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Group Buy-Pains Wessex Flares


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Anyone in need of some Pains Wessex Flares?  I am in need of some flares and wondering if it would be more cost effective to get them from one the Marine  Supplies as a group buy.  I am currently looking at the red rocket parachute flares.  They go for $48 a piece.  If others are interested I will contact a few distributors to see if they will give us a discount on a group buy.



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  • Inverseyourself
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Why do you need 3, Jason?




It is a little complicated, but a kayak when operated between sunset and sunrise is required by USGC when operating on the ocean (roughly speakinhg) to have a night signal and that requirement is satisfied by having 3 pyrotechnic flares.

An electric night visual distress signal would suffice in place of the 3 pyrotechnic devices.

"Expert advice" says having more than three makes sense and having them day and night makes sense too although to me smoke makes more sense for day  use.



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  • 3 months later...

Hi Jonathan,

I didn't hear back on this topic...did you find a group discount and make a group purchase?  Even if there are none left form a group purchase, would you share the info on the process?

Thanks, Sue H.

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  • 4 months later...

Okay bringing this back from the dead.  


I have found a source for the flares here is what the buy would consist of:

Day/Night Signal


Red Parachute Flare



Comet was bought by Pains Wessex and are exactly the same now.  Keep in mind the parachutes are not the size of a pocket flare they would need to be stored behind your sea or in a hatch, John Carmody store his in a welding rod case:


The day night signal is perfect for a PFD pocket.  They are however expensive.

The Day/Nights: $105

The Rockets: $35


Once I have hard numbers as to who wants what I can bring it back to the distributor to see if we can get better pricing.


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