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Everything posted by tyson

  1. Emilie and I are interested in joining you for at least part of the day. We are looking to put in something on the order of 20 miles with our tandem. The thought is that we would tag along and then keep going further when you turn around. We may do something like a lap around Thatcher, ...depending on where the trip starts.
  2. Besides Doug's address, here is a street view of where they typically park.
  3. A friend of mine recently saw a bumper sticker that depicted of a sea kayaker in rough open water and said something like: "Out here, they can't see you pee your pants"
  4. It was "Jen", but she wasn't someone I knew before the RWS and I don't recall her last name. Something about the first native US citizen to get BCU 5, or Coach 5 or something like that?
  5. Ooooooooh! Did anyone get any pictures of that? That would have been very cool to see.
  6. Here is RWS, day 2, "Strokes in Conditions", this time on PicasaWeb. Simon was an excellent coach and The Narrows were really rock'n that day.
  7. YouTube video of a guy playing in some gentle surf, hands only. At the end he exits the boat and then does a re-entry and hand roll.
  8. Pictures of the other L3 trip.
  9. That looks suspiciously like the other L3 pod on South Gooseberry Island. I don't think any L2's ventured that far out. ...unless I have the location wrong. Cheers! Ty
  10. Here are pictures from the "Surf & Rescue" class on Day 1. More coming later.
  11. ...or just use a traditional paddle. They stay put without tubes or britches and are, oh, so nice to use.
  12. Emilie and I are planning to attend the L3 trip. We will be in our tandem. Cheers! Ty
  13. Barely more than a scratch on the AA. ...the Tahe, however, took a bow to the side of the hull and will require a little work. This link may show an entertaining video clip: Paddle Chase I have some pictures and a bit more video, but I will need a bit more time to organize and clean-up. Quite a few of the pictures suffered from water or fog on the lens cover.
  14. The last time I was there, they had a box for donations, but no required payment. This would have been the weekend before the Blackburn, so early/mid last July.
  15. I've paddled the AA and a few others with keyholes. The keyhole is clearly easier to get in and out of. However, I prefer the ocean cockpit for paddling. I like having support all the way across the front with no opportunity to have a thigh slip from under a support with things get bumpy and upside down. Since I intend to spend LOT more time paddling than getting in and out of the kayak, I prefer the ocean cockpit. I also tend to feel that a large spray skirt takes up space and creates a feeling of clutter on my front deck. Some may suggest that I'm irrational on that one. Cheers! Ty
  16. Yup! ...but its only Tuesday and some of us don't get to go paddling just yet.
  17. You forgot "PeterB: stealing Sal's reading glasses during the PPB" (Post Paddle Beer)!
  18. I'd like to second that. It was an excellent experience. Pictures on Picasa and Facebook
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