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Posts posted by rossjb1

  1. Well Alex and I headed East towards Gloucester. The water was very still with only small gently breaking waves on the shore. We meandered along the coastline enjoying the spectacular rock formations and cliffs along the shore. We would pop in out, around, and sometimes over the rocks (depending upon the swell). We found a few neat spots where we could paddle into some small coves racing in with the swells and then a quick low brace turn finding ourselves in a small protected pool of calm water. The water rushed in whirling and bubbling around the pool. Working our way along the shore we turned around just after the tide began coming in. There was a noticeable difference when the tidal shift came. The power of the swell increased and what was once gentle nudges became more of a thrusting push. A bit more exciting! We were able to catch a few short waves for some all too short surfing. Some nice spots on the tip of Kettle Island where we were able to bop around on the refracting waves. Heading back a rogue wave hits and I find myself up on a rock with the swell retreating. The water disappears and I discover that air is not a good element to support a brace. So over I go. A wet exit to avoid any encounters with the rocks and then a T-rescue by Alex. All part of the excitement. We returned to the beach and practiced our cold water rolls, sculls and Eskimo rescues. Good to work on those things close to the warmth of the cars. A great day of paddling! A great party afterwards. Ross

  2. 3 of us guys going so far, probably gliding towards Gloucester to do some rock gardening and grabbing some grub on one of the gravel beaches. Conditions currently seem quiet and calm with small waves cresting, conducive for a possible crossing of the harbor (depending on the current of course). Oh god its starting again... help!!!



    Low tide @ 11:03 so there will be plenty of exposed rock to play around if there are any swells. good time to be out there because exposed vegetation won't scratch up the boat (as much). Should be pretty calm so we make try to make it more of a journey. Off the water with plenty of time to make it to the party! Ross

  3. Sorry people, I know its probably cheating, possibly even plagiarism, but I had to partake in the pull of putting a few more P’s in my previous post. I PROMISE I won’t persist because my spouse won’t permit it. She proclaimed that partaking in it is positively peculiar and presenting as a problem pertaining to this particular paddler. Plus it’s pretty much paralyzing the productivity and performance of my parietal lobe, causing her to be perturbed and a bit pissed. (that plus the paddling gear soaking in the tub)

    I am pleasantly surprised and pleased by the plethora of poetically profound posts produced since I penned and then published the pensive preliminary paragraph (some preposterous, some perverse and some par excellence). Who knew the power and potential possibilities of our proud little pal the prolific Phoneme P (Professional Speech Lang. Pathologists peg it as a Plosive produced by puckering the lips into a popping position)? It appears, perhaps, that we have pried opened a proverbial Pandora’s box of paddler pandemonium. Present now is a plausible possibility that our creativity will soon plateau, probably plummeting precipitously thereby producing more pages of passionate yet purposeless perseverative pondering on the letter P. Not a good prognosis. Though I can’t postulate positively at what precise place, it would be prophetic to point out that we probably shouldn’t push it.

    The pertinent pronouncement is thus … any persons plotting to possibly participate in this…. I say it apprehensively….pre party paddle, please proudly proclaim your plans in your next personal post.

    Ross. A.K.A. Padayak, the Pied Piper of Paddling

  4. I am pleasantly surprised by the plethora of published posts since I penned the preliminary. Who knew the power and potential possibilities for the phoneme P (technically referred as a plosive). It appears, however, that we have pried opened a proverbial pandoras box of paddling. There is now a distinct possibility that our creativity will soon plateau, possibly even plummet thereby producing more paragraphs of passionate yet purposeless perseverative pondering on the letter P. Though I can’t say positively at what precise point, but we really shouldn’t push it. The pertinent question is thus … any persons who will possibly be plotting to participate in this…. dare I say it….pre party paddle, please pronounce themselves personally in your next post.

    Ross. A.K.A. Padayak, the Pied Piper of Paddling

  5. Pomposity? Pugnacious presumption! Peter prefers perseverating not parsimonious Ps.

    Ed Lawson

    People, please be polite to poor Peter the pious paddler if he prefers his own personal post. I don't take it personally, it wasn't perfect, and he does paddle a P&H (perhaps not permanently but at least presently) . And always remember....Precluding any of our personality problems we are all still just paddlers in a pod.. Ross

  6. Meet at Kettle Cove beach parking (Ocean St. off of 127) @ 10:00. Paddle around the islands or if anyone prefers, pick a rock garden to play in. If the ocean is placid then we can pick a straight line (A-P) point, paddling parallel to the profile of the shore or peel off and pursue a perpendicular path. Perhaps even partake in some skills practice. Not to pontificate, but please prepare appropriately to prevent any perilous predicaments on this pre-party paddle. Ross (P.S. My wife says I spend way too much time on this web site).

  7. Ross -

    I need to work off Corona and peanut butter cups and would love to join your paddle on Sunday. Just tell me when and where. You can email me at boatbossbsb@yahoo.com or call me at 603-493-2098



    Great! We will meet at Ordiorne point @ 10:00. I was near there on Friday and saw that there is a bridge out just after the visitor center so try another route. my #i s 914-489-2673 for any late comers. It is a cell so call any time. Ross

  8. Meet at Kettle Cove beach parking (Ocean St. off of 127) @ 10:00. Ross . Looks like day is warming up and wind is slowing. We can still practice towing and maybe some rescues at the end of the day if anyone is still interested. Ross

    Don't forget to bring a thermos with hot chocolate.

  9. Yeah, it does seem kind of windy and brisk. I'd be up for it, and maybe Hal too, but I'm a bit of a wimp--so let us know if you think conditions are fair enough.

