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David M

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Posts posted by David M

  1. Very much agree with Rick on the comfort of the Astral Green Jacket. I've been really pleased with how the design allows relatively unencumbered torso rotation. The front 2-way zippered pocket is also roomy enough that it also holds my VHF. This is the third jacket I've owned over my paddling career. Hands-down my preference.

  2. Probably, like many of us, I've just started to sort out some proper launch sites. I'm starting a thread with the intent of providing a collection point for real-time updates on relatively clear pathways to launch (MA,NH, ME). I had business in Portsmouth this past week (3/16) and intentionally diverted to Peirce Island with the hopes of scoping out a weekend launch site. It was not a successful trip. Evidently the city of Portsmouth used the lot to dump an endless amount of snow. Many of the piles were well in excess of 30 feet. What's your experience?

  3. Rick, thanks so much for republishing this. As one who has only within the past few years engaged in the sport, your reflection is both sobering and instructive. Several times while reading and then rereading your post I was reminded of a book a friend introduced me to within the past couple of years...Deep Survival:Who Lives, Who Dies and Why (DS) by Laurence Gonzales. Over his career Gonzales has been studying a range of accidents and what he proposes is their roots in human behavior. In DS his stories focus on "risky recreation" in the outdoors. He blends neuroscience and story to make the point that there is a very specific interplay of "emotion" and cognition" that needs to be understood by those involved in risky recreation. I've found it to be a great read and very thought provoking.

    Thanks again for a terrific post.

  4. Congrats guys! Well deserved all around!!!

    Bob, I remember back a few years to my first NSPN Paddle in Salem Sound. It was in my first year of serious paddling. I had no idea who you were but thought as I scoped out the group that I'd tag along. I was new to the group and experiencing a few butterflies. You looked like a stable figure :) As I shadowed you into some rocks the next thing I'm looking at is the bottom of your boat. I remember thinking ... oh &$%#. I had watched You Tube videos on assisted rescues and practiced a bunch on fresh water, but this felt like the real thing. Only in retrospect did I recognize you had set this up. I've since developed a deep respect for your dedication to training and your reflective yet go get em approach.

    Andy, it seems like most any time I assess my progress, you come to mind. I've appreciated the times we have had the opportunity to paddle together. I remember the first time we paddled together on a post Thanksgiving jaunt. We paddled out of Manchester to Baker Island and beyond. Somewhere in our meandering we both answered the question... "so, how long have you been paddling?" I thought the combination of my helmet, liner (it was cold) and yes, advancing years had contributed to a hearing deficiency, when I thought I heard your tenure described in months, not years. Your progression has been fun to watch and yet, not to sound sentimental, inspirational to someone who has taken up the sport/obsession later in life.

    Rob, having been involved in many nonprofits over the years, I've come to realize that there are a handful of folks who represent the backbone of the organization. They are not always the most visible but represent a steady influence on the trajectory and value of the organization. I have the privilege of counting you as a friend and have come to really appreciate the reflection and critique you bring to paddling scenarios and technique. It's greatly assisted my own learning and progression. You've made me better.

    Again, well deserved by all. You are each able carriers of the Club DNA... "pass it forward".

  5. Great idea Cathy!

    Still feeling new to the sport so the list may need to be modified, but my birth certificate indicates I should be focusing.

    1. UK for sure

    2. Anywhere Orcas are a possibility

    3. Newfoundland to also check out the land of ancestors on each side of the family.

    4. Greenland

    5. More time on the Maine Island Trail.


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