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Everything posted by Gillian

  1. HA! If she doesn't stop eating my shoes we're going to find out!!!!! Bob, you going to Ireland??!!
  2. Ed, okay all good points!!! Kevin is having to train me as much as the puppy That puppy is totally working me right now! But I'm working on being more stern with her . . . if that doesn't work we'll have you guys over for puppy kabobs next week Practice for children! Good god no! I have more respect than I could have ever imagined for people with children . . . I'm having a mental breakdown over a tiny puppy . . . I have no idea how people with kids do it . . . Thank you for the advice . . . I'll try not to cry the next time she whimpers . . .
  3. Brian how's the new boat!!!! Sounds like you guys had a blast last night . . . we'll try to come the next time!
  4. Walter if the new 8 pound ball of fur called a puppy wasn't ruling our lives I might have made it . . . but I think I might fall asleep in my kayak if I go. . . if someone is willing to tow me that'd be great, I'll definitely show However hopefully Kevin will be able to come and I'll stay home with the terror. If anyone out there loves insane puppies and wants to offer advice we're all ears!!! Ahhh, I remember when I used to kayak . . . .
  5. It was definitely a great day and a big group of people that we don't always get to paddle with. There were some additional highlights worthy of mention on the board! Here are my top highlights for the day 1) Having almost 2 different paddles in one day - Kevin and I launched earlier planning to surf off Cranes, but not having quite enough time, played in standing waves near the last crossing of the Bay over to Cranes. I still am gaining experience in wind, surf, and current and by the time we got back to the put in point where the rest of the group was ready to go, I was pissed off, frustrated and ready to take an axe to my boat . . . after some great reassurance from Kevin, I blew a couple rolls and then felt fine The rest of the day was a pleasant paddle! But what I took away was amazement at the different experiences you can have on the same day and that frustration and fear can happen when you least expect it, so taking a break, or for me, angrily muscling through a couple bad rolls got me positive again 2) I met Chris Godfrey for the first time and all the rumors are true . . . bright, sparkling, laughing eyes, lovely demeanor, amazingly graceful paddler, great teacher, and possibly a dirtier mind than me! Kevin chuckled to me later that he would hear Chris calling out to me "now gilly try keeping your edge in your boat, change the grip on your paddle, and see how that works . . ." He said it brought him back to those first times when Chris took him out as a novice paddler with gentle encouragement . . . for those of you who don't know, Godfrey christened Kevin as "Beckers" 3) Walter came out!!!!! I haven't paddled with him since my first paddle on Cranes beach and I forgot how much I loved that booming laugh. Also I had to reveal that Kevin has a small shrine to Walter in the condo . . . Walter, I'll send you pics of that privately Other Great Highlights: 4) Walter forgetting my name 5) Godfrey forgetting my name (jeesh, I thought I was more popular 6) Godfrey almost tipping me over (there's a fantastic picture of a maniacle grin on his face approaching my boat from behind as I'm posing for a picture) 7) Did I mention Walters laughter ringing out across the water? 8) The launching of the ship Isabella 9) Meeting Mary for the first time who I hope to paddle with again . . . she said Kevin hadn't mentioned my lovely eyes which I was quite disappointed to hear about Beckwith . . . I think you're too focused on your shrine to Walter these days. 10) Perfect weather conditions, laughter, comraderie, boat antics, and learning. Oh and probably the top highlight was the 3 hour nap taken after the paddle - we thought we could handle our post paddle beer but maybe we should have washed down dinner with a few Geritol . . . what are we 80? Kevin let me know what size depends you wanted me to pick up for you today . . . So much for painting the bathroom last night . . .
  6. Billy, just remember it's feet first, not head first . . . the goal is to get the feet in the cockpit - if you put your head in first it makes it harder to turn around once you're weged all the way in.
  7. dee that's so cool!! will look out for them at nesc . . . we were just talking about putting reflective tape on our boats - would this be an alternative you think or something in addition to refelective tape above the water line?
  8. Did someone say something about rescues??? SWEET!!! Brian, I'll happily flip over and you can practice T Rescues tonight!!! However I believe a beer will be in order afterwards
  9. Heidi, great question and keep posting and keep asking questions!!! I've used it a couple times in pool sessions, and the bottom line is that you need to get back in your boat . . . I agree with Liz to learn as many different methods of re-entry as you can. If you make it out to Salem tonight or next week we can practice using the sling and also we can start teaching you how to very ungracefully slither up the back of your boat using the paddle float. There's a lot of cursing and grunting involved which always makes it a good show, unless of course you're Billy or Kevin who can hop the the back of a damn boat and make it look effortless . . . .
  10. SWEET!!!! Very excited about that . . . Rob it will be great to see you again
  11. their would be no need for dander if everyone just accepted that BCU of course is superior heh heh heh . . . . come on, bring it on board posters!!!!
  12. Brian that is a fabulous story . . . my only word of advice would be to use your paddle next time someone says something like that for it's other purpose (first purpose is propulsion through water, second is for flogging power boaters in case you didn't know that) Power boaters blow and often have bad hair cuts . . . makes you wonder which came first? the mulletous person buying a power boat or the purchase of a power boat causing the baser qualities of man (yes man, not woman to appear in the form of a mullet? congrats on the new boat!!!! definitely come join kevin and me any evening over in salem harbor . . .
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAH JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! It's the end of the work day and I'm getting punchy
  14. yeah but you said there's nothing like seeing the dancers live, especially because they're celebrities too . . . ahhh, kayaking blows anyway, let's stay home and watch that and then elimidate is on after that and i can finish my newspaper mat . . .
