Event created by mhabich
We'll meet at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters (across from Audubon at Joppa Flats, on the road to Plum Island)...after we've all tested for Covid in the morning.
Come at noon to have your lunch, socialize, and talk about the birds you saw in the morning if you like. Talk starts no later than 1 PM. We'll be out with the doors locked behind us by 4.
We’ll learn the physical causes of waves, tides, and currents, and might find out:
Why do waves come in sets?
Why are the waves on some beaches always dumping?
Rip current…friend or foe?
Why is the water so rough around headlands?
Why does a 12 second wave have 4x the energy of a 6 second wave?
Why is the tide 50 minutes later each day?
Why is there a bigger and a smaller tide each day…sometimes?
Why are the tides so big in the Bay of Fundy?
Lots of drawings and graphs, few equations (all avoidable).
After the presentation we’ll have an open discussion of strategies to deal with waves and currents as a kayaker, where to get predictions, and rules for interpolation.
This event is open to paid club members only. Please RSVP here.
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