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Everything posted by cathyfoley

  1. This event is sponsored by NE Seacoast Paddlers and open to all types of kayaks as well as canoes. All NSPN members are invited to attend these paddles. They are fun and many NSPN members attend. Great chance to get some paddling on flatwater if you're just a beginner. A nice easy, social paddle for all. Northwood Lake is a long, narrow lake located in southeastern New Hampshire. It lies primarily in the town of Northwood, with lesser portions in Epsom and Deerfield. Northwood Lake has approximately 2 miles of shoreline on Route 4. The meeting place is at the public boat ramp on Lake Shore Drive. This is right off of US Rt 4 in Northwood Directions: * Take NH-125 North toward Kingston/Epping * At the traffic circle, take the 3rd exit onto US-4 drive West Aprox. 14 Miles * Turn left at Lake Shore Drive * Look for Boat Ramp on Left. Click on the Photo above right to view location of Boat Ramp on Lake Shore Dr. Life vests aka PFDs must be worn at all times while paddling with this group. Due to the cold water temps this time of year wetsuits or drysuits are highly recommended Directions to Northwood Lake using Google Maps
  2. This is a free form skill session to practice in the ocean. Much of the session will likely focus on surfing skills, but it is not limited to that. The Seabrook Harbor "bowl" offers a very safe place to learn basic kayak surf technique and boat handling skills in the surf zone. The "bowl" is shallow water and self rescue is very easy. Some weeks, the group may opt to head out of the harbor into the open ocean for surfing on Seabrook or Hampton Beach. We will also practice open water self and assisted rescues, towing and other basic kayak skills from time to time, depending on the desires of the group. High Tide June 30, 6:51 p.m., perfect for surfing the bowl. If you come late, just paddle around the corner from the put-in, paddle out under the Seabrook Harbor bridge and you should be able to find us in the bowl or just around the corner. Put-in is at Seabrook Harbor, on the Seabrook side of the bridge on Rte 1A in the large parking lot with a restroom.
  3. This is a free form skill session to practice in the ocean. Much of the session will likely focus on surfing skills, but it is not limited to that. The Seabrook Harbor "bowl" offers a very safe place to learn basic kayak surf technique and boat handling skills in the surf zone. The "bowl" is shallow water and self rescue is very easy. Some weeks, the group may opt to head out of the harbor into the open ocean for surfing on Seabrook or Hampton Beach. We will also practice open water self and assisted rescues, towing and other basic kayak skills from time to time, depending on the desires of the group. High Tide June 16: 6:17 p.m., almost perfect for surfing the bowl. One hour before high tide is best...arrive on time to take advantage of the surf. If you come late, just paddle around the corner from the put-in, paddle out under the Seabrook Harbor bridge and you should be able to find us in the bowl or just around the corner. Put-in is at Seabrook Harbor, on the Seabrook side of the bridge on Rte 1A in the large parking lot with a restroom.
  4. This is a free form skill session to practice in the ocean. Much of the session will likely focus on surfing skills, but it is not limited to that. The Seabrook Harbor "bowl" offers a very safe place to learn basic kayak surf technique and boat handling skills in the surf zone. The "bowl" is shallow water and self rescue is very easy. Some weeks, the group may opt to head out of the harbor into the open ocean for surfing on Seabrook or Hampton Beach. We will also practice open water self and assisted rescues, towing and other basic kayak skills from time to time, depending on the desires of the group. High Tide June 2, 8:18 p.m. perfect for surfing the bowl. If you come late, just paddle around the corner from the put-in, paddle out under the Seabrook Harbor bridge and you should be able to find us in the bowl or just around the corner. Put-in is at Seabrook Harbor, on the Seabrook side of the bridge on Rte 1A in the large parking lot with a restroom.
  5. Every otherTuesday evenings at 5:30 until dark. All are welcome to join. The water is still cold so drysuits and wetsuits are recommended. Tuesday nights are "informal" skills sessions. You can work on whatever you choose. You can ask for help from the experienced paddlers there, or offer something up that we all might learn from....you don't have to be an expert kayaker to share experience. (I actually learned to roll successfully from someone who had only paddled twice, but he could see my problem because he had read some books!) You should have at a minimum: Boat Paddle PFD (which you must wear and zip when on the water with us) Paddle float Pump Wet or Drysuit (until at least mid-May) Directions to Great Pond: Great Pond is located in Kingston, NH We launch at the State Boat Ramp on Main St. in Kingston. (do not park within 15 ft of the fire hydrant..$50 fine that is sometimes enforced) Main St is located one block off the intersection of Rte 125 and Rte 111 West in Kingston, NH. The boat ramp is about 1/4 mile down Main St on the left.
