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Everything posted by Gillian

  1. Rick that's great! How long do you usually stay out? My commute gets me there around 7ish so I'm not sure if you stay out until sundown during the summer . . . either way I'm sure I'll see you there at least a couple times . . .
  2. Wow Bethany, that's a sure way to get flipped - I'd watch out for Kevin on Sunday if I were you . . . but it's hard to miss that enormous orange boat coming at you . . . wait what am I saying, my boat is the same color as his . . .
  3. Hey Deb, okay 11 at Conomo sounds good . . . Kevin and I will meet you guys there . . . would love to try some surf . . . Hey Pierre, thanks for the post, I'm not sure if my skill set is up yet for where you're paddling today yet but I'm sure we'll paddle sooner rather than later
  4. Anyone up for a paddle tomorrow? We were thinking possibly Essex Bay, Marblehead . . . anywhere up on the North Shore . . . post if you're interested and we can figure out a time and place for tomorrow . . . casual paddle, level 2 or 3 . . .
  5. Kevin, you can put me down for either water or booth for Hingham - I can help out both days . . .
  6. Welcome!!!! Hey once you get your boat give me a buzz . . . a few of us in the North Shore area paddle locally and a couple of us, myself included, are also pretty new to the sport . . . NSPN has some great level 2 and 3 trips scheduled on the calendar, but if you want to get out for a day with us just shoot me an email
  7. Hey Kevin, count me in for both days, I'm happy to be on the water (preferable) or man the booth . . . wherever you need me is fine!
  8. Hi there, we've noticed lately that many of the directions and information related to put ins for our trips are out of date and it wouldn't hurt to be updated. I'm sure most of you guys know these places by heart, but for us newer members to the club, I'm collecting any information and updates you can send me! Someone even mentioned a road had disappeared from one set of directions Most of what we'd like to update is located: http://www.nspn.org/play-put-ins.html If you could post to this message or email me directly at gilliankirstel2003@yahoo.com, any updates you have on directions, parking, parking fees etc. it would be greatly appreciated so I can get the site updated . . . Thanks!
  9. Hi, I'm definitely interested in attending . . . .
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