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Repainting the condo, so....

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Sometimes playing on this website can give you some ideas...



Do you know the paint color name you're starting with? I think Benjamin Moore has a similar site too....

here's Benjamin Moore's page


Have Fun! :):):)

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Currently painting the ghetto house kitchen a color called 'barley' from benjamin moore. It's in the yellow family. If you go to a ben moore dealer, they have little jars of paint you can buy for a couple bucks and try. I did try a color called something like chestertown (or charlestown) buff - that was a darker color - but looked like I smeared guldens mustard on the wall. Good luck.



VCP-Anas Acuta

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I too have some of those brown mistakes! One of mine looked like baby poop on the wall.

Maybe you want to come check out the colors I am not using - a few gallons of mistake colors! Sure those little colors would have worked out better.


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Take my advice--it really doesn't matter what color you paint it as long as you let Gillian choose the color----that way you won't have to listen to any complaints.

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as long as we're talking about fix ups and paint and such (and really, there's enough in the house to keep this a constant topic at our house) the very industrious mrs stoehrer has painted the dining room a most wonderful deep terra cotta color...really like it!

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