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2nd Annual Easter Bunny Plunge 4/20/14


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2nd Annual NSPN Easter Bunny Plunge, Sunday April 20, 2014

First: a disclaimer. Easter Bunny Plunge became somewhat of a misnomer when 91% of the group dipped a figurative toe into the 38 degree water, felt the steady breeze on the face, and figured quite sensibly that there was no reason whatsoever to ruin a lovely Easter Sunday bright, brisk and clear by voluntarily immersing into the numbing waters off of West Beach in Beverly.

As each of us arrived at the parking lot, we were greeted by Trip Initiator and Head Bunny, Cathy Folster, who bestowed rabbit ears and Easter Eggs on all who didnt arrive with their own. Which would be everyone except, ahem, the undersigned, who had such well secured ears that she was able to paddle with them all day long!

We milled about enjoying our ears.

Initiator bunny:


Sad bunny:


Biker bunny:


Buddy bunnies:


Pink and green bunnies:


Married bunnies:


Sand bunny:


Whole group of bunnies:


Cathy conducted a beach briefing. post-101481-0-09362700-1398112071_thumb. We all managed to remain serious. post-101481-0-65519300-1398112093_thumb.

And so finally a group of ten weenies and one hardy soul (more on that later) launched at low tide from a beach dotted with people out enjoying one of the rare mornings of late that have actually felt like spring. We launched through wavelets that had gone from six inches when we arrived at the put-in to perhaps a foot or two by the time we launched. Enough so that I got a lap, chest and faceful of the "refreshing" water as a wave broke right as I went through it. Then two designated pods, which within about four strokes of shore became one rambly pod, paddled southeast toward Great Misery Island. When we rounded the eastern edge, we lost whatever protection wed had and the wind, waves and reflecting clapotis (a redundancy that had Peter initiating a discussion but no limericks about redundant phrases some time on) off the island gave us a bit of a bumpy ride as we headed toward Little Misery Island, where Cathy had suggested a first stop to adjust gear and clothing as needed.

post-101481-0-04987600-1398112116_thumb. post-101481-0-79373500-1398112136_thumb.

Aside from the brisk current running between Great and Little, the channel was calm. We landed and gathered up to consider the next leg of our journey. Cathy had mapped out an ambitious agenda that had us hitting or landing at six islands on our way to a lunch break at Childrens before wed head back for home and many of the bunnies planned Easter dinners with friends and loved ones. The confusion of the water on the way to Little Misery had us reconsidering, given the size and varying skill levels of the group. A pow wow ensued.


We were observed.


A clear plan, to scrap heading further southward toward the exposed islands, and instead to point for Coney Island, remained clear for about three minutes, at which point there was some group confusion about where the heck is Coney Island? We stopped to do some chart and compass work for practice. It didnt really matter where the heck Coney Island was, because it was totally clear, we were the only boats out on the water, and there were about a million recognizable landmarks along the shore. But a trip calls for exercise of different kinds, and we all rafted up and came up with a heading of 240.


Which ended up not taking into account a strong current that pulled us westward. At this point, the trip went from being a Common Adventure Model trip to what Cathy later christened as a Common AimLess Model trip (CALM for short), as we all pointed hither and yon to where? Where we goin'? What's the plan?

There was other exercise as well. Cathy wanted to try doing a longer tow than shed ever tried, so she hauled Robert for some distance before deciding to unhook and catch up with the group.


It was an excellent day to have destination confusion because the conditions in Salem Sound were much calmer than those outside of Misery, and there were no hazards anywhere in sight. The CALM model (redundancy!!) ultimately had us pointing toward Salem Willows, where we ended up stopping for lunch. Peter guided us all safely through the surf at the beach.


The Easter Bunny was good to us there, too.


Although we belatedly realized we'd have had no problem getting to Childrens, we were happy for a break in the sun where we were.

The return route was more simple. Cross over the channel to the shoreline, turn right and keep on going until we got back to where we'd started.


For some miraculous reason, the wandering and diffuse group of the morning became a more coherent pod in the afternoon.


We cruised along near the shore, not far from the walkers on various sandy beaches (some of which bristled with NO TRESPASSING signs) that we passed.


Dogs, high priced real estate, and the unexpected call of a loon. Paddling over the green water over the sandy bottom next to shore made the water seem warmer, friendlier. A momentary temptation on my part to get wet. Temptation resisted.

As we reached the last leg, with West Beach in sight, over went our one Hardy Bunny, Rob!...and several of us converged toward him rapidly. Jeff pounced on the prospect of practicing a rescue, which he and Rob accomplished with surety and speed.


Rob pronounced the water "not too bad," but even that ringing endorsement didn't entice anyone else in.

And while some of us would have been happy to paddle longer, it was just past our scheduled finish time, and so avoiding somewhat larger waves, we paddled to the north end of the beach, where the waves were damped by a chopped salad seaweed through which we slogged for the last little bit, our boats and legs ending up covered with gunk.

And while there had been more disorganization on this CAM, CALM, Chocolate Adventure Model trip than had been planned, 100% of us returned to shore, more or less together.

Many many thanks to Cathy for LOTS of pre-trip planning and organizing, and for keeping us thinking about CAM principles through the day.

Thanks to Joyce, Robert, Mike, Peter, Jeff, Beth, Jackie, Warren and Sue for being such excellent companions on the paddle.

There were no bad bunnies post-101481-0-25450600-1398112555_thumb. on this trip!


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Excellent summary of an excellent day! Thank you, Pru!

Huge thanks Cathy for all the organizing before the paddle as well as the valiant attempts to keep us together and on some known track once under paddle, and most especially for the ears and candy!

Thanks Beth for the offer to try another boat. I'll take you up on that on another day.

Thanks to all for the good company and happy trip.

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Great read! I saw all of your cars in the parking lot as I rode by yesterday at the end of a Salem/Essex/Gloucester/Salem bike ride.

Makes me realize I need to unwrap the kayaks, but I have a feeling that these water temps will be too cold for my farmer john for at least another month or so.

Looks like it was a great day on water!

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Thank you for a wonderful trip report and great pictures.


Thank you for your work in planning the trip and your superb skills in making certain we were safe and having fun on the water.

All Paddling Bunnies,

Thank you for your efforts in assuring group safety and helping to making the day a great annual treat!


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Pru - great trip report - you captured it in such a unique way!

Thank you to everyone for being willing to join me on this escapade and for your patience during the aimless portion of the trip.

Except for the sunburn due to forgetting to put sunscreen on (Take note everyone, the sun is back!), it was a good day.

See you all again next year, I hope.

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Great report..gave me quite a chuckle


Thanks for all the facilitating


Thanks for the ofer to try your Grenland paddle ( another time)

And one confession

A plunge in the 40 and 40 conditons was never on my float plan.

See you all soon at REI and on the water,


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A great day with a fine bunch of bunnies, and thanks Pru for another great trip report. My thanks to the bunny who saved the day for me by lending me a sprayskirt after I left mine at home, and my admiration for the one bunny who actually took the plunge... I was tempted, but only briefly.

And yes, I got sunburned too.... Happy Easter everyone!


Edited by BethS
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