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Everything posted by Michael_Crouse

  1. http://www.malegislature.gov/bills/187/house/h00646 It's for all boaters who you use smaller boats. I just heard about it.
  2. I had latex socks on my drysuit but I had them replaced with Goretex socks. I prefer the Goretex, the latex were always a bit tight on my extra large feet. The Goretex are also easier to take on and off and easiest to wear boots over. The Goretex are more durable, but always wear a shoe/bootie over them. As others have said, latex socks are better than ankle gaskets but Goretex socks are better than latex. If you can go with the Goretex do it, it's worth the extra $
  3. REI was great when some Thule J cradles rusted on us. The running joke is REI = return equipment indefinitely.
  4. Two questions which were both answered at the workshop, but my memory isn't what it used to be. Brian what was that source for the Fein blades? Mike where did you get the metal strong back?
  5. Many thanks to Fred, Mike, Leon, Brian and to Bob for this workshop. It was fun and very informative!
  6. hopefully soon it will be "go paddle with dada" or "boat for me too!"
  7. I'm going to make some generalizations but here goes.... A smaller person in a smaller kayak will be quicker than a small person in a kayak that is too big for them. By big I mean too wide, and long. Their are several smaller/shorter kayaks that are perfectly suitable for the ocean. The P&H Vela, Impex Mystic or Montauk, the Mariner Coaster or Elan, Seda Ikkuma 15, etc... Their are a lot more smaller kayaks that should not be on the ocean.
  8. Please add me, Kim, and Zoe to the attendee list. I figure if I start a SOF now it should be ready in several years for Zoe to paddle.
  9. Add another 2.25 people to the RSVP's, Kim, Zoe, and I will be there.
  10. Doug you should send that picture to Werner and give them a call, I broke the shaft on my carbon Camano years ago and they replaced the shaft for me. Hopefully they could put a new blade on for you and it will be cheaper than buying a new paddle.
  11. Where is the rudder freezing? Is it where the cables enter the kayak or is it the assembly at the back of the kayak? I recall Christopher (Pintail) kept his knife coated in petroleum jelly to prevent rust, I wonder if this would help prevent freezing? It would attract dirt so it might cause more problems than it cures. Have you tried calling Boreal? Considering they're based in Quebec I assume they have encountered this problem before.
  12. Ummm Suz was that your old Argonaut.... the one I bought from you? Not that it matters, just laughing thinking about it.
  13. - leash to the wrist - I would never leash to the wrist as the downside of being pulled by your wrist is too high. Think of the potential damage. After leashing to my wrist, dropping my paddle (hey it's on a leash!) and trying to do a T rescue in conditions I will never leash again! The paddle was sucked under the boats because of the current and that short bungie on my wrist kept pulling my hand down so I couldn't pull/roll the other kayak onto my deck.
  14. On the calendar posting their is a link to the Mapquest directions, the address comes up in Mapquest so if you prefer google maps or use a GPS you can enter it their too. For those who used the pool last year it looks like they moved the main High School entrance about 30 feet or so and reconfigured the main parking area. It doesn't look like they changed the area where we park, so we still have that wonderful short carry into the pool.
  15. I like my Snap Dragon neoprene skirt and a lot of people swear by Seals. Many years ago I used an "off brand" and they would last barely two seasons. My Snap Dragon is still going strong. btw. those old beat up skirts are great for using at pool sessions
  16. For some reason all I can think of is John Leonard in his old Pintail
  17. Thank you, thank you, and again thank you! It looks really nice on a Droid now.
  18. Any thin bootie with a wrap around rubber heel should work. I have some Chotas that are thin and flexible but have a durable wrap around heel. I used a pair of booties without the rubber heel once, they lasted a month before the neoprene was worn through. You might also want to try padding under your heels with something like this http://kayakoutfitting.com/index.php?main_...;products_id=17
  19. "Mike, you are teetering on relapse..." Just looking Bob. I can't afford anything, nor do I have time to paddle what I've already got. I suppose if something like a Romany Surf or a Zephyr 16 pro for $400 popped up for sale I would fall off the wagon. I really should sell the old Gulfstream but how much would I get for a well used (lots of surface scratches) 2000 Gulfstream? Weekends and weeknights are currently spend working on house and playing with little Zoe.
  20. Lots of new interesting kayaks coming out, something for us bigger guys from Tahe kayaks. http://gnarlydognews.blogspot.com/2010/10/...gul-520-lv.html
  21. I've heard this called the reverse screw roll before. In a WW kayak you can bury the bow, raise the stern and roll without getting your head wet! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8lbya1rSp0 bad finish but you get the idea.
  22. I may try these eventually but my hatch covers are still ok and since the fleet has a total of 7 oval valley hatches I'll be able to switch and swap them for a while. Maybe it's cheaper to buy more Valley boats rather then replace the hatch covers?
  23. Hey Konstantin you might be thinking about me and Kim, the baby girl part, not the gasket or diaper rash part.
  24. http://nadgeekayaks.com.au/news-events/aus...a-by-kayak.html He's trying to do it self supported.
  25. That is a lot o' cash, but being a triple layer system it's your summer bag, spring and fall bag, and your dead of winter it's 30 below and I'm toasty warm bag. It also comes with a Down Air Mattress, which is around $150 from other manufacturers. Considering the cost of three down bags and a DAM that price, while being painful to your wallet, isn't really that high. I went to their house/manufacturing plant many years ago. Be warned that supposedly they are "naturalists" so going in the winter when it was cold was apparently a good idea! The tents are amazing, I just wish they had vestibules.
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