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September 22nd - Warren and Dave's Alaskan Paddling Adventure


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UPDATE: Scheduled for Monday September 22, 6-9pm

The Gould Barn - 1 Howlett Street, Topsfield, MA

Potluck dinner - please bring an appetizer, entrée or dessert to share with the group.

The club will provide paper products and utensils.

I am bringing some water (in bottles), juice and diet soda left over from the last NSPN event, but folks should bring their own drink if those don't suffice.

Warren and Dave have agreed to do a presentation and question/answer regarding their recent paddling trip in Alaska's Prince William Sound. This is a great opportunity to find out what they learned about longer expeditions in remote areas and to relive this incredible journey with them.

We will start with a potluck dinner followed by a presentation and question and answer session.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at this event and hearing their story!

And I should add a thank you to Dave Merriman for suggesting this excellent idea!

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Bump . . . looking forward to seeing lots of folks there!

Remember it's a potluck.

I'll have water and juices there, but bring your own if you'd like something different.


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Ditto to what Katherine state! Thank you Warren and David for sharing your amazing journey! It was a great evening hearing about your adventures in PWS. Thanks to everyone else who contributed to helping them set up this night at the Barn for us as well so that they could share this will us.

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Thanks to both of you, Warren and David, for doing the presentation. It was really terrific! And thanks also to Cathy for organizing, and Dave Merriman for suggesting!

It was a full three hours of information - photos, narration, anecdotes, a power point presentation (!) on concepts and lessons learned...as well as demos of David's fully loaded boat (which as he unpacked it seemed like an endless Christmas stocking of goodies) and of various items that we don't generally have to deal with on our local trips - water filters, group shelters and an attention to detail to ensure the trip was safe and not totally soaked! Maps, charts, books to peruse. Prizes for the audience for correct answers to obscure and not so obscure questions. And I shouldn't forget to mention the audience's insistence that Warren model his new waterproof bib overalls. Tres chic!

Clearly a lot of thought went into Warren's and David's presentation, and it was greatly appreciated by all. I am sure that if our Gould Barn time hadn't run out at 9 pm, we could easily have continued into the wee hours.

Thanks, guys!


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Thanks Warren and Dave for an excellent presentation!

Warren models his new rain bib


Warren and Dave share special gear secrets

Dave demonstrates expedition kayak packing, makes his fully loaded boat throw up in public, to the intrigue and pleasure of onlookers.


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Thank you Warren and David for a wonderful presentation. You've set the bar high for future presentations on expeditions - I can't wait to hear next years! Thanks Cathy for all your organizing and for the IKEA bags :) There was lots of great food too.


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Thank you Warren, Dave, and everyone for a very enjoyable, informative, and inspirational evening! And thank you Cathy for all your organizing and for hooking me up with the much wanted Ikea bags!


PS Warren were those cookies REALLY from Market Basket?!

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