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Waterproof pill container


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In our recent WFA class,the recommendation was made to carry aspirin readily available - for example in PFD - because, let's face it, many of us aren't getting any younger, and aspirin can be a lifesaver. What is the best totally waterproof compact container that can be tucked away in a pocket?


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because, let's face it, many of us aren't getting any younger


Getting older? I hate you.

This looks good. But when I carried pills I carried them in the case holding my GPS (with a plastic wrap around the pills).

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I've seen the straw method , where you crimp heat seal them inside a plastic straw. No experience with it personally, though so I don't know about durability. You have to get the larger diameter straws like are used for slurpees or coffee coolattas. Also look for the one dose foil packs at convenience stores and gas stations. Those are compact and waterproof.

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I normally paddle with a fairly comprehensive first aid kit in my kayak. An annual chore is throwing out the expired drugs, and replacing them with fresh drugs. This spring at Walgreens I stumbled upon these tiny little ziplock style baggies and saved lots of money by repackaging a few drugs we had in larger bottles around the house anyway.

EZY Dose Pill Pouch

Of course my drugs are first put inside an EZY Dose Pill Pouch, then inside a baggie of all the pill pouches, then inside another baggie of first aid baggies, then inside a dry bag, then if sea kayaking inside my combination dry/float bag. I usually put a little bit of paper towel or a cotton cloth inside each baggie (except the pill pouches) to absorb minor leaking. Only once to date has water made it into the first layer of baggie inside the dry bag, it was during a WW experience were I became separated from my kayak. Even then the actual first aid contents remained dry.

When Sea or WW kayaking, I do carry two little dry boxes (one is an OtterBox, I forget the other brand) in my PFD pockets. Both usually but not always stay dry inside. If you put your pills in a baggie, and then the baggie with something to absorb water into the dry box, you would probably have dry drugs most of the time. Though you should check the contents for dampness after each paddle.

I have never tried one, but a quick search for "pill fob waterproof" turned up this offering via Amazon


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<35mm film canisters?>

Yes! Small and very weatherproof, Pru. Simple and cheap, too.

One can debate on how waterproof the last generation ones were and I don't think that one can get 35MM that cheep any more. Looking on Walmart's site the best I could find was $8.70 plus tax (you do get 4 rolls).

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Speaking as one that is getting older day by day, perhaps dear Pru may be approaching the point of Analysis Paralysis (from too many choices).

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