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Everything posted by Gillian

  1. Hurrah! Congrats to everyone, except for Karen who I'm sure is wishing she didn't win the school of hard knocks award!
  2. Last year we had some great last minute personal donations for the raffle at the party. This year we thought we'd ask in advance if anyone has anything they'd like to raffle off (company tickets you can't use, museum passes, anything you think would be a fun raffle prize). Email me at gilliankirstel2003@yahoo.com and I'll start the list! Hope to see everyone there this year
  3. the new fangled atomic jobbie is called the iphone and i didn't realize there was a new add on, where for an extra 30 bucks a month it actually grows as a part of your hand so you always have it there.
  4. i hear the black hole of nothingness has some good partical surfing.
  5. article from CNN: "John Huth, who works on the collider's ATLAS experiment, called such fears "baloney" in a recent interview, and noted that in normal physics, even if the black hole were stable, it could just pass through the Earth without being detected or without interacting at all. "The gravitational force is so weak that you'd have to wait many, many, many, many, many lifetimes of the universe before one of these things could [get] big enough to even get close to being a problem," said Huth, professor of physics at Harvard University." So if you turn out to be incorrect can I have your kayak?
  6. Oddly enough, it's very rarely in my opinion the "new to paddling" folks who end up the discussion of what should or should not have happened on the water in the trip reports this summer. Folks who are new I've found ask what's expected, if the trip is right for them, and ask what to expect from the group and what the group can expect from them. Whether or not theyr'e advanced enough to check tides and weather isn't as important for that very new paddler who will start to learn from the more experienced. Most of the discussion centers around the intermediate paddlers who have enough knowledge to be dangerous as the expression goes. I know some people shun professional training which is typically where you really have group management drilled into you. The pay it forward system is great as long as the person who's paying it forward knows what the heck they're doing. If you look at where folks start to butt heads it usually where some folks who have been brought up under the most experienced paddlers in the country are continually surprised when others 1) don't look back, 2) don't effectively communicate by their standards 3) don't have a working knowledge of group management. I don't think it's CAM, I just think that different paddlers have different expectations of what it means to paddle as informed group member. Not every paddler is going to aspire be a leader in the spirit of the BCU and ACA definition of a leader, but anyone in CAM can lead a trip. I'm not saying that's incorrect or to be avoided, but it is what it is.
  7. Yup, pretty much the plan. For those interested, it will require a fairly early put in to take advantage of the tides. That being said, the weather looks great for the paddle:) The majority of GHs are gone based on our experience paddling in the area on last Fri. and Sat. (Again, K posting under G's name :<()
  8. Anyone up for either of these trips on Thurs.? Please post if interested. Finalize details by noontime on Wed. (Whoops, Kevin posting under Gillian's user name)
  9. hey there would anyone be interested or mind doing Rockport tomorrow instead of boston harbor islands in regard to the trip that kevin posted? if it would mess up the plans we'll still do boston harbor but i just got a new helmet for my birthday and there's more rocks in rockport
  10. seriously? that would be great . . . what time is good for you? i would be ready to go at 5:45 or any time thereafter . . . i'm at 16 high st, salem ma 01970 and my phone number is 617-304-2426 do you have room for an extra boat on your car?
  11. hey guys thanks for initiating this trip it looks great - kevin gets home late tonight so i'll talk to him and see if he's up for it and if so we will be there!
  12. Helllooo I was thinking a couple folks were going tonight who may not be - I only have the MG, w/ Kevin away right now, so I may not have a way to get my boat there . . . .please go on w/ out me for practice and if I end up finding a ride I shall see you guys there . . .
  13. Perfect!!! Absolutely have her join us for some BBQ afterwards and maybe she wants to come down hang out and watch for awhile . . . I'll bring an extra greenland paddle if you want to fool around with that . . .
  14. The little pups arrived on July 4th and we'll be picking up the new little one over labor day weekend! We're not sure which is ours yet, but pictures arrived yesterday!!!!
  15. I will be there a little later than normal, about 6pm - I'm going to work on some rolling with my greenland paddle, so if you're interested in working on your roll or trying a couple new rolls trying it with a greenland paddle, come on by! Interested parties are welcome back to the house in Salem afterwards to grill out and have some beers . . . we can pick up food and beer after the session! Disclaimer: You may be slobered on by 2 furry creatures who love having company over.
  16. ahhh, the high fashion of kayaking!!!!!!!!! sometimes i have to remind myself i'm in public when changing - after a few years of kayaking you get so used to seeing your fellow kayakers in their skivvys you forget the rest of the world might see this as something inappropriate
  17. If so would you PM it to me? Thank you!!!!! Oh and Kate if you see this would you email me at gilliankirstel2003@yahoo.com? Thank you!!
  18. Thanks to Cathy for organizing and for Brian's expertise and willingness to offer his time! I second Kevin's nomination to post pictures of the paddles!!
  19. A few pics...sorry there aren't more but I always forget that I have a camera and G usually takes them. But, no, she had to take the day off yesterday;) (D*mn, posted still logged in as Gillian)
  20. Shaila did say she was moving in that direction . . . that nice NDK is too much for her to handle.
  21. See the calendar link for directions if you haven't been - we had a great time last week with special thanks to Suwin for baking cupcakes for Shaila's birthday and for bringing balloons. We were the most Festive boats on the water for sure. Krisbee made it's official return last week as well! I will be working on some of my 3* skills this week that I think are a wee bit rusty . . .
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