  6. Every otherTuesday evenings at 5:30 until dark. All are welcome to join. The water is still cold so drysuits and wetsuits are recommended. Tuesday nights are "informal" skills sessions. You can work on whatever you choose. You can ask for help from the experienced paddlers there, or offer something up that we all might learn from....you don't have to be an expert kayaker to share experience. (I actually learned to roll successfully from someone who had only paddled twice, but he could see my problem because he had read some books!) You should have at a minimum: Boat Paddle PFD (which you must wear and zip when on the water with us) Paddle float Pump Wet or Drysuit (until at least mid-May) Directions to Great Pond: Great Pond is located in Kingston, NH We launch at the State Boat Ramp on Main St. in Kingston. (do not park within 15 ft of the fire hydrant..$50 fine that is sometimes enforced) Main St is located one block off the intersection of Rte 125 and Rte 111 West in Kingston, NH. The boat ramp is about 1/4 mile down Main St on the left.
  7. Every otherTuesday evenings at 5:30 until dark. All are welcome to join. The water is still cold so drysuits and wetsuits are recommended. Tuesday nights are "informal" skills sessions. You can work on whatever you choose. You can ask for help from the experienced paddlers there, or offer something up that we all might learn from....you don't have to be an expert kayaker to share experience. (I actually learned to roll successfully from someone who had only paddled twice, but he could see my problem because he had read some books!) You should have at a minimum: Boat Paddle PFD (which you must wear and zip when on the water with us) Paddle float Pump Wet or Drysuit (until at least mid-May) Directions to Great Pond: Great Pond is located in Kingston, NH We launch at the State Boat Ramp on Main St. in Kingston. (do not park within 15 ft of the fire hydrant..$50 fine that is sometimes enforced) Main St is located one block off the intersection of Rte 125 and Rte 111 West in Kingston, NH. The boat ramp is about 1/4 mile down Main St on the left.
  8. This is a free form skill session to practice in the ocean. Much of the session will likely focus on surfing skills, but it is not limited to that. The Seabrook Harbor "bowl" offers a very safe place to learn basic kayak surf technique and boat handling skills in the surf zone. The "bowl" is shallow water and self rescue is very easy. Some weeks, the group may opt to head out of the harbor into the open ocean for surfing on Seabrook or Hampton Beach. We will also practice open water self and assisted rescues, towing and other basic kayak skills from time to time, depending on the desires of the group. High Tide May 19: 7:56 p.m., perfect for surfing the bowl. If you come late, just paddle around the corner from the put-in, paddle out under the Seabrook Harbor bridge and you should be able to find us in the bowl or just around the corner. Put-in is at Seabrook Harbor, on the Seabrook side of the bridge on Rte 1A in the large parking lot with a restroom.
  9. May 12 and then every other Tuesday evening at 5:30 until dark. All are welcome to join. The water is still cold so drysuits and wetsuits are recommended. Tuesday nights are "informal" skills sessions. You can work on whatever you choose. You can ask for help from the experienced paddlers there, or offer something up that we all might learn from....you don't have to be an expert kayaker to share experience. (I actually learned to roll successfully from someone who had only paddled twice, but he could see my problem because he had read some books!) You should have at a minimum: Boat Paddle PFD (which you must wear and zip when on the water with us) Paddle float Pump Wet or Drysuit (until at least mid-May) Directions to Great Pond: Great Pond is located in Kingston, NH We launch at the State Boat Ramp on Main St. in Kingston. (do not park within 15 ft of the fire hydrant..$50 fine that is sometimes enforced) Main St is located one block off the intersection of Rte 125 and Rte 111 West in Kingston, NH. The boat ramp is about 1/4 mile down Main St on the left.
