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Everything posted by BethS

  1. Hi, I've demo'ed both of those boats, (actually all three, the Nordkapp standard and LV), and ended up buying the Nordkapp LV. To me, both Nordkapps seemed a bit faster and sportier than the Explorer, although it's a fine boat too. The LV fit me best so I got that one. Which ever one you get, make sure it is custom outfitted w/ foam etc. so that she gets a good grip with her knees, and can brace her feet properly, otherwise you can't paddle efficiently. One thing she might think about too is her paddle; I'm a 51 year old sort-of-athletic but by-no-means-buffed woman, and I've had some trouble keeping up with younger/faster paddlers at times, what helped me the most was getting a Greenland style paddle! It takes a little getting used to, but then it really is a lot less work for the same amount of speed = a lot less tired. Also it's way better in the wind than any other paddle. Or, if the Greenland feels too weird maybe just a lighter conventional paddle, or even a wing paddle! I think the right paddle matters as much as the right boat...
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