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Everything posted by Walter

  1. I would suggest you put the sunscreen on after showering in the morning before going kayaking. That way it will get the opportunity to be absorbed by your skin. If I put it on at the put in, I fine that I have already started to swet and it is not absorbed. I also us one that will not run once it is absored as a result of swetting. Thus I have not had a problem with it running into my eyes. Good luck. Still with your luck do not stop carring a cloth to wipe the sunscreen out of your eyes. Walter Impex Assateague Emerald Green/ White w/ a yellow stripe
  2. The ramp just before Perley's is Town owned and run. I would suggest as a courtesy that you stop in at Perley's Main office &/or call the Rowley Police station and inquire about launching and parking. The Police Deptment has the say on you parking there. Perley's Parking is very limmited and he needs it for his customers. I did this and they were more than happy to let me park there. They did make two requests. 1) Not to tie up the ramp as it is for launching of boats with trailers. There is adequate area to launch from the side of the ramp and not get in the way of boats attempting to do use the ramp. 2) They asked that I park up back so as to leave the front spaces for residents. Not an unusual request. One other piont to keep in mind is that this River is very limmited by the tides. Plan your paddle accordingly. Have a great paddle if you decide to paddle here. Watch out for the jet skis. Walter Impex Assateague Green/White w/ a Yellow stripe
  3. You could try Salem Willows. I believe it is call Black Beards Beach. No cost to park. Suggest the Chop suey Sandwiches w/ popcorn & or Icecream before and or after paddling. If the tide is not to low(watch out for the muck) you can stop at the park on the way out. Great paddle. Did it a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon. Walter Impex Assateague Emerald Green/White w/ Yellow Stripe
  4. "Just a friendly reminder." Power boaters are runnung this area at full tilt. Friday is the start of the weekend. Traffic should be high. There are no "Slow. No wake." signs coming from Ipswich River side. I was through there at high tide on Wednesday 8-11-06 and would have been run over in Fox Creek straight away if I had not paddled up on the marsh. My colorful paddle blade did nothing to get there attention. I would suggest going through between the 2nd and 3rd hour of the tide. This way there is not enough water for the power boaters. The marsh grass is very high this time of year. I was taking a newbie around. She loved it never the less. One other tid bit. The swimming area has been increased on the Ipswich River side. It is marked. Greenheads are not completely gone. You will encounter some in Fox Creek for sure. Please make a hardy donation so that the next time I go through they are full. Thanks Walter Impex Assateague Green/White W/ Yellow Sripe
  5. Glad to see you have experienced your first of many rolls. Looking forward to paddling with you some more. Keep developing that "Just do it.", attitude. It will take you places you have never been before. Enjoy. Walter Impex Assateague Emerld Green/White
  6. I asked Patty Phelan the trip leader about the status and she indicated that the float plan was filed but she has not been informed about its status. Thus nothing has been posted. It is to bad as this is probably one of the few trips that NSPN has that is a level 2 and local. Walter Impex Assateague
  7. Thank you Great video. Jason have you tried the back deck sweep roll yet? Walter Impex Assateague
  8. Please include me also. I would like to help with the Essex River Basin portion. Walter
  9. Thanks John. Very helpfull. Walter Impex Assateague
  10. Thank you for the inspirational and educational weather session. Look forward to paddling with you in the need future. Walter Impex Assateague
  11. If it is that bad you should replace the tube. They can be purchased at REI and Dicks I believe has replacements. The insructions for cleaning my unit was to use 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda with 1/2 of unit filled with warm water. Shake'n not stirred. Flush. Then 1/2 teaspoon of Lime Juice to 1/2 of unit of water. Skake again. Flush. Store in refrigerator until needed. When needed fill with H2O and walla you all set to go.
  12. And in addition to the knots that Brian mentions, which are very usefull and are very good hitches to have available to you, there is the Truckers hitch it is mentioned and demonstrated on the web site here;http://www.animatedknots.com/truckers/index.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg#. This could be the knot you were looking for as it has several names. It is excellent for tying down ones kayak to ones vehicle as well as having several other uses.
  13. They have had a lot of problems to over come. With regard to the hold up on the trip, Matt wrote me the following; "It seems I will be able to restart the trip in the next week or so, depending on what the Tamil Tigers say. Keap watching. Matt Milloy Colombo" Walter Impex Assateague
  14. Well "Congratulations to the Brits" on circumnavigating South Georgia Island in record time 18 days, I believe! Yes, they finished there cicumnavigation today Dec 1, 2005 at 2200 hrs. Big time difference between use and them! They finished the trip with the temperature dropping, winds increasing(30-35 and increasing), and yes it was snowing.They had to use there compasses to finish as the visability had dropped.
  15. I followed the news about the Kiwi's 1St circumnavigation of South Georgia Island. They did it in 20 days I believe? Does it appear to anyone else that the Brits are tring to do the circumnavigation in a shorter time than the Kiwi's? Does it appear as though the Brits are about two days ahead of the Kiwi's as of there current reported location in comparison to were the Kiwi's were at this juncture in there circumnavigation? Walter
  16. Thanks Scott. It's a great sight. Walter
  17. Thanks Suz. I guess I just was not patient enough. There postings are great. I have given them my email address so I get the postings when they are sent. Walter
  18. Does any one know if the Brit's are still going to attempt to paddle around South Georgia Island? Do they have a web site? Walter
  19. Thanks everyone for the info. I went to the site that Suz provided for the Kiwis and they are as of Nov 2, within 5 kilometers of making history. Does any one know if the British team is still going? I have been unable to find out any mention of the American team and when they are departing. If you have any info please share. Thanks Walter
  20. Does anyone know how to get updated information on the statis of the two teams that were planning on Circumnavigating South Georgia Island? Have either of them started yet? Thanks Walter
  21. Put me on the list. I would also be available for week night sessions if on a Monday,Tuesday or Wednesday night. If you decide to do that. Walter
  22. Bob, it was a truly great day on the water. The weather could not have been any better and the company was great.Thanks for the tour. The put-in and paddling in Boston Harbor brought back a lot of good very old memories. I was humbled by how different things looked from a Kayak vs the bridge of a 40 ft power boat cruising along at 20+ nm/hr. Thank you Jason for the pictures. They are great. Keep a paddle in the water. Walter Impex Assateague Emerald Green/White
  23. Halibut Point is usually a good place to see them this time of year. If you were to monitor the whale boats on a VHF radio you would have a good idea if the whales were in the area. Walter Impex Assateague Emerald Green/White
  24. SNG Sunday 9-18-05 Come play in the aftermath of Ophelia at the mouth of the Essex River. Meet at Joe's Creek (AKA Walker Creek) Conomo Point, Essex Put in 10:00 AM, Bring Lunch. We will paddle to the mouth of the Essex River and Play in the Surf. Helmets recommended. High tide 12ish. This is a Show and Go you are responsible for yourself. This trip is without a leader. Parking and hot showers at my house. Keep a paddle in the water. Walter Impex Assateague Emerald Green/ White
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