  10. Every otherTuesday evenings at 5:30 until dark. All are welcome to join. The water is still cold so drysuits and wetsuits are recommended. Tuesday nights are "informal" skills sessions. You can work on whatever you choose. You can ask for help from the experienced paddlers there, or offer something up that we all might learn from....you don't have to be an expert kayaker to share experience. (I actually learned to roll successfully from someone who had only paddled twice, but he could see my problem because he had read some books!) You should have at a minimum: Boat Paddle PFD (which you must wear and zip when on the water with us) Paddle float Pump Wet or Drysuit (until at least mid-May) Directions to Great Pond: Great Pond is located in Kingston, NH We launch at the State Boat Ramp on Main St. in Kingston. (do not park within 15 ft of the fire hydrant..$50 fine that is sometimes enforced) Main St is located one block off the intersection of Rte 125 and Rte 111 West in Kingston, NH. The boat ramp is about 1/4 mile down Main St on the left.
  11. Chuck: Check out: www.camrig.com made for Pentax cameras or www.chasecam.com (a good deck mount system....I have one...works great) I have a Pentax W30 and hasn't been damaged yet on my deck...and its been banged around
  12. Cancelled due to forecasted rain in the area throughout the day.
  13. This will be a very easy, slow pace paddle out into Great Bay from Chapman's Landing. Good chance to dust off the kayak and start working those core paddling muscles that you might not have used over the winter. Launch time: Butts in boats at 1:00 p.m. Expect to be off the water between by 5:00 p.m. Distance: 8nm or less High tide at the Swamscott River RR bridge is 3:34 p.m. on Sat, so there should be plenty of water in the bay in all areas. Weather forecast for Saturday is a high of 47 degrees, overcast and slight chance of rain. Winds less than 10 mph, NNW Wetsuits (farmer john) or drysuit recommended. Bring a warm beverage and snack for a mid-afternoon break. Directions: Chapman's Landing is located in Rte 108 in Stratham, NH
  14. One thing that hasn't been mentioned on here is the use of a personal locator beacon (PLB) or a SPOT, which is a similar device. As kayakers, many of us spend thousands of dollars on boats and other equipment. While expensive at about $650.00 for a PLB and $150 for SPOT, I would think a solo kayaker in northern waters would consider it essential equipment. It's definitely a last resort and hopefully an investment never needed. But the one time you might need it, could save your life. I can only speculate that this kayaker and the guy off Biddeford Pool a year or so ago, might have been saved had they had one of these. Within minutes, rescue personnel should have a signal and almost an exact location, night or day. It may still take quite a while for help to arrive, but someone in a drysuit would likely survive that wait time if they had good layering in underclothes and some means of signaling as rescuers are near. (VHF, Flare, strobe, mirror) Even someone in a wetsuit might have a chance.
  15. John: Being you're a large paddler, perhaps the Assateague's for sale on our classified boards might be a good option.
  16. Excellent Mike....Glad to let you guys have it. Enjoy and see you soon.
  17. I have a paid spot at this Saturday's pool session in Haverhill at 6:00 p.m. I cannot attend due to another commitment and am offering this spot for FREE to the first taker who is a paid member of NSPN. Please don't reply unless you will acutally show up and use the spot. I will have to coordinate this with Brian Wells the registrar. Please respond here.
  18. Mary, Enjoy the trip....as Sal said....living the dream! Take lots of pictures to share.
  19. Ross: I'm not going to paddle today. I had strained a muscle in my left shoulder friday installing a heavy hanging light. I felt a little better yesterday and thought I would be fine today, but I'm no better than yesterday. I don't think I could launch from Pierce and circumnavigate Gerrish without aggravating it more. Winter is no time to be a liability to the group. Hope to join you next time. The weather looks perfect for you.
  20. I plan to be there, but weather is a concern...wind! we'll see in the morning my cell is 781-454-9111 if it's cancelled.....we can always surf Jenness Beach
  21. Sunday looks good for me but simply can't launch until after my morning tea I'll follow the board then follow the hoard to get back in the saddle for a full day's paddle as my skills are getting rusty and my drysuit is dusty I'll join for the toast but unlikely to boast
  22. Bob, thanks for the input...did it not let you answer the two questions and then submit the response?
  23. The NSPN BOD is working on a proposal to possibly form some type of alliance with the Maine Island Trail Association. If you could take this quick poll, we'd appreciate the data.
  24. I went a few weeks ago and absolutely loved the exhibit. Essex Peabody Museum is always fun, but this exhibit is really nice if you love artic scenes.
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