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Everything posted by NPearson

  1. I can't do the 23rd / 24th Aug now
  2. Count me in too please Jim. thanks Nick
  3. Interested. Depends when, obviously. Thanks Nick
  4. Hi Janet, I tried to sign up on the google forms on my phone, but I think I screwed up - Did I make the cut? Nick
  5. Aaagh! Really sorry Prudence, but we’re out too now. I have injured my back this morning and I don’t think that lifting boats and paddling is the cure. Sorry! Next time. Nick
  6. Ali’s up for joining too - but likely no increase in the number of boats…
  7. Interested in the MA paddle. Keep me in the loop. Nick
  8. https://photos.app.goo.gl/2qi1hNwZyXkBMy949 here are my photos from yesterday - enjoy Nick
  9. Yes, count me in for the Friday (NYE) paddle please. see you there Nick
  10. Hi Rob, We / I may be up for this. Keep me in the loop. thanks Nick
  11. Or you could buy a Valley boat - their hatch covers are even a struggle for human fingers in my experience
  12. Thanks again Jim, for organising this paddle along an interesting stretch of the Maine coast. When the trip's theme turned from 'day paddle in sporty conditions' to an 'incident management exercise' it was great to see how we all acted as an efficient, competent, drama-free team. As Dan said, it was good to be able to practice our rescue skills in a real environment. Saturday really showed the value of paddling as a club. Kudos too to the paddler who 'lost his sense of equilibrium' but maintained his sense of humour.
  13. Wow! - I've just got around to reading your trip report. What a trip! Thanks for posting your write up, it really was a gripping read Nick P.S. you must tell me how to keep my hands warm with ponies (damned autocorrect!!)
  14. Hi Joe, I think I signed up for this earlier in the year, is it still on? thanks Nick
  15. We had a couple of nights on Little Chebeague this summer - a Ripple effect group was there on one night but we camped well away from them and hardly saw them.
  16. Harbormaster informed - this was a shart call follwed by an e-mail to confirm make & model of vehicle and my contact details.
  17. Is parking at Cousin’s island a problem mid week? I was planning to launch from there this Thursday
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