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Everything posted by BethS

  1. Hi, this trip sounds great! I'm interested, do we just show up or do you need us to sign up ahead of time? -BethS
  2. Hi, I've demo'ed both of those boats, (actually all three, the Nordkapp standard and LV), and ended up buying the Nordkapp LV. To me, both Nordkapps seemed a bit faster and sportier than the Explorer, although it's a fine boat too. The LV fit me best so I got that one. Which ever one you get, make sure it is custom outfitted w/ foam etc. so that she gets a good grip with her knees, and can brace her feet properly, otherwise you can't paddle efficiently. One thing she might think about too is her paddle; I'm a 51 year old sort-of-athletic but by-no-means-buffed woman, and I've had some trouble keeping up with younger/faster paddlers at times, what helped me the most was getting a Greenland style paddle! It takes a little getting used to, but then it really is a lot less work for the same amount of speed = a lot less tired. Also it's way better in the wind than any other paddle. Or, if the Greenland feels too weird maybe just a lighter conventional paddle, or even a wing paddle! I think the right paddle matters as much as the right boat...
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