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Everything posted by glad

  1. I’m a maybe. I have a contractor at my house and I may need to be here for decision making. Could you please put me on your planning list? Also, this will be my first ocean paddle of the season, though I’ve been paddling on my pond. I was interested in a paddle of modest length, like 8 ish miles. What is everyone’s idea of venue and length?
  2. My boat is in the shop until the beginning of May. Have a wonderful day!
  3. I am getting the new rendition of Yakima's felt saddle pads. The current pads are ripped and in places, stuck on with pretty tenacious glue. Do you think I could use Goof off to safely remove the glue without damaging the saddle material? Thanks! Karen
  4. Sorry to miss this early season fun. My boat is being repaired, I don’t have bunny ears and I’m out of town. Have a great day!
  5. I will be late to this event because of a previously scheduled meeting. Is anyone recording it? Might there be a way to view the first hour after the event? Karen
  6. My condolences, Sue. We will keep a lookout. I did a similar thing leaving my cyprus paddle parallel to the car, on the ground while loading the car. I was going to break it down and put it in at the end. And, I just drove away. That hurts!! It wasn't as bad as breaking my kayak into three pieces, though. I guess I’m grateful for that.
  7. Hello all - I am in the midst of doing my estate planning. The process has helped me reflect on what is valuable to me. NSPN has been a very important part of my world for decades. I have appreciated our community: the friendships I have made, the skills, the fun, feeling safer in everyone's company to enjoy the challenging adventures of the ocean and the natural world together. I know we are a volunteer organization but I am wondering if some infusion of monies were NSPN to be around when I die, might be useful. Perhaps, creating a fund to help older or less mobile folks get on the water when we are less able. Or a fund to hire far flung leaders to do local skills. Scholarships for exotic trips for folks who might not be able to afford them. More money for parties. There are lots of possibilities but I am just putting it out there to solicit your ideas. What do you think??
  8. Thank you, Mike and Jason. I appreciate your efforts!
  9. So funny! On behalf of the boaters, not to mention marine animals, thanks for removing this hazard!
  10. Sorry, I missed the deadline! I would really like to paddle and do the after schmooze. Please let me know if a place opens up.
  11. My neck is willing. And i will see you in Salem.
  12. I'd like to go if my neck will cooperate.
  13. Sorry all - but I have to cancel for tmrw. I’m bummed - i hoped my neck would cooperate and improve over the course of the day but it has not. I hope someone can take my place. Have a great day and sorry not to join you! Karen
  14. Thanks, everyone. That was very helpful. And to Bill’s comment, I believe they will need to go down to the fabric which is more of a Kokatat repair. Also, as many mention, it is a bird in the hand. Thanks!
  15. I sent my dry suit to Kokatat for a leak and they informed me that my 3 year old gaskets were slightly cracked. That amount of time seems a bit short. How long do they typically last? I will admit that i probably only applied 303 a few times. And since they have it, they are probably worth replacing: wrists $110, neck $95. What do you think??
  16. I’m having trouble making a car reservation. Is anyone else having the same issue? Or, am i too late to sign up for it? Im assuming reservations are not required and wed won’t be very busy. thanks all.
  17. I wish I could join but need to work that day. Have fun!
  18. I'd love to go but have to work that day. Drat! Karen
  19. I would love to join. It looks like a lovely day. But I'll be working. Karen
  20. I ‘m a probable but it’ll be my first paddle of the season, so shorter distance might be advisable for me.
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