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CAM Session, April 7, 2014


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What a day! Bright sunshine, warm temperatures and calm breezes!

Scott, Suz, Rick and Peter ably oversaw a CAMable group of paddlers on a series of adventures. Cathy, Jeff, Liz, Jonathan, Mike, Rob and Kathy flawlessly planned trips that had us circumnavigating Fishers, Naushon, Monomoy and Little Cranberry Islands as well as Vinalhaven and North Haven, sampling gourmet chocolate in a small island village, and enjoying the beautiful Massachusetts coastline south of Greasy Pole.

Trip initiators planned things so that we only paddled with the current to help us along; successfully navigated the treacherous waters at both ends of Fishers Island; outfoxed the crazy currents around Woods Hole; ensured that we wouldn't get stranded on a sandbar off of Cape Cod; confidently navigated the confusion of islands in the Stonington Archipelago and got us safely to the candy store on Isle au Haut; stayed upright in the gnarly waters between Baker and Little Cranberry Islands; and didn't get run over by any fast-moving mega ship while making a six mile crossing on a major shipping channel.

PLUS comprehensive beach briefings that left nothing predictable to chance; group dynamics that were always easy; and responses to any incidents that did arise that were invariably characterized by clarity, tact and aplomb.

And all this from our comfortable our seats in a conference room at the NE Aquarium overlooking all the whale watch boats coming and going throughout the day.

Special thanks to Peter for the amazing venue, Cathy for the excellent datenut bread, all the presenters named above for all the knowledge they imparted, the crew of trip initiators, and all the rest of us for just being there.

And for the day to end with an opportunity to stroke a swimming ray (they're kinda slimy in a nice way) and to view the impressive giant rebuilt fish and turtle environment that Peter had such a major hand in bringing to fruition...well, a day doesn't get much better than that.

One of the best CAM training sessions ever. Thanks to all!


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Yes, it was wonderful! Many thanks to those that gave up one of the few nice days we have seen in a while to educate us.

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I am amazed at the wealth of knowledge imparted in the past two CAM session. Many thanks to Scott, Peter, Suz, and Rick for giving up their valuable time to help us become better and more sea worthy paddlers. Peter, the venue couldn't have been better - thanks for arranging it!

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Many thanks to Scott, Peter, Suz, and Rick for organizing and tutoring the amazing workshop. Thanks to other NSPN paddlers who shared their valuable experience and stories. Seakaying need knowledge, experience and team work as other great outdoor activities. I am so glad to learn much more in the two CAM workshops than other kayaking events in the past few years. Cannot be more fascinated to have a class at the New England Aquarium, thanks, Peter!

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Thank you Scott, Peter, Suz and Rick for such valuable information presented in a way that made the day fly by. Thanks also for all who presented planned trips and made me want to jump in the kayak and join them (while eating yummy banana bread and chocolate!). My take away is to have great respect for our amazing ocean, that everyone needs to be really prepared and to pay attention! Great event report, as always Pru.

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Hey, where was the chocolate (other than the imagined chocolate on Isle of Haut)?

Welcome to all! Peter great job for organizing and Scott/Rick for giving up your valuable time to help! Funny how I always learn something at these events. I think it reinforced with me setting expectations and being clear up front!


Edited by Suz
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As a 4th-year attendee of the CAM sessions, I am still amazed at how much can be learned each year, and yes, how much needs to be re-learned! Thanks everyone!

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Thanks for the great report Pru. Very sorry to have missed this, but glad I didn't share my germs with you all. I'll have to catch this class next year, meanwhile I look forward to the next session on the water!

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