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Posts posted by Katherine

  1. Hi,

    Happy 4th!

    Is anybody interested in meeting at a lake late morning for a couple of hours of practice (rescues etc...)?

    Some of you may know that I have a new boat and I am eager to do some rescues before I need to do some rescues.

    Full Disclosure: I have not done a wet exit from my new boat yet and would ask that somebody be willing to STAND next to my boat when I do my first planned wet exit.

    Lake Attitash, Chebacco or Hood pond are all possibilities and I am open to suggestions.


  2. A bevy of bodacious babes and beautiful boats gathered in Sir Christopher's special launching spot in Gloucester near the Greasy Pole on a truly beautiful Sunday morning. Janice greeted us with a batch of her now famous scones.

    After wardrobe discussions and adjustments were made (thanks Sherri & Janice for the loan of clothes) we had our beach briefing and confirmed our route and destination while identifying what to look for and what to look at.

    We launched with Sherry setting the pace and route, Lorrie as inside wing-babe, Suz as outside wing-babe and me as sweep. I became quite accustomed to being in the back during my first two years paddling and I like it there!

    We made our way down the coast sight-seeing and chatting. I got to sing a refrain that is familiar to anybody that has spent a chunk of time with me, "I used to live there!". Hey, that's what happens when you have moved 13 times since you were 18...

    Lunch was at Magnolia Harbor were the customary good food was shared including cookies, more scones and a selection of fresh fruit. After lunch we headed back with more chatting and sight-seeing. Lorrie, Florence and the Machine's hit is still in my head!

    The return trip was uneventful except... Sherry did a fabulous job of coordinating the crossing of Blynman Canal. It was textbook perfect! A single parallel line, just in case people aren't sure what "textbook perfect" is. ;-)

    When we landed we de-briefed, loaded up and went to a fantastic ice cream place, (I thought I knew where all the best ice cream places where but I had never experienced this one) where we indulged while sitting on the grass and yes, chatting.

    A great day was had by all. I hope that someone took pictures and will post them.

    Thanks for making it a great day!

  3. Brenda,

    It was good to paddle with you yesterday and to relax with ice cream afterward. Here is the progression of my paddling wardrobe and my thoughts.

    1st purchase was a Farmer John wetsuit (it was on sale), paddling gloves, paddling socks and boots and a dry-top. I wore an old long-sleeved running shirt under the wetsuit. That served me well for the first and subsequent 4 springs and in the summer I moved into old running shorts with running t-shirts. And I wear a one-piece bathing suit under everything. I recycled my old suits from when I used to swim laps.

    2nd purchase was off of Craigslist was a pair of hydroskin shorts a paddling jacket and a kayak cart (all for a ridiculous price). And I wore those in the summer for about 4 years

    3rd purchase ~ rash guards! I started with one short-sleeved and one long-sleeved. Wore those for about 3 years and then started adding to the collection.

    4th purchase ~ replacement hydroskin shorts (just this year) & a replacement paddling jacket from our gear swap in the fall

    5th purchase ~ drum roll please ~ a dry suit! I have various weights of silk and wool long underwear that I wear under it, over the consistent bathing suit...

    Last purchase ~ a cag (used)

    Thoughts: buy Kokatat or NRS rashguards The in-expensive ones don't hold up well and on the short-sleeved ones the sleeves are too short causing chafing with the PFD

    Yes, a dry suit off the bat would have been lovely but I wasn't in the position to make that purchase.

    Troll Craigslist and other kayak clubs 9and of course ours) classified ads, great deals can be had
    .I am happy with my dry-top and glad I have one.

    If I can be of help further give me a call or PM me.

    Take care,

  4. Thanks ~ so glad you all figured out that foot= float. :-)

    Deb, I suggest you Google Chamber of Commerce in Gloucester for directions and take down my cell # 978-778-4585, I too, will be Google-ing for directions as I have only been there a couple of times, several years ago.

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