Event created by PeterB
9th Annual NSPN Dpowneast Paddle Retreat, Bar Harbor, ME Sept.14-17
Initiator: Peter Brady
This now-traditional 4 day event is designed for folks to gather, socialize, and paddle in the Mount Desert Island area at a great time of the year. This year’s retreat will be from Thursday afternoon Sept. 14th to Sunday afternoon Sept.17th, with group paddles each day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please note that this event will be one week later than
Most people travel & arrive on Thursday afternoon or evening, and depart on Sunday afternoon. But some arrive sooner and leave later, so there can be paddling and other activities in the days before or after the event.
Our base of operations will be at Rose Eden Cottages Rte 3, Bar Harbor,
Rose Eden is a cottage resort with some 12 cabins. We can gather there for car caravans to launch sites, and in the evening to socialize and plan next day’s trips. In 2022 We moved our base of operations to Rose Eden, and it worked well as a gathering spot. A number of yearly attendees will have already reserved at Rose Eden.
For those who plan to stay eleswehere, there is a wide variety of accommodations in the area , including nearby campgrounds which have been popular.
Our base of operations will be at Rose Eden Cottages Rte 3, Bar Harbor,
Rose Eden is a cottage resort with some 12 cabins. We can gather there for car caravans to launch sites, and in the evening to socialize and plan next day’s trips. In 2022 We moved our base of operations to Rose Eden, and it worked well as a gathering spot. A number of yearly attendees will have already reserved at Rose Eden.
For those who plan to stay elsewhere, there is a wide variety of accomodations in the area , including nearby campgrounds which have been popular.
Accommodations are on your own. Make your own arrangements (including reservations, cancellations deposits whatever) for your entire stay during this event. You are encouraged to make reservations (at Rose Eden or elsewhere) as far in advance as possible, as Bar Harbor is becoming more popular as a travel destination, and many hotels are booked many months in advance.
See the posting in the Trips fortum of the message board for ore detailed information
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP ( check " I’m going") here in the calendar posting .
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