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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Thanks Leon. Join us if you can. Need to squeeze out a few more paddles without a dry suit.
  2. Any idea of the water temp on Cape Ann?
  3. Since it's 11am, I'll be there too. Can't wait to see the boat. Doug
  4. Looking forward to the club paddle Sunday. I believe the past few years the weather was not anywhere as nice as expected for this Sunday. Hopefully many of you plan to join us for the annual members meeting starting at 9:30 am as well. See you there. Doug
  5. Very nice report Janice. Thanks for sharing with us. I hope you post some pictures. Doug
  6. me too.... Jason or Rene, where are you? Please help.
  7. Yes, that can be very effective. Adding to that, an additional way of shifting your weight is adding a foamed out bulkhead as a platform for your feet instead of foot pegs. This allows more options for foot placement allowing you to shift weight while still maintaining maximum contact.
  8. Brenda, when paddling into a very strong wind, its advised to lean forward a bit more than you normally would, use a lower angle paddle stroke (feathered of course) and use short forward strokes in front of your body rather than longer strokes. In an emergency when a skeg cannot deploy, it's good to carry a 15-20 foot rope of sorts, tie it to your rear toggle and drag it behind you. The drag may slow you down a touch but keep you in the direction you want to go. Of course doing this has its dangers such as getting caught on something. I wouldn't suggest doing this if you were alone without the ability of someone else releasing this line if needed. Doug
  9. For those of you interested in signing up under a club affiliation, choose NSK / NSPN when registering. We currently have over 1800 boats registered and are on the path to set a word record. Doug
  10. I have a friend letting me park in the channel but the lobster pound across the street from he Weirs holds 1000 cars. Drop your boat at the beach then park.Doug.
  11. Absolutely! Too bizarre to miss. I am one of the volunteers "on the water photographer". Join me. All are welcome. Paddle afterwards! Doug
  12. Try adding more rotation from your core. This should keep your hands away from the deck. Doug
  13. Wow.... Great adventure Warren. I envy your ability to get away from the northeast for such a great experience. I'd love to join you one day in the great northwest San Juan's. I was fortunate to have some instruction from Shawna and Leon 6 or 7 years ago at a symposium near Tampa. I wonder if the Matt you traveled with was the Matt that was with them at that symposium who helped me figure out why I couldn't keep up with the group on a paddle to an outside island. He struck me as quite an exceptional fellow back then and took it upon himself to work with me. He seemed to be born with a paddle in his hand. Looking forward to seeing your photos. Doug
  14. Yes, the conditions were great for covering a lot of distance. We were at Smugglers Den Campground. Extremely clean! We were on a very private group site away from other sites that would cramp our style and fireside chats til 11pm. The problem with down east Maine is you get spoiled and find our local waters boring. Doug
  15. Mount Desert Island pics: For best viewing, go to this link and press "slideshow". It will take just over 15 minutes to view. http://pixel8er.smugmug.com/Mount-Desert-Island-NSK-815 Doug
  16. I believe the water got in through the foam plug. After talking to Carl at Osprey and upon his suggestion, I punctured a small hole in the foam plug of the effected male paddle half and emptied the water out. I wanted to dry out the shaft as best I could so I took it upon myself to use a hair dryer, and starting from the blade and working down the shaft, applied some heat in an attempt to dry out the shafts interior and expand the air inside forcing any remaining water molecules to exit the shaft through the small hole. Today I'm allowing the paddle to relax and return to normal air temperature. Carl suggested I use some JB product to re-seal the foam plug. I can't remember the exact JB product he suggested but I'm sure my trip to the hardware store will sort this out pretty quickly. BTW, I did attempt to suck the air out of the shaft once the water was out to see if I could locate where the possible crack in the shaft could be but after creating a strong suction that held up, deducted that it was in fact a leaky plug. Doug
  17. Circumnavigate Castle Neck Via Fox Creek Saturday, 11:00 am launch from Pavilion Beach I'm interested in potentially paddling tomorrow out of Pavilion Beach, Ipswich and doing an easy circumnavigation of Castle Neck via Fox Creek returning oceanside. Estimated around 11-12 miles as illustrated in trip tic below with some possible surf play oceanside for those that wanted to participate or be introduced to the surf zone with 1-2 foot breaking waves predicted. Surf Zone antics not required for those that would rather watch for a bit. Seas should be pretty calm as well as a nice healthy summer breeze from the west. L2+ to L3 Low tide is around 8:22 so a launch time of 11 am will allow us to paddle with the current through Fox Creek. High Tide is around 2:26 so a portion of the return trip will be against a changing tide but very doable for the ocean side return to Pavillion Beach.. For those of you not interested in following the ocean route, there could be an option to return back up Fox Creek but will need another person from the group to find there way back as I will be doing the full circle. TRIP TIC: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=6037396 Please post interest below. Doug
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