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Posts posted by brambor

  1. Trying to post a reply to see whether i get an error too.

    No error. hmm. Could anyone else please try?

    Since yesterday when I try to post I am taken to an "Index Error" page. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


  2. hmm the Olympus opens up to 2.0 that is a huge plus in my book although with the wide angles of these cameras the effect will be diminished. Is it possible that the Olympus takes bad video or could there be some operator error involved ?

    It is interesting how different our tastes and requirements are. My ideal kayaking camera would have a waterproof wireless remote shutter (wrist band?) that I could hold/access while I am paddling. The camera would come with lowest profile suction cup mount available and could also be attached to my shoulder or chest. :-).

  3. few more videos I found:

    Don't be spreading rumors! Actually it was such a windy day that they were worried about it if it got too far away from the dock. It was really nicely done.

    The Tequila from Point 65 was used for this. It is a "modular kayak" that is built with sections. Really for a versatile camp "boat" for families to play around with, it is quite fun. It comes apart and goes in the back of Prius - the two sections of the front and back.


  4. Boat - take it off the truck and slide it under the porch. Sometimes I leave it outside when it is raining - let mother nature do the work. Sometimes (about twice per year) I find my route to the other side of the house where the waterhose is, put it on saw horses and spray it down.

    Clothing - hang it all outside on the clothesline and spray it with the waterhose

    I need to do a better job at washing my neoprene gloves inside. Sometimes they get way too stinky for my comfort.

    Paddles - never. I like one piece paddles but some of my older Euro paddles are hard to take apart now.

  5. I put it on my calendar as a camping trip. Hope nothing comes across this plan but if all goes well I will be departing either late Friday or Saturday Morning for Bangs - see you there!

  6. I think that the 'ONLY lynch please' was not a negative directive towards you.

    The reason Rick only wanted you to answer is that we all have differing opinions on whether or not a knife on a pfd is necessary. Rick probably did not want to start a giant discussion on the merits. He was probably just interested in your preference.

    I am a little confused by your post. what do you mean by "ONLY lynch please"?

    Also I feel as though a knife is a good tool to have on you. Why do you no think it is necessary, because most people I have talked to/most things I have read say you should carry one?

  7. Condolences to his family. Very sad.

    I have been trying to track this sad story since Sunday. This incident happened on Saturday. We have been paddling in the area on Saturday (about 10 - 15 miles from the reported incident).

    The forecast (If I remember correctly) was for 2 ft seas in the morning and 1ft seas in the afternoon with wind coming out of the southwest. There was no mention of winds over 10 knots in the forecast.

    When we arrived in the morning, the condition appeared to be about 1ft seas but the winds were more from south, even south easterly at times. When we got on the water the water got slightly livelier as we rounded some points. We enjoyed paddling with the wind in our back for most of the journey from Kennebunkport to Cape Porpoise.

    We took a break at Cape Island. After 1PM we were ready to head back. Woticed the winds increasing and the seas producing bumpier fetch. The paddle back gave us estimated 15 knot winds from the south with gusts around 20 knots. The ocean was definitely alive, especially after we rounded Walker's point. These conditions were in contradiction in my perceived forecast of 1ft seas in the afternoon.

    The unfortunate paddler in this incident could have encountered water conditions beyond forecast but nevertheless, I think a wet suit choice of garment for solo paddling in April is questionable. On the other hand the incident might have involved a medical condition and it is entirely possible it was not related to conditions.

    It is a little eerie. Last week I have been contemplating paddling to Bluff Island and the nature preserve on Stratton Island to do some bird watching.

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