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Everything posted by Gillian

  1. can we paddle afterwards!?
  2. you guys who don't have to work regular hours suck.
  3. oh bummer!!! i'm sorry you were expecting us, i had actually suggested maybe another time as i thought it was only me you kevin and judy who had confirmed . . . did you have a lot of folks show?? the morning would have been great for tows and that's actually cool that somebody's snapped during practice - we were trying out some new tows we did and realized we needed to make some adjustments to ours as well - definitely good to know about changes you need to make before you really need it . . .
  4. Distance paddled? Who knows? Who cares? sir godfrey you're so cute!! i don't think i ever remember you posting a trip report before
  5. Anyone feel like hopping in their boats tonight after work? Kevin and I were going to put in somewhere locally - probably Forest River, but it might be nice to put in at Tucks in Manchester and go play in the rocks over by House and Milk Islands . . . I get out at 5:30 so I'm thinking a 6ish put in. Will post more later about where to put in . . . if anyone feels like coming along, post a preference!
  6. Okay well that title would be an exaggeration but what a blast out there yesterday. The Harbor was a lake but once we got around the corner towards Marblehead there were some great rocks to play in along the way, and some great waves breaking over a couple bigger rocks about a quarter mile off shore. Kevin, Brian and I headed out at 12:30 ish for the paddle and I am loving the new avocet - losing 2 feet of boat makes a BIG difference when trying to do a quick turn in the rocks - there were only really 1-2 footers out there so it was great fun without having to really worry much . . . My legs are black and blue from the damn seat in that boat (avocets are for people with no hips) but even despite needing to put a new seat in i feel more confident in that boat . . . Luckily the storms didn't hit until the three of us were settled in having dinner on the deck at Finz, comfortably into our second or third drinks, and all agreed it's much more fun to watch a storm come in while nice and tucked in on land, rather than the "oh shi* look at that" from the water
  7. hey my three cents: 1) The last 10+ trips out there have been CAM and have been an experiment on the new model (yesterday was not the first!!!!) 2) Let's keep in mind for paddlers new to NSPN that yesterday's trip was great and while maybe mild conditions for some it was excellent practice for those who don't get in 3-4 footers that often 3) We had BCU and ACA trained paddlers and a BCU 5* paddler with us! The group got split into 2 sections - Kevin and myself with 6 other paddlers at the front (drift to the rocks was a concern so we had to keep the paddles in the water) and Rick and Doug with 2 other paddlers in the back. At no time did anyone not know where the other paddlers were although there was a good half mile between the groups 4) We all agree that Beach Briefings and perhaps the conversation on the beach for group management should return and are absolutely an important part of any trip 5) I want to be careful about talking about this good trip and portraying it as some concept of a bunch of paddlers that may have been sort of mindless and everyone out for themselves 6) No one in this club from those who decided to go to CAM on the board to those putting it into action ever thought that this was turning into a club where people didn't look out for each other. This is in fact a group of people who would put themselves at risk to help a fellow paddler or a complete stranger in distress for that matter. I guess my overall point is that maybe it was just me, but apart from examining putting more structure and group management into a trip, and examining the practical application of CAM, we had a great day yesterday, had a wide variety of skill sets that luckily were looked after highly trained and adept paddlers, and everyone in fact had a good learning experience and a good time . . .
  8. No fixed plan as of yet but expect an early afternoon paddle somewhere in this area. If you're interested, post interest and will work out the details online. Don't let the mere chance of t-storms stop you from getting on the water.
  9. The main problem with the practical application of CAM is that "major decisions are made democratically by the group." I have now had the chance to see this fail 3 out of 3 times on the water, where the group cannot come to a consensus. (Kevin posting under Gillian's name).
  10. hey there, so far it was just judy and me and kevin - i know phil a. and mark p. really wanted to attend but both can't make it tomorrow - i think rescue and tow practice will be best when we can get a group like we had today out on the water - calmer weather might be better for a learning situation . . . let me know what you think . . . on another note if the t-storms hold off we might do a little paddle from salem-marblehead - we'll put something on the board - come along if you would like to join us!
