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186 Foot Waterfall in a Kayak


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excuse me for asking, but i am rather inexperienced at this sort of level...

...is there any skill involved in this, or is this a fancy version of going over a falls in a barrel?

From what I understand he attempted to stay on top the green tongue, which sort of reduced the drop and then to land in the airated water to make the landing "softer". I think that he got really lucky.

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Is part of the 'technique' to layback on the back deck to reduce the impact of hitting the water?

Just wondering in case I got drugged, kidnapped, put in a kayak going over Niagara falls and woke up a few seconds before the drop...

From what I understand he attempted to stay on top the green tongue, which sort of reduced the drop and then to land in the airated water to make the landing "softer". I think that he got really lucky.

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Going over waterfalls is referred to as Hucking.

I have a ww kayak that is supposed to be good for "huckin" but I myself am not a huckster. I bought the boat used so I would have a ww boat for friends who are larger than I am. (It's a spare boat)

I don't know when the video was made but the next time somebody runs it at a higher water level they get to claim that as a new record or at least argue the point.

There is some technique in hucking or at least an attempt at technique, depending on this, that and the other thing.

There is a fairly well known top of the class kayaking paraplegic, who became a paraplegic from a hucking accident.. I don't know what the stats are for back/ neck injury's from going off waterfalls, but I would think that it would be interesting to find out.

Interestingly enough ww kayaks are kayaks without a rudder or skeg, therefore by some definitions it would be a purist delight and the truest form of kayaking and well blah, blah, blah.

So a person hucking waterfalls could assert that their version of kayaking is what it is all about. Kinda interesting when you think about it.

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Oh for heavens sake why doesn't he just jump off of a 20 story building. In his kayak.


Because if he jumped off a 20 story building, there would actually be air for him to breathe as opposed to a mass of swirling water to inhale. :wacko: It is all about how much risk one is willing to take coupled perhaps with the belief in one's invincibility. Too much risk for me. And yes, the voice mail to Mom is interesting-"just out doing a little boating"???

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His hand roll was awesome, no hands! Some of us may think that the waterfall drop,in particular was reckless behavior, yet I'm sure that is the same reaction some of us get when describing surfing in long boats from our landlubber friends. Especially if they could see a video of me window shading thrice on the same wave face. (No, I don't have the video.)

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And yet you moved to the nation's capital for foolish and risky behaviour...

I live out in the burbs...indistinguishable from any other suburb except for

the excellent hiking nearby. The folks who do the weird gambling stuff are

all tourists...and I make sure to thank them for paying my taxes when I pass

through the airport and see them.

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Out here in the "burbs" there is also excellent hiking nearby but I must say your air is a bit drier. I recall a recent posting justifying a tendency for the locals to carry extra weight having anything to do with the recreational choices available. This was alot of hooey (sp?) as one can ski and hike in many places out here. Like Jeff Goldblum/Michael Gold said "when was the last time you went week a without a juicy rationalization". In case this and other postings seem to be hijacking the thread I'll chime in that this sort of thing obviously provides entertainment for adrenaline junkies but is neither reasonable nor substantially involving skills.

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