  15. oh i'm sorry guys i suck!!! that stupid woven newspaper mat class i'm taking always gets in the way . . . .plus kevin dancing with the stars is on tonight and you said you didn't want to miss that, remember?
  16. Ed, you keep mentioning Kevin and Posters . . . . do you have a poster of Kevin you're not telling me about and if so can I get a copy!
  17. The level 2 paddle that Kevin put together for Saturday turned out to be fantastic. We had the perfect conditions for a level 2 paddle that day but we got to push the limits; we did about 10 miles, had some good ocean swell and chop, rocks to play in, a couple channel crossings (not too long), and boat traffic, which gave everyone a taste of some higher level conditions. But for the most part we just had lovely sun, calm waters and a great initial experience for some of the paddlers out in the ocean. We had a group of 13, or was it 12? I was leading most of the way so what's losing track of a person or 2 right???? I don't know, I think they all made it across that last channel But seriously we did have 12 or 13 people, maybe 10 by the time we got back and I think everyone had a great time. Bob and Deb were awesome, Deb staying up front with me and Bob and Kevin in the back, I'm sure hoping to do some T-Rescues which never happened!!!! There was a great varying level of experience in the group from some first and second time ocean goers to long time paddlers. It was one of those paddles where it just doesn't matter what level you're doing, you're just happy to be out on the water on a beautiful sunny day. We left Marblehead's Riverhead Beach at about 9:15 and headed out into the Harbor, past Fort Sewell hugging the land to stay out of that narrow channel in Marblehead. Bob started with some great forward stroke lessons for those who hadn't been out in some time . . . Boat traffic was fairly light at this point and the waters were calm as we headed towards Salem. We got a chance to play in the rocks a bit and at some point I heard an exasperated Bob or Deb telling Kevin to "get out of there" since he's supposed to be paying attention to paddlers I laughed and was reminded of how Kevin and I sigh and grumble at our two Brittany's to "get out" of whatever they're not supposed to be into We did get some nice swell and boat wake which was fun for us and good experience for those who hadn't been in it before . . . I remember the first time Deb told me to just relax my hips and go with it as I was passing along that piece of advice to a couple paddlers next to me. We all rafted up for the channel crossing across Salem Harbor and headed in to the Friendship and landed for about an hour for the Maritime Festivel. We all kind of dispersed for coffee, or lunch or to tour the boats at dock that day. We returned to the water and I tried a roll which I did pretty efficiently although still not "pretty" - AND all you folks who promised it's easy to roll a loaded boat were right - I was very surprised that it was no different, in fact a little easier. The trip back was fairly uneventful but still relaxed and fun and we even got into some skills . . . Deb was showing Maria the bow rudder as Kevin was showing the same stroke to a couple people in front. I remember Vince asking me about the forward stroke and I gave him a couple of the best pieces of advice I've gotten . . . asking yourself what muscle just moved that paddle through the water, your torso or bicep? And then a couple tricks for forcing torso rotation. One of the most fun parts was back at the beach, the tide was coming in but it was shallow with just a couple feet a good 15 yards out from the beach. So we had time for boat antics and skill sessions. Deb and Maria practiced edging and bow rudder, Bob gave some lessons, I blew a couple rolls 'cause I was tired and lazy but saved the last one by laying out on the back deck - Ralph talked a bit about how rolling was taught in Greenland paddling with sculling taught first and then the roll second which gets you used to the last part of the sweep. Kevin and I got a chuckle when he asked me if I was doing the C to C roll or the sweep because we're not so sure . . . Kevin finished up the day by kissing his bow - I got a great butt shot while Bob grabbed his stern and assisted with a lift All in all a great paddle, great group of people who went out and a number of well deserved beers were had I'm sure by all afterwards . . . Here are links to photo's and the gmap pedometer for the route: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/onlyonebeckers/my_photos http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=344644
  18. Hey Maria, if you see Billy's post below that's pretty much what you'll need, headlamp if you have one, glo sticks at least a couple, also if you have reflective decklines great, if not, reflective tape for boat and/or paddle, and then a c-light or another flashing strobe of some sort to be used if necessary, and then safety gear including flares . . . I like the recommendation of the helmet and Kevin and I have a couple extra we can bring along . . . Did I miss anything?
  19. damn. i was all ready with the video cam for tomorrow too . . .
  20. Gay, feel free to swing by and drop off some chocolate covered Strawberries though
  21. Brad, between Kevin and I we have an Explorer, a Valley Aquanaut RM, and a Valley Avocet RM. If you ever are in Salem, MA in the evenings you're more than welcome to try all of these boats out. The Explorer and Aquanaut are both great touring boats and you'll get to try both a fiberglass and RM boat . . . we're around most evenings! If you come to any of the lake sessions for practice (Mystic or Chebacco) anyone there will let you try out their respective boats as well!
  22. guys come on, we're trying to get newer people out on the water and now they're going to be looking for great whites in marblehead!!!!! way to go actually you've scared the crap out of me . . . i'm off to go install torpedo tubes in my kayak and a suit of chain mail for me . . .
  23. JUDY YOU ROCK!!!!!!! Way to go!!!! Okay we need to get together so I can see it!!!!! Maybe as a special treat Bob L will give endo's to everyone who gets rolling this year Judy, what would you say helped you the most? We've gotten a lot of great advice on the board lately . . . for me one of the biggest helps was curling up on the boat so my head is practically out of the water before i start my sweep . .. Congrats!
  24. hey that's my birthday!!! i can't think of a better present, unless of course, you want to do the endo and then give me a ferrari . . .that would be even better
  25. I'm sure there are some out there but these are great whites they're talking about and luckily we don't get those
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