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Everything posted by mhabich

  1. Sounds like a good day for a plastic boat...
  2. Sure looks like a nice evening to be on the water...
  3. Yes, Dharma Trading is a good source for materials and knowledge. Another is Pro Chemical and Dye in Fall River.
  4. I just call P&H/Pyranha US for parts like this. They're really helpful, ship same day, and don't even charge if it's their responsibility. I'd replace the slider as well...it's only about $5, can fail, and it involves no additional labor when replacing the string. Check the skeg pivot and bungee too. I'd try using a shop vac to try to suck the string through the tube. Haven't tried myself, but might work. If you need any of the parts right now, I have all in stock.
  5. I'm going and have a boat and gear for you, Sue.
  6. As long as the rain lets up some, I'll be there. I'll have an extra paddle and PFD.
  7. Looks like that’s a zone forecast. Point forecast for just outside Children’s/Bakers is 1-2 ft, mostly wind waves. Lots of shelter available, of course.
  8. ...and your Avocet has bulkheads and will be a great boat for the day.
  9. Missed last week, so no clue on temp. How is it up there?
  10. Rob or I might be able to help with boats and gear. Sizes?
  11. West Marine has black bungee the right size. I got reflective black deck line from Knot and Rope Supply per Gary’s recommendation here a while ago. Good stuff.
  12. I’m up in Maine this week, but will be back next week as usual. Anyone else?
  13. Come join us at Chebacco Lake in Hamilton on Thursdays at 5pm though the summer. Practice strokes, rolls, rescues, falling out of your boat, or just watching kingfishers. Dress for immersion. A wetsuit is warm enough in early season, and keeps down the bruises from climbing back into your boat ten times a night. We meet at the boat ramp at the south end of the lake, and hang out in the cove to the left of the ramp. You can either get off 128 at Pine st (exit 16) and head north on the dirt road, or find Chebacco road off Rt 22 in Essex and avoid the dirt. No entrance fees. No rangers to kick us out at the end of the evening, but the mosquitoes do the job just fine.
  14. until
    Come join us at Chebacco Lake in Hamilton on Thursdays at 5pm. Practice strokes, rolls, rescues, falling out of your boat, or just watching kingfishers. Dress for immersion. A wetsuit is warm enough, and keeps down the bruises from climbing back into your boat ten times a night. We meet at the boat ramp at the south end of the lake, and hang out in the cove to the left of the ramp. You can either get off 128 at Pine st (exit 16) and head north on the dirt road, or find Chebacco road off Rt 22 in Essex and avoid the dirt. No entrance fees. No rangers to kick us out at the end of the evening, but the mosquitoes do the job just fine.
  15. Saturday is good for me, but I have to be back by 4. Sunday is OK all day. Must have ice cream. Or strudel.
  16. You don’t need to register, but it’s great if we know you’re coming. You can reply to the postings on the trips page as they appear.
  17. Try also SEAiq US. Available for iOS, probably also for Android.
  18. In the Show & Go spirit, I’ll be there. Unless I’m not.
  19. I'm going to the WW for Sea Kayakers. Anybody else game? Sounds like more fun than a barrel of monkeys going over Niagara Falls.
  20. Found this around the house, and suspect it might have been dropped at the party.
  21. Slot on the 18th went to David M.
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