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Phil Gassin

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  • Location
    Amherst NH
  • Interests
    Sea kayak, river kayak, freestyle kayak, surfing, climbing, mountain biking
  • Member Title
    Phil Gassin

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  1. Hi Jim, i don’t know if I will be able to go but I would like to be in the group message. I paddled with SMSK in Casco Bay last weekend and it was great. Would like to paddle again next weekend if I possible.
  2. Hi everyone, I will not be able to make the trip as my wife and I will be visiting our daughter in Alaska instead. So I am giving my spot to whoever is interested. Sorry to miss this trip but we had no other option to see our daughter in Alaska this summer. I hope that someone will take my spot, I will see you all another time. Best regards Phil Gassin
  3. Hi Gary, works for me, I just sent you the payment. Looking forward to paddling with you again!
  4. Hi Gary how can I register for this trip? It looks like I need to pay for the campground, how do si do that? phil
  5. Hi, I am interested. Condotions permitting if other paddlers are interested in paddling the crossing I would do that instead of the shuttle. I am in the area the first half of July, travelling in the second half. Best regards
  6. Kyle I am registered. I signed up for a kayak gathering in Boothbay that weekend with NE Seacoast Paddlers so I will already be in the area. See you there
  7. Hi Paul, count me in. Brian it would be fun to do this together. I assume I see you Saturday in the Winnie, we can talk about it.
  8. Hi Paul, I would definitely like to paddle out if conditions lend themselves to it
  9. Hi Jim, thanks for this great discussion yesterday evening. I will not be able to make it to Marblehead on Saturday, I will be white water paddling instead - season is short-
  10. Looking forward to it. If some want to kayak to and from the islands I am with you, just taking a ferry and kayaking around the island works for me too, I would love to do both!
  11. Hi Josko, sorry I won’t Be able to make it, I have been in Texas working from home since the COVID epidemic started and I will not be. ACL in New Hampshire until July. I hope that there will be other opportunities to go on a kayak trip with you this summer. Enjoy!
  12. Hi Josko, i would love to join but I am a working remotely from Texas right now. i should make it back to New Hampshire in a couple weeks and hope to get back on the water in June. Enjoy!
  13. I had a great time last year and certainly would like to do it this year too
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