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Everything posted by jason

  1. Congratulations on getting your book published! Can we ask for a kindle version? (Please).
  2. You tend to see more kayaks on New Years Day in the harbor than big boats. My first new years day paddle was with BSKC where two people holed boats on the old bridge piers up close to long island: http://www.kates.org/pictures/Jason/Kayak/BSKC/20050101_Boston_Harbor/ A nice change of pace is the Winnipesaukee: http://www.mvpclub.org/ (short boats, but we didn't get a lot of water for short boats this year).
  3. I had attempted my yellow Suunto with a "Petzl e+Lite Emergency Headlamp" taped under it on my last trip to the UK and it was 90+ deg off at one point where I was being asked to keep a bearing. It was nice and bright and was OK when I tested it in Linekin Bay before the trip. It wasn't working in big conditions and now I don't trust it. Stuffing the mini glow sticks under my Suunto was never bright enough for me to read it. I need something closer than the P70 at night, thus having something closer to my shins would be more ideal. I like your setup but when I paddle I don't normally bring my glasses and at night I would never be able to see it.
  4. I have yet to get a decent setup for a usable night compass. I have attempted the little yellow compass and stuffing a few of the small glow sticks under them, or a mini flashlight and that didn't pan out so well in conditions. I have attempted the Seattle sports purpose "built" night compass: https://www.seattles...5&idcategory=88 I liked it, it's just not well built, the insides get wet and die after the first use and the plastic cracks with just a little UV exposure. (Keep away from it). I currently have a Ritchie kayak compass that I am looking to rig up for night paddling: http://www.ritchiena...5F-C92F268E72FD I am thinking of breaking out eagle and designing a PCB to mount the LED's on that could be hooked to the compass with double sided tape. I was thinking of off boarding the batteries to keep them away from the compass. It looks like I can get 10 5cm x 10cm board, printed and drilled and shipped: http://www.seeedstud....html?cPath=185 I am looking at a microchip voltage regulator, as that should help with the run time and providing more consistent light. http://www.microchip...ocName=en547080 My thought is after I have this all soldered up and tested I would coat the board LEDs and all in west systems epoxy to keep the salt water from killing it. I would remote the batteries in a small pelican box and the only switch would be in the battery box. My real question is has anybody tried something like this? Will a board coated with west systems holdup and stay dry? Do I need to cover it in some glass to give it more structure? Does anybody have a better compass that I can just purchase that works for night paddling? (My Silva P70 works great during the day). Thanks -Jason
  5. It's really broken to me.... This is my view of the post:
  6. As of two weekends ago, I have already moved from my 20deg bag to my -20 deg bag. If your warm you can always sleep on the pad with the bag draped on top of you. I find that a warmer bag is the way to go. Once you get off the water your already at a heat deficit. As for gloves on the water I really don't like them, as they tend to restrict the blood flow in the hands and are really cold compared to pogies. -Jason
  7. Different fuel mixes do better in the cold. This one claims to be a 4 season mix: http://www.kitterytradingpost.com/product.php/pid/4/sid/60/tid/274/prodid/25565 IMO it's best to practice winter camping in land then once you have it dialed in up the challenge by doing it offshore.
  8. A quick google search will provide a number of sites that will re-size images, this was the first one listed: http://www.picresize.com/ It's worth a shot.
  9. I hope that you find a new location to host them, many people have learned a lot from your pictures/comments. Placing them on the NSPN photo gallery is an option.
  10. You can lend me the paddle, my paddle junctions loosen over time.
  11. The hood rolls and Velcros in place so you won't have to worry about it with rolling. You might check with Suz as to the zipper position, I recall that it's recomended to have it moved down an inch or two on a woman's dry suit.
  12. I love the booties and the over skirt. I am careful with my booties I never walk in them without my shoes and other than the one time the foot got slammed in the trunk latch they have never had a leak. One of the other joys of winter paddling (other than never getting ones feet wet) is to have a dry boat. In the summer when conditions are interesting I seem to always have to sponge water out of my boat. When I sandwich my spray deck tunnel in my dry top of dry suit I no longer have to worry about the water around my legs as I have a basically dry boat. In the winter IMO it's more important to keep the water out then in the summer.
  13. Not sure where you photo thumbnail went. I was able to find one from a backup.
  14. I was told by the Ranger that as of this Sat the Boat ramp will be open 07:00 to 19:00 (7:00PM) thus it will be closing 1/2 how earlier than it does now.
  15. I am not sure that anybody really want to spend their paddling time sitting in a booth (I know that I would rather be on the water in my free time). But the club has these great paddle smart packets. In the past they have been handed out and left with different retailers. I am attaching a version that I have, a newer version might exist but this is what I have. SafetyInfo07.pdf -Jason
  16. My understanding is NSPN's 501c3 charter is about educating about kayak safety including wearing life jackets.
  17. I ran into John's trip report on the Werner blog tonight: http://www.wernerpad...o-alaska.html that lead me to the trip report on John's blog http://www.seacliffk..._5,_2012.html It seems like I need to add another location to my bucket list..... -Jason
  18. You will be happy to know that the feather is starting to die, many of the good coaches are dropping people to 0 or 15deg feather. All of the current play boating moves depend on a 0 deg feather. You may see the feather remain in rec boating and racing (time vs wrists, time seems to win) but over time I expect that you will see less and less of it in WW and ocean kayaking. I know a number of people that learned a hand roll first and a few that have a hand roll but can't do a paddle roll. (These are people that I know from kayak Polo http://www.bostonkayakpolo.com/ http://nykayakpolo.org/ ). As for the C to C it's really fallen out of favor with white water as it's much harder with the planing hull boats. It's not my first choice of a roll but I would say it's easier for some to grasp in that you have distinct movements in a easy order. On the other hand if you have a high volume boat you need to be a lot more flexible that you have to with a sweep roll. -Jason
  19. I have had bug stuff eat a hole though a hatch cover. (Don't put open bug stuff down on top of a hatch, it's $$$ to replace the hatch covers). It melts a hole though the hatch fairly quickly.
  20. Looks like a great trip! It's now on my bucket list!
  21. This version also has a release: http://www.virginiaseakayakcenter.com/catalog.php?item=24&catid=Safety%20Gear
  22. Practising getting in and out of ones boat quickly can be done without the surf. As for getting the timing using a point break can help you get the feel for riding up on the back of a wave instead of surfing it. Looking at a beach that has dumping surf you will normally find a rip that knocks the surf down a bit and thus a better place to launch and land at. Spending a few minutes paddling up and down the beach watching the surf before picking your spot can be of value.
  23. It might be best to move this to PM if you have more moderation questions. The previous thread did go outside of the guidelines including with your rebuttal posts.
  24. The other thread turned into a series of personal attacks and was a cancer that had to be removed. If this thread remains positive I am sure that I won't be asked to remove this thread. This is a reminder of the rules of the guidelines http://www.nspn.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5412
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