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Everything posted by brambor

  1. My one and only sprayskirt is Seals Surf 1.4 It goes on easy. Putting a skirt on the coaming is almost an afterthought. Now my wife and son have these fancier skirts. One from Kokatat and one from PeakUK. They have a hard time putting the skirt on as there is about 2 inches of extra lip around the perimeter of the bungee. Is there a reason for this or is this something that everyone just cuts off after the purchase?
  2. I second the choice of a monocular. After all that's what the pirates used...it's gotta be good...
  3. Yeah. I'm puzzled. I thought the chronology was: Qajariaq then Q-Boat then Anas Acuta HV I think they should pick some tribal name like: "The boat of changing names" or something like that. r
  4. I thought they were renaming Qajariaq to Anas Acuta HV
  5. At least the portage is easier. you just slide the yak on the snow all the way to the water. :-)
  6. If you get stuck in the middle of nowhere it can double up as a smoker if you stand it vertical. ...p.s. the web site is funny too. 'accept no boundaries' ... as long as you have a gas in your tank, as long as the engine is running, as long as the waves don't go over 2 feet in height, as long as you're near a shore, as long as it's not the 'fourth' season... accept no boundaries. ewww. naughty:
  7. It took me decades to get that first sea kayak. I always longed for it, wanted it but managed to avoid it for various reasons or excuses. I managed a canoe, a sit on top and a rowing skiff and a 'Zodiac' inflatable... Finally last year I got a sea kayak. Got a used Nordkapp. Freaked me out a little bit I must admit but it never dampened my spirit. That year I did only lakes and a few failed self rescues. This year was different. From the start of the spring I felt better in my kayak, my legs were not falling asleep anymore. I managed to inspire the whole family, sold all the other non sea kayak boats and the kayak purchasing frenzy ensued. Now our family has 5 sea kayaks and we are looking into a double and a sail for next year. So this year I had my first self rescue lesson, first reentry and roll, first roll (in a pool), many ocean trips, from Casco Bay, Cape Porpoise, Great Bay, Seabrook and Tucks to many lake trips. Gradual realization that the bigger the waves got, the boat was still able to handle it and so did I. I want to thank NSPN members for being friendly and providing helpful advice every time I posted here or when we met for paddling. I will paddle at least once in 2010 but I hope for even better year in 2011. Thanks, Rene Valley Nordkapp H20 Red over white Valley Anas Acuta HV (Quajariaq) white Valley Pintail (original model) white Seda Ikkuma 17 red over white Seda Ikkuma 17 lime over white
  8. Bob I did not see you use the pogies yesterday. Do you still like them?
  9. Doug, Impressive photos. Can you comment on how the kayak fit you and how did you find the foam seat with the backbone support? What kind of conditions did you paddle it? The kayaks look great. I won't be buying one but I think it's nice to have a dealer up here in the NorthEast. rb
  10. Getting Ready This helmet rolled Lunch Break BOB (butts out of boats) Bob's Innovative Feet Warmers
  11. ... edit ... got it Tyson. I was messing with the reply and did not see your post above. Tx ... Maybe it is this location. I'll see cars with boats on the roof and I'll find you guys. At this time of the year there won't be any other fools with kayaks so I'll know it's you. Now, how do I do the link thingy ? It's actually very simple. First I go to googlemaps and find the location I would like to link to. Googlemaps allows to zoom in or out of the map. When I have the location just:
  12. heh. Maybe instead of actual trinkets inside of the cache I design and print my own carbon credit currency. The description of the cache would be for removing flotsam for the reward of the certificate.
  13. ... only to be superseded by the amount of flotsam and jetsam ...
  14. I would love to join. Time and place is ideal for me. Rene
  15. I have to be in South Hamilton, MA by 3PM on Sunday 12/13. Asuming that the conditions allow it, I wonder if there'll be interest in paddling anywhere around Gloucester, MA? I guess BIB around 10AM and off the water around 2PM would be ideal for me but I am flexible (provided I make it to my 3PM committment)
  16. This is a good question. I'll do my best to answer. For more detailed information please go to www.geocaching.com Geocaching.com is a strong supporter of Cache in Thrash Out A geocache is a hidden treasure and therefore is not and eyesoar. The odds are that on your way to work you will pass hundreds of close by cache locations but you will never see them. A quick peek at your profile location, I entered Gloucester, MA into geocaching.com and found roughly 70 geocaches in your vicinity. In general a geocache is registered by the governing body of geocaching.com. Its owner is responsible for placing the cache within the posted guidelines. So I am responsible in making sure the cache does not litter, does not create an eyesore etc etc... There are trinkets in every cache. On the island caches I tried to include items that would be useful for nearby kayaker or camper. I left such things as light sticks, mini flashlights ... My cache's are in a waterproof containter so potential contents can not leak out. Every geocache has it's own web page profile. If a geocacher finds an issue with a placed cache they will log it in and suggest a maintenance. The cache owner gets immediately notified by an e-mail and is able to resolve the issue asap. rb
  17. I've been to her blog a couple of times interested to see the whole map with the progress but I failed to locate it.
  18. I wish I could have made it to the party. I drove with the kayaks all the way to MA to watch my older son's hockey game and by the time it finished and he got out of the rink I had to feed him too ... well it was too late to contemplate additional fun snowstorm driving. We got home at 10PM.
  19. Tyson Balance Brace Tyson Roll Tyson in the rocks Rocks Dagen Walking the Plank Tyson and Emilie at Goat Island Adjustments Red Greenlander Tyson In Wave
  20. It was pretty much as advertised. Not much distance with some island hopping (gotta get the 11 year old kid into this gradually) but I hope you had fun playing in the waves and rocks. On the paddle back it started snowing...ain't drysuits fun? photos will follow.
  21. Well it's time to go home, get the boats ready for tomorrow morning. Life is good. Rene
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