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Everything posted by Inverseyourself

  1. Your Explorer should be able to handle a mere 7'er, so that the cormorant doesn't have to tell his buddies " Just watched a shark snack a Josko off the surface 200' in front of me".
  2. Second what Jason said. Though controversial, I clip the tow belt to a deck line when doing a rare solo in rougher water, especially when windy. I understand the risk of entanglement but I can't stand the thought of being adrift without my boat.
  3. Would you believe it, I had my Romany Surf strapped down (usually hard) on my Thule and left it in the sun today. It now has the imprint of the thingies it sits on, 2 in the front and 2 in the back. I'll let it sit.
  4. Found it. OP#51, page 82, Jeff Allen: Stern Words: Sea Sheperds
  5. The weekend that NSPN cancelled its CAM session due to high winds! Recreational kayaking is becoming more popular each year. I know a lot of folks among my customers who claim to be kayakers but it becomes obvious when talking to them that basic understanding of safety on the ocean is lacking. One can only try to spread the word through the type of educational events NSPN offers but it may not be enough. On the other hand, these accidents are probably not epidemic enough yet for the Coast Guard to launch an official campaign. Very sad.
  6. I looked in OP and couldn't find such a dogmatic statement about leadership. You have probably seen Simon Osborne's "Leadership" article in OP#41 that just about says most about it (unless you are going for a PhD on this subject). I'll keep searching. No specific help either, I'm afraid.
  7. Portsmouth will be really tricky tomorrow. Peak ebb current 1.4 shortly before 10 AM at harbor entrance ( how much further in ?). If we go from Goat and want to stay inside, going upriver will be against current and wind. Messing around inside Newcastle will be impossible since LT around 12 PM. Not sure about area inside Gerrish but also hampered by LT. I agree w finding another venue. Would love to go out somewhere not in spite but because of wind. Lake Attitash?
  8. Manchester Harbor? Out to Misery. Can play around Misery(ies) and experiment with wind, rescues in wind, how fast does the boat take off if you don't hold on, etc. Not so tide dependent. Can "hide" on whatever leeward side is through changing wind. But I'll go along with Gloucester or Portsmouth as well.
  9. I'm probably in. Looking forward to hearing about what I missed. Will send FP via PM.
  10. Cathy, pick a conspicuous spot on land or use the edge of the bridge when you pass under it. If the length of your pink boat (~ 16 feet?), which you have to orient parallel to the flow, passes by that point within ~ 1 second, your speed is just under ten knots. Of course, you can't paddle during that measurement.
  11. Great news! Congratulations! Very much deserved! Looking forward to learning more from you guys.
  12. I think I'm going to install one of those swing-weights on my keel. It'll swing me back up with little effort and if I put it far enough back my boat won't weathercock as much.
  13. Trip postponed to Friday May 20. Same BIB-time, HT 11:40, LT 5:40. Trip is a CAM trip! Trip now advertised separately from this post, please communicate interest in that separate posting.
  14. Put in: Pavilion Beach/ Little Neck, Ipswich, MA Beach briefing 9:45 am, BIB 10:00 AM AT 70 degrees, WT 48 degrees, dry suit and sea kayak (>15 ft) required, please HT: 11am, LT 5 pm Route: Circumnav Castle Neck counterclockwise with rising tide (HT 11:00 am) via Fox Creek, approx 9 nm , ~ leisurely 5-6 hours, visit to Choate/Hog Island or brief Circumnav of same (membership with Trustees of Reservation required to land on Choate) Level 3 trip. Predicted wind 5 mm, 1 ft seas. Returning to Plum Island Sound from oceanside against ebbing tide will create current, confused water crossing from Crane's Beach back to Pavillion Beach. Please post here if interested
  15. Love your trip report, Pru! Great pics! What a great day to rekindle my paddling career. Thanks to you Pru for organizing and thanks to you Pru, (Lor(r)i(e) + Phil)2, Dav(e)id x 3 and Mike for your great company!
  16. Thanks Rob (aka "NSPN Forum Real-Time Overlord")
  17. Pru, do I PM with "Message" /the little letter symbol on your profile or will my float plan be broadcast to the entire NSPN-community if I do it that way? How can I truly privately message again?
  18. I had a choice after a very busy morning at work: Go to lunch or immediately read Pru's trip report. Awesome report and photos, Pru, as usual. Looking so forward to dinner now!
  19. No issue with current. I'm healed. But I'm up for anything you guys decide.
  20. Very interested. As opposed to Pru's gear, mine is all clean, extremely dry and has been sorted for a long time - poor me, indeed!
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