    Nancy, we're going to give it a try tomorrow. May still be cold but I can't stand to be indoors all weekend. We'll just go for a brisk paddle and head in if its too cold. Ross

  10. Meet at Kettle Cove beach parking (Ocean St. off of 127) @ 10:00. Ross . Looks like day is warming up and wind is slowing. We can still practice towing and maybe some rescues at the end of the day if anyone is still interested.



    GUSTS UP TO 35 KT. SEAS 4 TO 6 FT.

    *If conditions don't look safe for a paddle we may call it off at the beach so don't travel too far* Ross

  11. Any interest in skills practice in conditions on Sunday? Towing, rescues etc. Perhaps in protected cove in Manchester. Reply if interested, nothing definite yet. Ross

    It's looking and feeling mighty cold and windy out there so....we'll keep looking at the weather to make a decision. Too bad it's so D@#% windy! Ross

  12. Well, I guess that ruins my stories to Gail of towering seas and desperate struggles to shore.

    Wait a minute, if we use the horizontal distance the water moved up the beach, then it must have been three foot surf at least..

    Ed Lawson

    I put this on the trip reports also, thought you might enjoy... Ross

    Yes indeed the Ocean was serene and calm some might think a bore,

    the waves gently lapping upon rocks and shore.

    A soft cool breeze nudging gently our boats,

    the wind in my ears like musical notes.

    Blowing with just slight amount of force

    we would shift our bums to right our course.

    Hark I see ahead...Surf has come to meet us,

    it is the wake of Peters fast moving Cetus!

    I catch a short but thrilling ride,

    a standing wave forms from the incoming tide.

    Tipping then bracing to keep from the brink,

    my low brace keeps me from a salt water drink.

    On to braveboat but the water was flat,

    we met Jon and his wife and had a short chat

    A man of the sea we then happened upon,

    his beard was white and really quite long.

    An old time paddler with a custom built ship,

    for an old guy he really was quite hip.

    Unbeknownst to me but a hero I soon learned,

    He once plucked a man from icy water when his boat overturned.

    He knew the river quite well each turn and each bend,

    and spoke of it fondly as if it were and old and dear friend.

    We said goodbye to our companion and began heading back,

    the current was moving as it was well past slack.

    Then round Gerrish and a crossing complete,

    we made it to shore and back on our feet.

    Good bye to Jason as darkness drew near,

    Peter and I went to Portsmouth for a well deserved beer.

  13. Yes indeed the Ocean was serene and calm some might think a bore,

    the waves gently lapping upon rocks and shore.

    A soft cool breeze nudging gently our boats,

    the wind in my ears like musical notes.

    Blowing with just slight amount of force

    we would shift our bums to right our course.

    Hark I see ahead...Surf has come to meet us,

    it is the wake of Peters fast moving Cetus!

    I catch a short but thrilling ride,

    a standing wave forms from the incoming tide.

    Tipping then bracing to keep from the brink,

    my low brace keeps me from a salt water drink.

    On to braveboat but the water was flat,

    we met Jon and his wife and had a short chat

    A man of the sea we then happened upon,

    his beard was white and really quite long.

    An old time paddler with a custom built ship,

    for an old guy he really was quite hip.

    Unbeknownst to me but a hero I soon learned,

    He once plucked a man from icy water when his boat overturned.

    He knew the river quite well each turn and each bend,

    and spoke of it fondly as if it were and old and dear friend.

    We said goodbye to our companion and began heading back,

    the current was moving as it was well past slack.

    Then round Gerrish and a crossing complete,

    we made it to shore and back on our feet.

    Good bye to Jason as darkness drew near,

    Peter and I went to Portsmouth for a well deserved beer.

  14. Jon good to hear you are joining us. I'm not sure of the put in so give a call in the A.M.

    Perhaps we can carpool, we are meeting at my house. I'll give directions over the phone. Ross

    It's 9:00 AM We had some cancellations so we are looking to modify our plans to hit the beaches for surfing. Give a call. Ross

  15. Do we have a definite put-in yet? I will call the above # pretty early (0745 +/-) if no reply here. Should be a great day! Jon

    Jon good to hear you are joining us. I'm not sure of the put in so give a call in the A.M.

    Perhaps we can carpool, we are meeting at my house. I'll give directions over the phone. Ross

  16. Cape Porpoise it is! We will meet at around 10:00 up there. We have 3 so far, possibly 4. GIve a call 914-489-2673 if any last minute takers. Ross

    Not quite sure where we will be putting in. We will be leaving Amesbury at 8:30 (Don't forget to change clocks) so if anyone is interested we could caravan up. Call in the morning.

  17. I am heading to waters off Portsmouth shortly; I usually park and launch from Goat Isl. if anyone wants to meet. There is some fairly tame rock gardening around the corner from the breakwater between Little Harbour and Fort Point. Its really nice out right now. Back to check in on tomorrow's paddle later tonight.

    Cape Porpoise it is! We will meet at around 10:00 up there. We have 3 so far, possibly 4. GIve a call 914-489-2673 if any last minute takers. Ross

  18. I've not yet been to the Cape Porpoise area. Looks like it could be a nice place to explore. I would be up for that. We could meet up together and break off into pods if folks want to play around in surf or rocks. Ross

  19. We are definitely getting out on the water Sunday (and Saturday for me). Usually Portsmouth to Maine area but I'd be up to heading south.

    Hey Jon, There has been talk of heading North into Maine. I would be interested in doing some surfing (either playing in the rocks or on the beach). An early start up to Popham possibly? (clocks change on Sunday) Braveboat? Anyone else have ideas?

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