'd like to join you (sorry for the late notice!) See you tomorrow! Beth
  4. Bummer, I have been up half the night, not feeling well, so I will have to bow out of this trip. i'm sorry to miss it, Happy New Year everyone!
  5. Sadly preliminary testing indicates that pogies are incompatible w/ greenland sticks; has anyone else tried this? Looks like I'll be using my usual glove/mitten combo..
  6. Just got back from a day of XC skiing! I will join you all tomorrow morning around 9:30 for a 10 am launch. I'm going to give pogies a try as well; not sure how they will work w/ a greenland paddle though!
  7. Sounds fine by me! Really I'm easy though, I'd just like to spend a bit of time on the water with Y'all..
  8. I'll also vote for one group, sounds more festive, and Salem or Essex both sound good to me.
  9. Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Year! We will do it all again in 2017!
  10. Personally I vote for closer to Boston rather than further, since I have to be back in Waltham by 5 pm (hope this is possible!) Mike, unfortunately this means I would miss your feast invite I have a previous commitment at another feast...
  11. I will need to be off the water by around 3:30 ish, since I am meeting friends for NY dinner at 5 in Waltham, other than that I am totally flexible. Hope the weather is favorable!
  12. I'm up for it, sounds lovely wind or no wind!
  13. For what it's worth I've had chronic low back issues most of my life, and I have found that I do a lot better and am less stiff if I have as little foam padding as possible so I can still move my legs around, and i like to keep my knees fairly close to center. As long as my torso can rotate kayaking seems to help my back and hips. I still do get stiff though, and i do a lot of stretching, foam roller, etc.
  14. Or perhaps duct tape could be useful for a "contact tow", Leon? :0
  15. Sounds fabulous! I was off on a different adventure, but i'm sorry I missed this one! Next year for sure!
  16. Another fantastic trip report, I think your best ever! Now I MUST return to BAJA!!! Thank you Pru :-)
  17. sadly I can't make it this week, but i hope to come to the next one. summer begins!
  18. a noon launch sounds perfect actually!
  19. May I join you? I've decided the night option sounds a little too advanced for me, plus I hate setting up camp in the dark!
  20. I am planning to go, I am interested in joining a Thurs night crossing group, I'd be willing to launch from Cousins if the weather is calm. I have done some night paddling, but not a lot and don't want to do it in rough conditions (a little bump is OK though).
  21. I'm not sure if I can make this day, but I will come if I can.
  22. Thank you Pru, for the excellent pictures and great trip report, and thank you everyone for a great day on the water! Joe, welcome to NSPN! Beth
  23. I guess this means that your arm is all better now?! We hope to see you on the water this spring!
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