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one ocean project

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glenn charles ( http://www.oneoceanproject.com/ ) started in kw and is heading N up to quebec....so that's fairly ambitious.

saw him at RWS and he and another fella ( jake - who i coincidentally also on a loooong voyage of his own - http://www.portagetoportage.com/blog.html ) put on a really excellent slide show of their respective journeys so far and the comparison between traveling up the exposed coast and traveling up the inland waterways - the juxtaposition of routes and their respective personalities made for an excellent presentation.

in any event, jake went up the hudson and is heading home to portage wisconsin but glenn is still slogging along the outside and is somewhere north of winthrop and heading this way. if you see a salt encrusted paddler in a new explorer (his well worn boat took a bit of a beating at rws and he was sent packing in a new one) tell him hi...give him some water, food, offer him what aid you can...he has a long bit of water ahead of him and some wonderful stories behind him.

it's a kind of transformational pilgrimage that those of us that find solace along that long shoreline where land and salty water meet truly appreciate. god speed dude.

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Definitely keep your eyes open folks. On the 20th, Glen was taking a day off on Great Brewster in Boston Harbor, so he'll be officially entering the north shore waters any second. He's a nice guy, a good speaker and apparently likes long trips in small boats.


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Definitely keep your eyes open folks. On the 20th, Glen was taking a day off on Great Brewster in Boston Harbor, so he'll be officially entering the north shore waters any second. He's a nice guy, a good speaker and apparently likes long trips in small boats.


Hmmm....Well, there'll be a group of us paddling outside the mouth of the Hampton river tomorrow evening....I'll keep my eyes open.

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glenn charles ( http://www.oneoceanproject.com/ ) started in kw and is heading N up to quebec....so that's fairly ambitious.

saw him at RWS and he and another fella ( jake - who i coincidentally also on a loooong voyage of his own - http://www.portagetoportage.com/blog.html ) put on a really excellent slide show of their respective journeys so far and the comparison between traveling up the exposed coast and traveling up the inland waterways - the juxtaposition of routes and their respective personalities made for an excellent presentation.

in any event, jake went up the hudson and is heading home to portage wisconsin but glenn is still slogging along the outside and is somewhere north of winthrop and heading this way. if you see a salt encrusted paddler in a new explorer (his well worn boat took a bit of a beating at rws and he was sent packing in a new one) tell him hi...give him some water, food, offer him what aid you can...he has a long bit of water ahead of him and some wonderful stories behind him.

it's a kind of transformational pilgrimage that those of us that find solace along that long shoreline where land and salty water meet truly appreciate. god speed dude.

I'm guessing that Glenn started in Key West = kw?

Any one who does these long slogs in varying conditions has my admiration as my idea of a long slog in varying conditions is circumnavigating Crane Beach :rolleyes:

Deb M :roll::kayak-surfer:

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glenn made it to safe harbor tonight in amesbury and is shoving off tomorrow with a destination of wood island in the middle of the channel offa the piscataqua between new castle and gerrish tomorrow for a layover on thursday or so on peaks. he's going to spend some time along the beautiful maine coast - show him how us yankee's roll...go and play and paddle and help a traveler up the coast on his way to nova scotia.

what can YOU do to help?

i'm teaching a class tomorrow night and can't be there so do us all a favor and help a brother out with some pizza and beer tomorrow night upta wood island....paddle out and bring the boy some chow.....come on peeps, represent!

you KNOW pizza will fit into those hatches in some tupperware and beer....hell, it'll fit most anywhere!

what YOU need, i can help with later but in the meantime, help this brother out on his journey north!

thanks sisters and brothers!

Suze....chica...i'll call you tomorrow....he's got a problem with his <mostly> dry suit and what the hell is the point of being the mentally distressed sibling of the kokatat rep if you can't ask for help on behalf of a troubled traveler? it's even a suit he PAID for! thanks cookie!

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I contacted him on Monday and offered help once he reaches Maine. He might contact me but I think he might spend some time at MIKCO instead.

glenn made it to safe harbor tonight in amesbury and is shoving off tomorrow with a destination of wood island in the middle of the channel offa the piscataqua between new castle and gerrish tomorrow for a layover on thursday or so on peaks. he's going to spend some time along the beautiful maine coast - show him how us yankee's roll...go and play and paddle and help a traveler up the coast on his way to nova scotia.

what can YOU do to help?

i'm teaching a class tomorrow night and can't be there so do us all a favor and help a brother out with some pizza and beer tomorrow night upta wood island....paddle out and bring the boy some chow.....come on peeps, represent!

you KNOW pizza will fit into those hatches in some tupperware and beer....hell, it'll fit most anywhere!

what YOU need, i can help with later but in the meantime, help this brother out on his journey north!

thanks sisters and brothers!

Suze....chica...i'll call you tomorrow....he's got a problem with his <mostly> dry suit and what the hell is the point of being the mentally distressed sibling of the kokatat rep if you can't ask for help on behalf of a troubled traveler? it's even a suit he PAID for! thanks cookie!

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  • 3 weeks later...
glenn charles ( http://www.oneoceanproject.com/ ) started in kw and is heading N up to quebec....so that's fairly ambitious.

saw him at RWS......he has a long bit of water ahead of him ....

... god speed dude.

In case anyone has an interest about people actually out paddling, according to grapevine Glenn spent the past weekend on an island north of Isle Au Haut amongst some folks who enjoyed meeting/visiting with him. He is doing well. Don't know if he got to see the wonderful Fourth of July IAH parade or not. A great pity if he did not.

Ed Lawson

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In case anyone has an interest about people actually out paddling, according to grapevine Glenn spent the past weekend on an island north of Isle Au Haut amongst some folks who enjoyed meeting/visiting with him. He is doing well. Don't know if he got to see the wonderful Fourth of July IAH parade or not. A great pity if he did not.

Ed Lawson

He did get to see the parade on IAH. A wonderful scene of small town Americana. Lots of fun with the locals and fellow kayakers alike. And really tasty scallops to be had from the little general store there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
He did get to see the parade on IAH. A wonderful scene of small town Americana. Lots of fun with the locals and fellow kayakers alike. And really tasty scallops to be had from the little general store there.

Yes, this is Glenn, and I wanted to say thanks to all on this board that have been following my journey. The waters that you all paddle in are truly magical and it has been a special treat for me to experience them in my kayak.

I am now up in Canada nursing a very sore arm which will most likely cause me to suspend the final leg of my trip, the Lubec to Quebec portion. If I do indeed suspend things, I will still be doing some low key paddling in the area, working my way slowly out of Maine and down to the RI/Connecticut area. I will continue to update my site, www.oneoceanproject.com with details and would happily entertain meeting local paddlers along the way. It has been a long solo trip and the thought of paddling with someone else other than my token Mr. Bill gets me way excited.

A special thanks to Rick for his help with me and my boat along with a warm place to stay. The local paddlers I met out on Wheat Island for the 4th of July were amazing and made it a truly memorable experience. Yes, the scallops were delicious and Isle au Haut is a very special place.

Peace & Love,


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