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Surge versus Force 3


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A friend of mine is trying to decide between a Force 3 or a Surge. I can adivse regarding the Force 3 but not the Surge--

Does anyone have a Surge ? If so, what are the pros and cons of the boat?


The Surge is supposed to be a fast light boat. I would advise getting a fancy locking system if the Surge is purchased!

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The Surge is supposed to be a fast light boat. I would advise getting a fancy locking system if the Surge is purchased!


The Surge is weird -- light and fast, but weird. For one, it's very difficult to roll, something I experienced myself once. Someone I know who had one also said it was very tricky to paddle backwards.

The Force 3 (and 4) is a fine boat in the British/Explorer tradition -- you can't go wrong with it. It is not as light as a Surge, however.


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I've paddled a Surge and found it fast and easy to maneuver. There is no skeg, so even if it doesn't need one, the paddler needs to be fairly competent in strong wind and waves. I found the cockpit weird and almost intolerable: a high deck with plenty of room for thighs and knees decending forward rapidly to constrict my size 11.5 feet. The rear combing is too high to allow for lay backs. Best feature 37lbs.

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A friend of mine is trying to decide between a Force 3 or a Surge. I can adivse regarding the Force 3 but not the Surge--

Does anyone have a Surge ? If so, what are the pros and cons of the boat?



There's a gorgeous barely used Force 3 HV in K-Lite on consignment at CRCK for $3k ($4600 list!). Looks like a MUCH more durable clear hull than others' (I wish my Cetus was as well built!), and I think is only about 45 lbs.

I too have a friend looking at this size kayak, but she can't afford this one.


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Hi, Les,

Dave and I have Surges and have paddled them for over ten years. We love them. They are very stable and very seaworthy. They are hard to roll, but a roll just requires practice. We have had them in some pretty precarious situations and they handle beautifully. I have not felt the need to have many different boats. This one seems to be able to do all that I want.

deb duncanson

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