  11. lots of swells and some wind to practice in - show n go's always seem to be the way to get a nice group of paddlers out on the water . . . it was nice to see some new faces out there that i haven't paddled with before including rick and sal . . . kevin and brian and i were talking and think that the cam model is kind of not so great when it comes to practical application . . . we noticed it on the solstice, and today . . . it will be interesting to hear how people start modifying the concept to make it feel more like nspn trips used to feel in terms of more formal organization . . . . still a great day on the water and loving the new avocet even though i gotta get a better seat in there - have some NICE bruises right where the thighs hit the edge of the seat . . .
  12. definitely - i think this is a great idea - any others out there???
  13. you and your signif. other decide NOT to hook up while watching TITS III so as not to miss important bracing techniques
  14. Instead of finding needles under the couch in july, from the last christmas tree, you find mincell foam from the last seat repair!
  15. yeah! more time in the new boat as an fyi, this is going to be sort of a leisurly paddle, prob. not more than 3 hours for us, since i have to go shopping.
  16. Wait, weren't we on Crowninshield Island, not Brown? Oh well who cares, it's CAM anyway, who the hell needs a chart or a headcount!!! Plus I think it was 22 people so we came back with 24ish - I say that's a good day! Better than coming back with 20! Also! I would like to state for the record that my skeg was BROKEN so I did not use it!!!! Mellow Yellow loved her maiden voyage and some confused seas and wind . . . she is a pleasure to paddle!!! Also Kevin said I looked hot towing, so if anyone needs a tow anywhere let me know, I'm your girl, but you need to take pics so I can show him
  17. agreed! awesome job heidi! it was great meeting everyone and a special thanks to kevin for picking up the "new" avocet so i could take her on her maiden voyage yesterday, and thanks to bobb for spoiling his girlfriend and telling me all about it so i could egg kevin on! any pics yet?
  18. Awesome!!! Hopefully we'll be able to find a date that a larger group of people can do
  19. Rick I can't believe there wasn't a better response - I'll help you try to get this going as i'd love to practice with you and I think they are essential skills to have. I did a couple tows in moderate conditions, and my first tow failed even though it was properly positioned, and my second tow, the knot came off my waist bag, so being prepared is key, and there's never enough practice in my opinion. I know Brian, Shaila and myself at a minimum would be interested plus we have a couple newer paddlers that I think would be interested . . . I know Kevin will come out and assist, so if we could get a group of 5-10 people I think we could have a great training day! If you want to pick another time and date sometime in the next few weeks, we'll get it going . . . .
  20. We're hoping to see you all at the Solstice Paddle this Sunday! All the trips are up on the calendar and there's no registration required with the new CAM model! There will be three trips, an L2, L2+, and an L3 all leaving at different times from Marblehead Harbor. All the specifics are on the calendar! Also, true to tradition there will be a potluck afterwards on the beach so bring you food!!! The time may vary depending on when the trip participants get back to the beach but most likely I'm thinking we'll be ready to eat around 4ish in case anyone can't make the paddle, but can make it to the potluck. For anyone who wants to work on skills, boat play etc, the Harbor is a great place to practice, and each of the trips will have a mini skills session afterwards if people would like! Also don't forget the 10th Anniversary Tee Shirts will be available thanks to Heidi and Suwin, who's design won the contest! Any questions about this weekend contact Heidi, as I'll be out at a sales meeting for work all week
  21. hello all! kevin's been out on the water for about 6 hours now somewhere off cape ann, and we're going away for the weekend so I'm going to call the session for tonight - i don't think he was planning on being out quite so long. if he still wants to go tonight, i'll re-post here to let you know it's "on" as soon as i hear from him, but i'm thinking that it's probably going to be a no go - we'll reschedule the night paddle for next friday!!!!
  22. definitely!!! although since you have to paddle back another 5 miles with the sharks and such, you might want to stick to gatorade
  23. I believe it's about 5 miles, but I'm sure someone else will confirm shortly
  24. I'll take the ferry out and wave to you guys from the beach - I'll be the one sipping margaritas and chuckling at you guys.
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