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Everything posted by prudenceb

  1. Eight of us celebrated what I just confirmed was the 10th Annual scheduled EBP…although over the years some were celebrated in a restaurant when conditions weren't favorable, and one (last year) was canceled altogether because bad weather kept us off the water and the @#$&* pandemic kept us out of restaurants. This year, bright blue sky, some wind and brisk temperatures made for a lovely paddle out and around Tinker's Island from Riverhead Beach. But for the first time, we didn't live up to the name. Not one person plunged! We all stayed warm and comfy in our boats. But in a sense, that is a mark of the success of previous such paddles. In 2013, five of us ventured out on Easter to test our cold water gear…and our mettle…by doing a lot of in-water exercises…rescues, swimming boats to shore and so on. Over the years, EBP's, cold water workshops and other events and experiences have gotten many of us comfortable and confident in what to wear and bring with us…so on this particular beautiful day, we were all happy to Just Paddle! Thanks to Rob Folster - who organized the first Easter paddle, before it had a name and a history - for organizing once again; and Cathy Folster, David Mercer, Fred Goodman, Jim Connors, Mike Habich and Joe Berkovitz…for such a lovely day on the water!
  2. The Marblehead coast from Riverhead to Tinkers Island, around the island is quite beautiful!
  3. Seems early in the season for parking charge at Riverhead…
  4. 9:30 am "ready to launch" sounds a bit early given early season and how chilly it will be. Likely not a long day so off the water 3 pm allows plenty of early season paddling time - particularly if we're spending much time plunging - with a slightly later start. Just a thought.
  5. Very nice, Gary! Question: what brand is the retractable doohicky for attaching camera and where did you get? I had one for years that finally broke and haven't found replacement that works. I also have plastic trash bags and more personal items: a book (always!), a couple of head lamps and extra batteries, small notebook and extra pens, toiletries (toothbrush and toothpaste most important), small hand san bottles attached to cooking and toilet bag, a LOT more TP than you pack in the vid for longer expeds..and also, the ladies use more than the gents ?. Small towel. You get by with just crocs on your feet. I've done expeds where you really needed low rubber boots (either in place of, or in addition to, land shoes) and they take up room! Thermos. And this is just off top of my head… But I follow your general principle of soft stuff in bow (no metal to interfere deck compass), hard stuff in stern and food jammed in just everywhere! Looking forward to seeing you both on vids and in person. And I'm totally jealous of your garage! Prudence PS…the issue of what clothes to bring could be a whole different thread… especially on longer trips where space is at premium…
  6. Read Rob's post for answer to your question!
  7. Hey Rob, you didn't emphasize the most important thing…altho you did allude to it in Chocolate Adventure Model. Folks…this is the secular EASTER Bunny Plunge paddle…so feel free to bring chocolate, Peeps, jelly beans etc etc to share with the gang! And, oh yeah, I'm in, too. Prudence
  8. I can't make the pool session this Saturday. If you would like my spot, for free or whatever you want to give me, it's yours. Please let me know so I can let the organizer know. And anyone who takes it will need to do Covid test that morning. Prudence
  9. If you want my spot tomorrow - for free - please PM me. Folks are asked to test before the session. session cancelled. Have a nice day! Prudence
  10. Sue, if the trip is being kept to 8 people, shouldn,t be a problem. I've been there with more cars than that.
  11. The date in May best for me at this point. Second choice is Aug 26. Count me in!
  12. Not sure if everyone is noticing Dan's request that if you want to attend, send him a PM indicating interest and answering the questions he lays out…
  13. Peter, I don't think you ever took a shower at Knubble Bay! I've been there a bunch of times over the years…and no shower! Unless you brought your own sun shower!
  14. Sounds great, Mike. Once again…could we ask folks to please test that morning, and obviously, if positive, stay home!
  15. Dana, how did you “arrange the work” so that you could cut all the way around the neck without lifting the blade? I've cut - and messed up - gaskets by not doing that step. A drysuit with container inside the neck for stretching and cutting is pretty unwieldy! Or, hey, maybe I should just drop my drysuit off at your house since you have it all figured out ?!
  16. Thanks, Rob! I hope we'll see you on the water more…and bring Cathy! Enjoyed seeing you grow as president. And as for Sue, well, congratulations, Madam President!
  17. Sorry, but I can't even consider attending if EVERYONE doesn't agree to test before going - and obviously if positive, agrees to stay home. I learned my lesson at the last large - but almost all outdoors - event I went to, which turned out to be a superspreader event…me included. ? Prudence
  18. It's become a tradition. After various people backed out (Covid contact, bad back, undefined physical something-or-other…) four of us remained. So it was David Mercer, Jim Connors, John Dowd and I that headed out from the Little Mystic River ramp in Charlestown under atmospherically gray skies and clouds draped over the tops of buildings. There was almost no wind for the first time in a long time. We paddled in and out of marinas and piers down to the Black Falcon terminal then turned to cross the harbor to Eastie. We had to stop for a bit to let a tug, returning from pushing a big barge out of the inner harbor, pass in front of us and received a cheerful toot of acknowledgement as it went by. A relaxing paddle, flat gray water and uniformly gray sky with the occasional pitter patter of rain. We were all glad to gone ahead with the plan even when the forecast was not terribly encouraging. AND we were lucky enough to get a group portrait taken before we launched by a man we'd met there before who was preparing for a short paddle himself in a wide and comfy rec boat. Thanks, Eric! Prudence
  19. We are on. As original post states, prepare for launch at 10 am. But good idea to check first thing in morning in case weather forecast changes markedly for the worse overnight. If that happens, I will PM everyone. If you don't hear from me, we're on!
  20. Ring out the old with what has become - for some of us at least - an end of the year or beginning of New Year tradition. Current forecast is decent for launching on Saturday morning from Charlestown Little Mystic River boat ramp and paddling along the Boston side of the Inner Harbor, chatting with tourists and dogs, and enjoying the city views. Group will be limited to 8. 10 am launch - so arrive in time to unpack and etc. Usual requirements: winter paddling gear - drysuits and boats with bulkheads and deck lines etc. Post interest here. If weather goes downhill (current forecast is for some showers starting after 3 pm) the trip is subject to cancellation. Prudence
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