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Gary B

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  1. Keith, Glad to here you are both OK. It's evident that you both were prepared for when the $hit hit the fan. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience with us so that we can all take something good out of your calamity. Looking forward to an interesting read. Thanks again and welcome back from the edge. Gary B
  2. I have no suggestions for you. Never paddled in the area. Like yourselves, I just need to get on the water for a few hours. Hope the drysuit still fits after these holidays! Will need directions to the put-ins up there. Thanks,
  3. Ed, I could do either day. The winds look calmer for Monday.
  4. Count me in as well. Just need some paddling partners. Wanted to join the Portsmouth trip last weekend but it was too far, considering I still had to squeeze in some Christmas shopping. Was going to do the Charles in Medfield as a back-up plan but the water was too hard. Would like to go out at least once a month. Gary B.
  5. Karen, I sent an e-mail last night to you but it got kicked back. I just tried another one. I'd like to enroll in a session on Sunday. The morning is preferable. Please let me know if I'm in or not. Meanwhile I'm holding Sunday open for this. Thanks, Gary B.
  6. Congratulations Sing! That's really bitchin' Bra. You must be stoked. We're very happy for you. Gary B
  7. There was a video too? Links on the website lead to "the full story" about the event which happened in '79. I just came across it today. Figured I'd share it anyway. I like the part where someone was having a cup of joe with the Capt. a month after the event....... "He was smoking a Camel Non-filter but didn't even need an ashtray because his hands were still shaking too much for the ash to build up to any degree." Gary B.
  8. Got to watch them currents. They can take your boat for a ride you wouldn't imagine. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~soldier/towboat.htm
  9. Wow! That was amazing! Loved to read his first hand account. Great advertisement for that boat manufacturer! Don't think I'd buy his used wetsuit though. Gary B.
  10. Rick, Thanks for putting this on. It should be fun. Wish I could make it but have a 25th anniversary to attend on Saturday. Enjoy! Gary B.
  11. I enjoyed paddling with the new trip leaders last Sunday. Some I knew. Some I just met. All good people that will be an asset to the club and paddling community. It was a pleasure and I look forward to paddling with them again. Next time I'll behave. Yeah. Right. Congratulations!, Gary B.
  12. Congratulations Jed. How cool is that! Gary B.
  13. I'm game. Count me in too. Thanks, Gary B.
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